Well, I'd be as bold as to say that indeed, in a MMORPG in particular, having bragging rights to somthing is a big motivational thing. People have big egos usually, and to feed that ego is good for them.
Secondly, I for one never farmed gear as an intentive to make people believe I had skillZorz. I did it because I like socialising with guildmembers, and setting up goals for myself and what I would try to get. I would never insist I have mad skills because of my gear. The MMORPG rather spoke to the collector in me; save up on stats on the gear to help the guild even more and work for a common goal.
Showing of the gear is just a bonus imo.
And that is why I have mixed feelings about the gear not having stats on them. I like collecting stats on my character. I liked the thrill I once had getting my shadow power to 500. I liked sensation of getting a full set after hard work. I know it sounds weird, but thats just how MMORPGs tend to work on people.
If I where designing the game, I'd try to mix the two extreme design philosofies. Gear stats to a lesser extent, and skill requirements to a more extent.
This will imo be a part of the next generation MMO's. No more static combat where everything gets decided by statistics and calculations. This means that there will be more skill involved, having the highest critical/avoidance ratings will not make you win battles, smart movement and reacting on your environment will make you win battles.
I think they are doing an awesome job by not making everything gear dependant. You can pick your own equipment and look however you want, you will be able to enhance this equipment through the use of sigils. You will not be stuck in that red dress that everyone has because it is by far the best chest item ingame.
Wearing epic uber endgame gear means absolutely nothing. It just means you got 40 people together, and ran the same instance over and over and over and over and over again... Big deal... I like the system where gear means nothing, making it more player skill based as opposed to how much spare time you have to dedicate to raiding. Plus, by being able to dress your character however you want opens up a few surpirses in PvP. You'll not really know what type of player you're facing, thus making you think abit more on your feet.
QFT! Main reason I quit playing games like WoW, "Omg! I got this sweet peice of armor that only took 2 months of running the same instance and now I have it! .....Wait ....whats that? Theres a better peice of armor in XYZ instance?!"
This game is going to be based on your skill as a gamer rather than the amount of time you can sit in front of you comp. Besides the combat system in this game alone is just a great idea in my opinion.
Currently I'm playng EVE Online because I like the idea of not being in front of the computer all day but still becoming better as a character and also the ability to impact the game. TCOS is also going to have the ability to impact the game world with statues guilds and houses. I'm really liking all the inovations in this game, I'd suggest that you atleast give this game a try. However if you'd rather be known for getting that uber gear that took you two months rather than being the most skilled pvper, then stay away from this game.
you DO realize that twich gaming IS skill based right...the skill to use the right abilities at the right times faster than your oponent......
you DO realize that twich gaming IS skill based right...the skill to use the right abilities at the right times faster than your oponent......
Well there is also a serious paper bag scissors issue in for example WoW.
The only hard thing might be to balance the characters since a more nooby person wont have a chance against someone with more skill but they might be the same level. This will probably cause some whine even though classes might be balanced.
Im a TCOS noob, so help me out if I'm missing something here... but:
I just heard about this game, downloaded every trailer, screenshot, and read every interview on the web...
The artwork alone sucked me in -- distinctly European, harkening back to my days in highschool reading Heavy Metal magazine... the illustrated realism was beautiful --
The skill system and class system, body types, races... Post apocalyptic...
I was thinking "more more!"
Until Iearned that gear has ZERO impact on your character's abilities. Stop right there. "WHAT?!"
One of the *greatest* joys in any MMO is showing off your hot new rare drop in the village. This sets you apart from other players and makes you feel good. If clothing and armor sets in TCOS serve little purpose other than to cosmetically set you apart from your peers, then WTF exactly is the point?
Seeing someone walk by you in difficult to obtain endgame gear is a rush... you want to get to that level (maybe), or obtain that gear yourself. Vice-Versa as well.. walking around in sick endgame gear makes you feel good.
Is this game basically going to be Halloween? You dont know who the hell is what class cause anyone can wear everything, and its just costume dress up? You can put points in skills and weapons, but so what? Basically everyone is the same with little reward for endgame accomplishments, rare drops, or crafting.
Please prove me wrong here.... ??? I really wanted to love this game.
