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I came in the game several times yesterday since I took the 14 day free trial. This is a totally different game then the Galaxies I knew. Not only this but where the heck is everyone? There's no one in space, I mean no one. In the 4 or 5 hrs I spent yesterday in this game I saw all of one person, just one. And I'm talking about places like Naboo and a few others.
Why does this game continue to have so many servers when a merger is really needed. No one here now. Theres no one in the game to play with. I couldn't believe there weren't other people in this place.
I went to Tatoonie the place I lived at when I was here. I checked out the cantina just to see it as it brought back so many memories just being there. But its so sad to see the place is a virtual ghost town. I am in Radiant and I'm sure some of you will say your server has people but this isnt about that its about where are the people from radiant? This server had plenty of folks back then, now it's all gone.
I was checking out all my former stuff , the great armors, weapons, metals and other stuff I have which now are useless due to the way they changed the game. I still have many, many millions in cash which even if I wanted to give it away I can't due to thers no one in game to begin with.
I went to a few places just to soak in the great memories each place gave me. While standing there I could almost see the people of old talking and having a great time. The places we fought against each other and the great times we had. Everything now gone. All that remains are memories, memories which will never ever return as that era is gone, that game is gone. Now all that remains are ghost towns and empty memories. Too sad to see a great game like this come to nothing but a cracked shell, an empty barren shell of it's former self. Games management should be a shame of themselves having stolen the game right under its players and then to turn around and put this version out its even worse.
While some of you may of adjusted to this game and some others having come in without knowing the game how it used to be it may be ok for you. But for the many of us who knew and loved the old game it's different, a lot different. Now I realize why the great majority of ex-players have stayed away.
I may continue to drop in during the next 13 days because I love fighting in space and I have many great ships but I doubt I'll return for good. What for? Thers' no one in my sever. This game should have its name changed because this certainly isnt the SWG I knew, or we knew.
Its sad to hear that.... like the res of the servers with the exception of 3 of them being populated but not that populated as they say all the server have taken a hit in population and continues on a steady decline all I can say is roll another toon on another server or just give it up.
Another thing is that DO NOT PAY THEM WHATSOEVER!!!!!!! It's ok to try it just don't buy into the notion of some of these people here that the game is doing well when it isn't if you want more proof here is Server Tarquinas and you will see what I mean about population decline
All the recent content the dev team has added to the game has had the effect of spreading out the server populations. You would now see people around Restuss, Rori, and the static PvP bases on Talus, Corellia and Naboo. Also the new heroic instances have people gathering in the "village" on Dath, and Mos Espa, the far northwest corner of Lok.
They're all playing EVE
Who the hell are you, and why should I care?
Congrats! You are a victim of Trollstar!
If you actually go to any of these places be sure and post some screenshots. I would love to see this huge population that keeps getting mentioned.
I saw about 3 people on that Youtube video and thats 2 more then I saw on Radiant.
How can anyone want to play a game where there's barely anyone? IN my case there was 1 person and his tag said master jedi. I guess if you play it as a game like in X-Box or PS then it's ok. It will be a solo game like on these consoles but for $15 monthly?
It's been how long since they implenmented this new system? About 3 yrs now I think and in all this time they've not merge the servers.
I won't start over on a new server. I've done it all on the one Im on now and to begin again and on top of this losing all Ive got now? And even worse, playing this version of swg. I don't think so. Very sad the state of this game me thinks.
So one question: If this game is as it is then why do some people claim the game has big populations? Why say things like its fun to play when theres no one there? I dont get it. What I imagine is in a few servers there are a few people who play together at night but it cant be that many. This I can understand why they still play this game but is it really worth it? I don't think so.
You know what they say. Those who do the trial, you know they're in denial.
Because not all of us play on Radiant?
No one claims there is a "big" population on most servers out side of a few servers. But when people come on and say things like I went everywhere and only saw 1 person in game is just plain wrong.
Lets look at Radiant last week:
230 of 8917 Officers shown (2.57%).
The Officers shown have all in all 830369 PvP Kills (3610 average).
Last week the Officers shown gained all in all 15505 PvP Kills (67 average).
There were 17 promotions, 9 demotions and 6 respecs (Full Respec-Stats).
