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Spotlight on Expansion skills.



  • daarcodaarco Member UncommonPosts: 4,276

    About racial ablities, we can see already from launch all races have different abilities. 

    We can see that Alfars for example is the weakest race with lowest Str and Vit.

    With the expansion more race abilities will be presented, but nothing major that will change the gameplay.

    And seriously.....does Alfar players not succed in PvP? They *&%¤ing own the game!

  • AnnwynAnnwyn Member UncommonPosts: 2,854
    Originally posted by Izure

    Keyword old website.

    I simply took into account what you said in a previous post and I quote " You are missing the point, U may not know this but I have been watching darkfall for 9 years almost."
    It is not my fault, it is the devs, for not stating that racial abilities were on the way.And if I have the same dex as a elf, and he has the racial advantage and I play alfar having a magic advantage, but I do not use magic and I use a bow, guess who will win if we both hit the same amount of times, he will.
     The devs made a list with their priority to add/fix in the game and Racial skills were not amongst the top priority but that's all. They never mentionned they'd remove those features.
    IN a competing game that is bad and people will unsub/bitch(like me) because of it.

    In a Skill-based game, the winner of a match is not always the one who deals the highest amount of damage but the player who lands the most hits. Best exemple was in the early days where the server was filled with all those botters. Most of them had really high skill ranks yet were terrible in PvP and died more often then they could kill. And with the addition of a cool-down on all AoE spells in the next expansion,  this will be even more true.

    Here's a little link for you to prove my last point :

    DarkFall "3 vs 1"



  • xanphiaxanphia Member Posts: 684

    You need to relax. You're getting way to worked up over a game. The deal is, I'm sure the racial stats will not make or break your character. You're blowing things out of proportion. You're argument is rather moot.

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