Why don't you show off your skills instead of your gear... gear anyone can get ... eleetness is what the name implies.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Why should I have to have "1337" armour to prove to you that I am better then you. How bout I just prove that I am better by watching you drop into a puddle of your own blood while you spam the World Chat with, "WTF YOU MUST BE HAXXORZ OR SOMETHING".
Does it really matter if you don't get to go show off your new "Helm of the Flaming Eagle" to everyone in town. Most people really wouldn't care anyways. I would rather have a game where skill is the key and not loot that you can only obtain from spending 12 hours a night in your mothers basement, not my style.
You have all forget that this game does offer cool and diverce item drops as you go on, you dont have acess to all weapons and armour on character creation, there are rare armour and weapons that are dropped by mobs, so in reality this game will have just as much opprotunity to show off rare armour as wow, maybe even more... because in WoW you can get any armour you just have to keep killing the same guy... in this (from my understanding) the armour and weapon drops are random.. this is hasnt been confirmed this is speculation, so in WoW if you want T2 pvp gear just grind BG for 2 weeks and you have it... so its not really that rare coz anyone who grind BG for 2 weeks can get it. Plus i think the armour in this game will look hell-a-alot more cool.
And as far as armour and weapons go not having stats you can slot each armour and weapon with stones(i forget their names) yes they may not make a huge difference in power, and damage and they wont be much stronger then other peoples however the trick will be is to who can best slot their armour and weapons to complement their build of abilities and this giving them the edge... this again is based on skill ... i think this game will be tops.. on the one condition that the servers are ace.. if there is lag and people have unequal service it will cause heartache and headaches and put alot of people off.
They confirmed that as you progress through the game you will recieve new gear models, however these have no stats of there own until you infuse them with "sigil's" which will work in a similar way to WoW's/Diablos Jewelcrafting, ie certain amount of slots to put gems in
Wearing epic uber endgame gear means absolutely nothing. It just means you got 40 people together, and ran the same instance over and over and over and over and over again... Big deal... I like the system where gear means nothing, making it more player skill based as opposed to how much spare time you have to dedicate to raiding. Plus, by being able to dress your character however you want opens up a few surpirses in PvP. You'll not really know what type of player you're facing, thus making you think abit more on your feet.
QFT! Main reason I quit playing games like WoW, "Omg! I got this sweet peice of armor that only took 2 months of running the same instance and now I have it! .....Wait ....whats that? Theres a better peice of armor in XYZ instance?!"
This game is going to be based on your skill as a gamer rather than the amount of time you can sit in front of you comp. Besides the combat system in this game alone is just a great idea in my opinion.
Currently I'm playng EVE Online because I like the idea of not being in front of the computer all day but still becoming better as a character and also the ability to impact the game. TCOS is also going to have the ability to impact the game world with statues guilds and houses. I'm really liking all the inovations in this game, I'd suggest that you atleast give this game a try. However if you'd rather be known for getting that uber gear that took you two months rather than being the most skilled pvper, then stay away from this game. agree
Until Iearned that gear has ZERO impact on your character's abilities. Stop right there. "WHAT?!"
One of the *greatest* joys in any MMO is showing off your hot new rare drop in the village. This sets you apart from other players and makes you feel good. If clothing and armor sets in TCOS serve little purpose other than to cosmetically set you apart from your peers, then WTF exactly is the point?
Gear does have affect your character's abilities; however, it is not the gear directly. They haven't said exactly how the system works, but basically, you go around and collect gear, then pick the gear you think looks best, and then you use certain items to add stats and such to your gear.
Essentially, this means that gear does have an impact but its what you enchant your gear with that matters, not the gear itself (the gear itself is just cosmetic).
i haven't read all the four pages but indeed gear in The chronicles of spellborn doesn't affect you character, it only makes it look cool.
(still strange you first got hooked up with the game and only heard/read later that gear has no stats, for me its one of the most important things and the very first thing i heard about tcos)and.... there are no stats in tcos the devs wanted to avoid the numbers as much as possible making the game more skill based.
Im a TCOS noob, so help me out if I'm missing something here... but:
I just heard about this game, downloaded every trailer, screenshot, and read every interview on the web...