Of the Officers shown there are
45 Bounty Hunter (19.56%), 26 Commando (11.3%), 3 Entertainer (1.3%), 56 Jedi (24.34%), 50 Medic (21.73%), 24 Officer (10.43%), 9 Smuggler (3.91%), 16 Spy (6.95%), 1 Trader (0.43%),
130 Imperial (56.52%), 100 Rebel (43.47%),
27 Captain (11.73%), 24 Colonel (10.43%), 63 General (27.39%), 85 Lieutenant (36.95%), 14 Lt Colonel / Commander (6.08%), 17 Major (7.39%),
230 Radiant (100%),
There were 137 officers with at least 1 PvP kill. Please note that the ranked officers are only shown here from that server and it is well know that the vast majority of a server population does not engage in the GCW system.
SOMEONE is playing on your server it seems.................................
And yes I know back in the day of the fabled pre-cu time period there were thousands of players at each starport.....................................................
Some of them tend to exggaerate about their server populations and when some people go onto those servers and see that they were lying give them a feeling of being mislead in a way. Be honest dont pay into the game whatever you do. And the whole group tools being implemented in Chap.10 will just prove once and for all how many people are actually left playing the game at any time on any server.
You're using this table of people on this server and its very deceiving. I'll tell you why. You say there's a certain number of Imperials, right? 130 Imperials then you also say there are X number of captains and X number of Lieutenants as well as other numbers in other ranks but you're counting the same number of Imperials all over again. The way you're doing it you're counting all the IMperials then you're re-counting them all over again but in the order of what ranks they are. See what I mean? Therefore there were only 130 IMperials only.
These are not server numbers! 230 players on one server? You got to be kidding. And yes I only saw one player, a jedi master and this was on tats city. Some of the other severs may have a few players who as I mentioned get together I can understand this argument but please don't tell anyone there are people enough on these servers. On some games they have more then 230 in one spot alone, let alone in the entire server.
I spent 2 entire plus years in here most likely a lot more then some of you guys. I came back to check and as you can see I'm new here in these forums. I didnt even know there was a free trial til yesterday. I was hoping it had changed as I used to love this game but unfortunately its not, or yes it has changed but not the way I was hoping.
230 players is nothing!!
250 out of 8917? Kinda lopsized don't you think for a once proud game such as galaxies.
I didnt come to make fun of this game as Im here myself. I came to see and was hoping it was at least decent enough to return once again but its crazy the way this game is at. I knew attendance was down but this much?
Why is it you guys get so offended when someone states the obvious? if anything you're the ones in denial as people who come back to check see the real truth and not what they are being told by the games fanbois.
I loved this game as no other and I would always defend it but back then it was worth defending, back then it was worth playing/ Ok, so you guys like it this is fine but dont get uptight when people say what they see or how they see the game. NO amount of defending it can change no one plays it as once they did.
I'm really sorry its come to this. I had stayed away for many years and the other day I came across the Prima Strategy Guide I got when the game first began in 2003. So I came by to check these forums and saw the free trial and came in. It felt good being back and the great memories were short lived once I saw how it really is. IM sorry but its the truth, server is empty and I imagine its not the only one.
Unfortunately, this is the case and for what? Only people mislead are the ones who haven't gone in to play and even they know better.
I was away for along long time and not once did I check on this game as I tried to forget it once I left. ONly great memories remain from yrs back. Too sad.
An old friend of mine decided to start playing SWG again so I logged in with the trial to give him all my credits, resources, pets, AV-21s, Barc speeders, ETC. I had to planet hop to drop the different houses in my data pads, pay fees, and add him to admin; so I ran thru many of the starports and I can honestly say that I only saw him and another guy online - that is all.
Admittedly, it was late at night and I know for sure at least 3 other people were playing on the TS we were on - but still, 6 people total including me.
Ironically, my old squad leader in once worthless bone armor and a slug thrower had the best gear out of all my toons and the leet armor and weapons I bought with my "ranger money" back in the day was made worthless with the NGE.
I played around with my Jedi for sh!ts and giggles on Dath. I was killed by stuff that I once leveled combat XP on with commando skills and a box of thermal detonators.
I suddenly didn't feel like the Force was with me - or anywhere within the planet I was on - or even in the game I was playing. The Force is supposed to be a powerful ally to a Jedi - I didn't feel it while I was playing this game and I doubt anyone ever does anymore.
How can you make a Starwars game that feels like the FORCE is not with the player?
How can you make a Starwars game that ignores the power of the FORCE?
This game isn't Starwars; it can't be.