The artwork alone sucked me in -- distinctly European, harkening back to my days in highschool reading Heavy Metal magazine... the illustrated realism was beautiful --
The skill system and class system, body types, races... Post apocalyptic...
I was thinking "more more!"
Until Iearned that gear has ZERO impact on your character's abilities. Stop right there. "WHAT?!"
One of the *greatest* joys in any MMO is showing off your hot new rare drop in the village. This sets you apart from other players and makes you feel good. If clothing and armor sets in TCOS serve little purpose other than to cosmetically set you apart from your peers, then WTF exactly is the point?
Seeing someone walk by you in difficult to obtain endgame gear is a rush... you want to get to that level (maybe), or obtain that gear yourself. Vice-Versa as well.. walking around in sick endgame gear makes you feel good.
Is this game basically going to be Halloween? You dont know who the hell is what class cause anyone can wear everything, and its just costume dress up? You can put points in skills and weapons, but so what? Basically everyone is the same with little reward for endgame accomplishments, rare drops, or crafting.
Please prove me wrong here.... ??? I really wanted to love this game.
bah silly farmers hope they will stay away if i decide to play this game.
Im a TCOS noob, so help me out if I'm missing something here... but:
I just heard about this game, downloaded every trailer, screenshot, and read every interview on the web...
The artwork alone sucked me in -- distinctly European, harkening back to my days in highschool reading Heavy Metal magazine... the illustrated realism was beautiful --
The skill system and class system, body types, races... Post apocalyptic...
I was thinking "more more!"
Until Iearned that gear has ZERO impact on your character's abilities. Stop right there. "WHAT?!"
One of the *greatest* joys in any MMO is showing off your hot new rare drop in the village. This sets you apart from other players and makes you feel good. If clothing and armor sets in TCOS serve little purpose other than to cosmetically set you apart from your peers, then WTF exactly is the point?
Seeing someone walk by you in difficult to obtain endgame gear is a rush... you want to get to that level (maybe), or obtain that gear yourself. Vice-Versa as well.. walking around in sick endgame gear makes you feel good.
Is this game basically going to be Halloween? You dont know who the hell is what class cause anyone can wear everything, and its just costume dress up? You can put points in skills and weapons, but so what? Basically everyone is the same with little reward for endgame accomplishments, rare drops, or crafting.
Please prove me wrong here.... ??? I really wanted to love this game.
sounds like someone is a wow fan hahahahahaha
99.00001% of the time I dont know what im saying 99.99% of the time I know I spelled the word wrong or repeated a sentence.. I did it so you can better your grammar 100.00% of the time if to many people post after my post very mad ill most likely with a 5% chance saying something like ....""
100.00% of the time I lack sleep and magical things come out of my head and type my posts for me? Please yell at the magical things not me... I am but a puppet
I think its fantastic, I've always hated having to sacrifice the look I want in favor of ugly mismatched stuff with good stats. In SWG I only wore my combat gear when I needed it, the rest of the time I was in my sweet custom made casual outfit.
P.S.- I do want progression in my appearance though, I want to have to earn or save up and buy my pimpy outfit, not create it on day one and never change or improve. I also want a TON of variety in clothes so no one looks like me.
Grymm MMO addict in recovery! EQ,SWG preCU,L2,EQ2,GW,CoH/CoV,V:SOH, Aion,AoC,TR,WAR,EVE,BP,RIFT,WoW and others... no more!
Im a TCOS noob, so help me out if I'm missing something here... but:
I just heard about this game, downloaded every trailer, screenshot, and read every interview on the web...
The artwork alone sucked me in -- distinctly European, harkening back to my days in highschool reading Heavy Metal magazine... the illustrated realism was beautiful --
The skill system and class system, body types, races... Post apocalyptic...
I was thinking "more more!"
Until Iearned that gear has ZERO impact on your character's abilities. Stop right there. "WHAT?!"
One of the *greatest* joys in any MMO is showing off your hot new rare drop in the village. This sets you apart from other players and makes you feel good. If clothing and armor sets in TCOS serve little purpose other than to cosmetically set you apart from your peers, then WTF exactly is the point?
Seeing someone walk by you in difficult to obtain endgame gear is a rush... you want to get to that level (maybe), or obtain that gear yourself. Vice-Versa as well.. walking around in sick endgame gear makes you feel good.