"The liberties and resulting economic prosperity that YOU take for granted were granted by those "dead guys"
As for those numbers, yes, those are true stats reported weekly by SOE, not made up by Gutboy or anyone else. This site (Where Gutboy got his numbers) takes the data SOE posts weekly and breaks it down into some rather detailed information
where is everyone?
on a good mmo.
Because not all of us play on Radiant?
I think the OP already addressed that point when he said...
" am in Radiant and I'm sure some of you will say your server has people but this isnt about that its about where are the people from radiant?"
They want you to go on hunts and grind for 8hrs to 5 months grinding for the sith holocron 4/5 and many other boring Collection grinds that ever one loves there when I have seen threads on their forums how boring they are and the complaints of the lousy drop rates for the rares.
They want you to join them on teh foozle WOWeriocs to fight 1-5 million hp bosses and fight over the boss loot drops and get tokens for the new shiny jewelry that will get nerfed in months time rendering them useless just like everything else in this game.
Point is the devs in the game are nerf happy and do not hesitate to render someones hard work into nothingness, why for the elitist few those nerfs and their professions beefed up so they are the alphas, BHS, and Jedi are the first to complain and demands new additions every Chapter and they mostly get them on thier part for their whining and the other professions get shitted on including crafters like Weaponsmiths.
But if you want to continue my hats off to you for putting up with the NGE turd, if not welcome and continue to infrom people of the lies this game and its current players have spun to lure them in and disapoint them while $OE gets their $$$$
the game is different from preCU/CU. you dont have shuttle/starport waiting times and there is no reason (at least from gameplay) to stay in a NPC city longer than to get a buff.
i play on a highly populated server (euro-chimaera) and a relatively low populated server - at least at my european playing times (eclipse).
on chimaera you still find 30-50 ppl in mos eisley at any (euro-)time you log in. getting buffs, chatting, trying to sell goods or looking for groups for their quests or the heroic instances. there are also new characters doing the starting quests there all the time (partly new players - but also players from other servers looking for a more populated one). you also see chars in nowadays not so common places like theed, dearic, kadaara etc. all the time.
on eclipse you dont have that much new chars starting in eisley (they prefer the populated server). still you see new players.
mid level players following the legacy quest which brings them to the POIs around the galaxy or on kashyyk and later mustafar. thats the questing game mechanic - you dont have the hot spots of dantooine mop of CU-time when all you had were hunting groups to level your toon.
most high level stuff is done by players who know the game. with everyone having 2 char slots (at least) nearly every instance group i join has its own entertainer alt available nearby = mos espa cantina for tusken or an entertainer camp you can set up anywhere near the instance entrances (no need to buff in eisley).
another thing that spreads the ppl over the whole galaxy are the collections, where you either have to look for items all over the planets or farm mobs like nightsisters, gotals and dark jedi in the wild to get valuable stuff.
you get an idea where ppl are if you open the shuttleport terminals and see where ppl placed camps with shuttle beacons to allow group members to shultle to them in the wilderness.
I think one of the most overlooked questions concerning populations is what percentage of players are playing at peak time?
Assuming for a second that peak time whould be approximately between 10PM and 11PM eastern time, then what is the percentage of players playing at that time? Is it 1/3 of subscribers, or perhaps 1/5th. Or maybe only 1/10th?
Personally I believe it would be at least 50%, or 1/2 of subscribers playing at peak time. Maybe it's even as high as 75%.
Any speculations?
Now for SWG, assuming it is not the standard, I would actually go the opposite of what you think and say that more people sub than play, due to masochist tendancies, or just failure to let go (yes, a lot of SWGers just cant let go).
To Obraik and other real time vets:
Obraik and you others vets please read this and tell me what you feel and think. But this is only for vets of the game back when it was swg, not now. Before they changed everything, tell me how you felt and why you didnt care they did this to you. Obviously, you didn't because you're still playing. Please read below.
Ong, you're so right.
Back when I played I had 3 accounts. My main was the fighter, a Master in Rifle for long distance fighting, TKA for when they got close and some Scout for speed movement and harvesting. The other 2 accounts were Masters in Architect, Armor , Artisan. Weapons and other skills. With these and A girlfriend I had who mastered Tailor and Doctor and a few others I had no need to buy anything as I would make it myself.
I put up shops made millions hitting the 200 million mark and would spend my money buying rare items to make awesome weapons and armor or to buy them. I had some of the best equipment around back then. But once they changed the game all that equipment that people would die for became garbage as now it was completely useless.