Is this game basically going to be Halloween? You dont know who the hell is what class cause anyone can wear everything, and its just costume dress up? You can put points in skills and weapons, but so what? Basically everyone is the same with little reward for endgame accomplishments, rare drops, or crafting.
Please prove me wrong here.... ??? I really wanted to love this game.
While I agree with your disappointment to a degree, I think I will reserve my feelings until the end product comes out. For example, in WoW everything revolved around gear - and it's why after playing since release I tossed in the towel. Everything in WoW that is broken from crafting to class nerfs to rep grinds to raiding is all because the entire gameplay revolves around gear.
The hitch is, they have to pull it off in a certain kind of way to make it successful. Pull in fun and reward (reward is key) through other means. I'm very curious myself.
*edited to add*
And as a former mage and priest in WoW, and Warlock in EQ2, etc - I have never truly had "autoattack" as I have always had to click a key for my attacks. I like that. I had a hunter (autoattack) and have tried melee classes such as Assasins, Champions, etc (mostly autoattack) and I can't stand it. Very boring.
Until Iearned that gear has ZERO impact on your character's abilities. Stop right there. "WHAT?!"
One of the *greatest* joys in any MMO is showing off your hot new rare drop in the village. This sets you apart from other players and makes you feel good. If clothing and armor sets in TCOS serve little purpose other than to cosmetically set you apart from your peers, then WTF exactly is the point?
Seeing someone walk by you in difficult to obtain endgame gear is a rush... you want to get to that level (maybe), or obtain that gear yourself. Vice-Versa as well.. walking around in sick endgame gear makes you feel good.
You do realise admitting something like this makes you a really sad person? Some...toon walking by in a computer game with gear that shouts "this dude grinded 5 months to get these!" and "the person wearing these has no real life!" gives you a...rush?
Lots of fluff on the website, concept was great, but actual game mechanics, meh.
Secondly, I for one never farmed gear as an intentive to make people believe I had skillZorz. I did it because I like socialising with guildmembers, and setting up goals for myself and what I would try to get. I would never insist I have mad skills because of my gear. The MMORPG rather spoke to the collector in me; save up on stats on the gear to help the guild even more and work for a common goal.
Showing of the gear is just a bonus imo.
And that is why I have mixed feelings about the gear not having stats on them. I like collecting stats on my character. I liked the thrill I once had getting my shadow power to 500. I liked sensation of getting a full set after hard work. I know it sounds weird, but thats just how MMORPGs tend to work on people.
If I where designing the game, I'd try to mix the two extreme design philosofies. Gear stats to a lesser extent, and skill requirements to a more extent.
Hello there, adventurer!

I think they are doing an awesome job by not making everything gear dependant. You can pick your own equipment and look however you want, you will be able to enhance this equipment through the use of sigils. You will not be stuck in that red dress that everyone has because it is by far the best chest item ingame.
Looking forward to seeing more of this game
This game is going to be based on your skill as a gamer rather than the amount of time you can sit in front of you comp. Besides the combat system in this game alone is just a great idea in my opinion.
Currently I'm playng EVE Online because I like the idea of not being in front of the computer all day but still becoming better as a character and also the ability to impact the game. TCOS is also going to have the ability to impact the game world with statues guilds and houses. I'm really liking all the inovations in this game, I'd suggest that you atleast give this game a try. However if you'd rather be known for getting that uber gear that took you two months rather than being the most skilled pvper, then stay away from this game.
you DO realize that twich gaming IS skill based right...the skill to use the right abilities at the right times faster than your oponent......
Well there is also a serious paper bag scissors issue in for example WoW.
The only hard thing might be to balance the characters since a more nooby person wont have a chance against someone with more skill but they might be the same level. This will probably cause some whine even though classes might be balanced.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Does it really matter if you don't get to go show off your new "Helm of the Flaming Eagle" to everyone in town. Most people really wouldn't care anyways. I would rather have a game where skill is the key and not loot that you can only obtain from spending 12 hours a night in your mothers basement, not my style.
You have all forget that this game does offer cool and diverce item drops as you go on, you dont have acess to all weapons and armour on character creation, there are rare armour and weapons that are dropped by mobs, so in reality this game will have just as much opprotunity to show off rare armour as wow, maybe even more... because in WoW you can get any armour you just have to keep killing the same guy... in this (from my understanding) the armour and weapon drops are random.. this is hasnt been confirmed this is speculation, so in WoW if you want T2 pvp gear just grind BG for 2 weeks and you have it... so its not really that rare coz anyone who grind BG for 2 weeks can get it. Plus i think the armour in this game will look hell-a-alot more cool.
And as far as armour and weapons go not having stats you can slot each armour and weapon with stones(i forget their names) yes they may not make a huge difference in power, and damage and they wont be much stronger then other peoples however the trick will be is to who can best slot their armour and weapons to complement their build of abilities and this giving them the edge... this again is based on skill ... i think this game will be tops.. on the one condition that the servers are ace.. if there is lag and people have unequal service it will cause heartache and headaches and put alot of people off.
thats my 2cents
They confirmed that as you progress through the game you will recieve new gear models, however these have no stats of there own until you infuse them with "sigil's" which will work in a similar way to WoW's/Diablos Jewelcrafting, ie certain amount of slots to put gems in
with this system you get the best of both worlds
- you decide the stats your gear has
- you decide your appearance
- leveling and obtaining new gear
This game is going to be based on your skill as a gamer rather than the amount of time you can sit in front of you comp. Besides the combat system in this game alone is just a great idea in my opinion.
Currently I'm playng EVE Online because I like the idea of not being in front of the computer all day but still becoming better as a character and also the ability to impact the game. TCOS is also going to have the ability to impact the game world with statues guilds and houses. I'm really liking all the inovations in this game, I'd suggest that you atleast give this game a try. However if you'd rather be known for getting that uber gear that took you two months rather than being the most skilled pvper, then stay away from this game. agree
you both win
Playing: EVE
and you better care
Essentially, this means that gear does have an impact but its what you enchant your gear with that matters, not the gear itself (the gear itself is just cosmetic).
(still strange you first got hooked up with the game and only heard/read later that gear has no stats, for me its one of the most important things and the very first thing i heard about tcos)and.... there are no stats in tcos the devs wanted to avoid the numbers as much as possible making the game more skill based.
No gear grind = a innovative game in my opinion
I only hope that they do not replace this with an alternate grinding system
Though this does not seem to be the case
Indepth character customisation is appealling too.
bah silly farmers hope they will stay away if i decide to play this game.
99.00001% of the time I dont know what im saying
99.99% of the time I know I spelled the word wrong or repeated a sentence.. I did it so you can better your grammar
100.00% of the time if to many people post after my post very mad ill most likely with a 5% chance saying something like ....""
100.00% of the time I lack sleep and magical things come out of my head and type my posts for me? Please yell at the magical things not me... I am but a puppet
I think its fantastic, I've always hated having to sacrifice the look I want in favor of ugly mismatched stuff with good stats. In SWG I only wore my combat gear when I needed it, the rest of the time I was in my sweet custom made casual outfit.
P.S.- I do want progression in my appearance though, I want to have to earn or save up and buy my pimpy outfit, not create it on day one and never change or improve. I also want a TON of variety in clothes so no one looks like me.
MMO addict in recovery!
Aion,AoC,TR,WAR,EVE,BP,RIFT,WoW and others... no more!
it looks like "eh",...
if you want TCoS, get Aion!!!!
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.
lol yea the characters look like deformed ants with aids.
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.
While I agree with your disappointment to a degree, I think I will reserve my feelings until the end product comes out. For example, in WoW everything revolved around gear - and it's why after playing since release I tossed in the towel. Everything in WoW that is broken from crafting to class nerfs to rep grinds to raiding is all because the entire gameplay revolves around gear.
The hitch is, they have to pull it off in a certain kind of way to make it successful. Pull in fun and reward (reward is key) through other means. I'm very curious myself.
*edited to add*
And as a former mage and priest in WoW, and Warlock in EQ2, etc - I have never truly had "autoattack" as I have always had to click a key for my attacks. I like that. I had a hunter (autoattack) and have tried melee classes such as Assasins, Champions, etc (mostly autoattack) and I can't stand it. Very boring.