Tell me Obraik or some of you guys who still play now what do you think about this? About how all that stuff we gathered and fought over, the sweat and time we put into it. How do you feel about this? All that work for nothing as now everything was rendered useless.
I had a lot of pride in what I had accomplished and then out the blue it was all taken away like it all didnt matter. I feel everyone who left the game or most anyway, felt the same way. Our pride wouldnt let us continue on. But I know this wasnt the only reason as there were many others for leaving. I'm just curious to know how come it didnt affect you guys who were here back then. Didn't it bother you? IM sure you will say it did but you put it aside and if this is the case then I dont know how you did it unless you didnt put in as much time as some of us to let it bother you.
To come in and see the armor and weapons and professions we loved so much just made into a pile of nothing was something really big. The pets we had, I had a level 0 Rancor which people were bidding millions and millions for back then, now I couldnt even use anymore.
I recieved a bunch of vets awards when I returned, really nice stuff they are. I saw the one I forgot the name its so you can put your ship over your home. Are they now letting ships come down into the ground or does it still stay up in space? Interesting. It would of been nice having this back then.
What they need is a merger of servers but with players beign able to take most of their things.
I remember when the CU hit people left, then they started coming back. Then the NGE hit and more people left, even fewer returned. 20 people in Restuss playing king of the hill is not a lot of people. The new stuff they added is empty. I saw one person in the village, 37 people in Mos Eisley, and 15 in theed during primetime. The game will never be as populated as it once was, not just because of the NGE, but because it's almost 5 years old. Good for those people who enjoy it, but it seems like they are the vocal minority because most of the people who play are still bitching about nerfs, whining about server mergers on a daily basis ect. I don't care who yo are, that isn't success by any means. If you think it is, you are only fooling yourself and no one else.
Because not all of us play on Radiant?
Or how about... The game and the servers are dead? Radiant used to have thousands of players. SOE must pay you like $.75/post to viral market on the internet for them...
Tecmo Bowl.
To Obraik and other real time vets:
Obraik and you others vets please read this and tell me what you feel and think. But this is only for vets of the game back when it was swg, not now. Before they changed everything, tell me how you felt and why you didnt care they did this to you. Obviously, you didn't because you're still playing. Please read below.
Ong, you're so right.
Back when I played I had 3 accounts. My main was the fighter, a Master in Rifle for long distance fighting, TKA for when they got close and some Scout for speed movement and harvesting. The other 2 accounts were Masters in Architect, Armor , Artisan. Weapons and other skills. With these and A girlfriend I had who mastered Tailor and Doctor and a few others I had no need to buy anything as I would make it myself.
I put up shops made millions hitting the 200 million mark and would spend my money buying rare items to make awesome weapons and armor or to buy them. I had some of the best equipment around back then. But once they changed the game all that equipment that people would die for became garbage as now it was completely useless.
Tell me Obraik or some of you guys who still play now what do you think about this? About how all that stuff we gathered and fought over, the sweat and time we put into it. How do you feel about this? All that work for nothing as now everything was rendered useless.
I had a lot of pride in what I had accomplished and then out the blue it was all taken away like it all didnt matter. I feel everyone who left the game or most anyway, felt the same way. Our pride wouldnt let us continue on. But I know this wasnt the only reason as there were many others for leaving. I'm just curious to know how come it didnt affect you guys who were here back then. Didn't it bother you? IM sure you will say it did but you put it aside and if this is the case then I dont know how you did it unless you didnt put in as much time as some of us to let it bother you.
To come in and see the armor and weapons and professions we loved so much just made into a pile of nothing was something really big. The pets we had, I had a level 0 Rancor which people were bidding millions and millions for back then, now I couldnt even use anymore.
I recieved a bunch of vets awards when I returned, really nice stuff they are. I saw the one I forgot the name its so you can put your ship over your home. Are they now letting ships come down into the ground or does it still stay up in space? Interesting. It would of been nice having this back then.
What they need is a merger of servers but with players beign able to take most of their things.
Obraik can't tell you what his memory of Pre-CU was because he never played it. He only has the late CU and NGE to compare with.
Tecmo Bowl.
As for those numbers, yes, those are true stats reported weekly by SOE, not made up by Gutboy or anyone else. This site (Where Gutboy got his numbers) takes the data SOE posts weekly and breaks it down into some rather detailed information
Well if SOE posted it, it must be