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I have been following this game for the past few days and it seems this game sounds like its going to be the next best sandbox game. The game is going to be twitch based, with multiple camera angles. You can build towns anywhere you want, you can even change the terrain. Their features page is full of interesting ideas, all of which are going to be there at launch (except the Evolution which will come in later)
In the prelude, the players are going to be able to edit terrain and add towns to be used in the actual release part of the game. Its pretty interesting.
[Mod Edit]
You didn't have to put every single pic on here...
Anyways, the devs are aware of the lack of information and have stated they would be releasing a new website in the coming week.
They said this weekend, which was 3 days ago.
Looks like a cheaply done Fallen Earth rip.
It is in 2012 after an apocalypse.
It is in 2012 after an apocalypse.
Okay, so it's a cheaply done generic apocalyptic game then. Someone should tell Blizzard where their missing textures went.
Might just be the eternal cynic in me talking but this whole post smacks of a cheep game plug on the Pub boards. The OP comes off as asking if this is real only to upload every screen shot they have... sounds like shameless promoting to me, loosely veiled with a question of authenticity.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
It is in 2012 after an apocalypse.
Okay, so it's a cheaply done generic apocalyptic game then. Someone should tell Blizzard where their missing textures went.
Heh all those textures are too good to be for WoW. Just look at the tree, its not a brown blob of something.
It is in 2012 after an apocalypse.
Okay, so it's a cheaply done generic apocalyptic game then. Someone should tell Blizzard where their missing textures went.
LMAO dude,i was thinking the exact same thing
I am really amazed that a game could pop out of no where and expect to sell.XSYON is a euro beat ahem musician,weird they would copy that name.
To be extremely fair to this game,it's design ideas are actually what the community have been asking for,everything from building your own towns to changing the terrain,to PVP,a world that is forever changing ,including technology advancements,it really is a brilliant idea for a game.
The draw back of course will be the developer's budget and staff.There are the cool ideas of allowing players to change the terrain,but you still need a ton of content or models/mesh/models to fill the world.The reason is that with only a few pre made models,every town can end up looking the same.
I have to actually give these guys more credit than Blizzard,these guys are at least trying to create a good game,rather than just copy and past another EQ onto us.Implementation of these great ideas will be key,unlike others who like to misuse the term"polish"i like to refer to content as advanced or complete.Anyone can take an idea and create the illusion of polish,the developer that goes that extra step to try and give the players a great game,deserves far more credit than those that polish simplified ideas.
As for this game,i can look past bugs,they really mean nothing to me as bugs can ALWAYS be fixed a poor game design can almost never be fixed.This game truly needs a free trial o some kind,they cannot possibly expect people to buy it on a whim,just not going to happen,no matter how cool their ideas are.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I like a few of Dawntides ideas,but for the msot part is still another EQ clone,Xsyon is actually much more a sandbox game than Dawntide is or any other mmorpg i have played.I am not saying Xsyon is going to be complete or implement it's ideas with brilliance,but at least their ideas are VERY good,imo of course lol.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Yes I am plugging this game and I have no clue what it is... right... Have you seen me posting in the MO section of this forum? I am the last person that would blindly support an indie company on its potential and hope.
Here's what I've been able to find out about Xyson and Notorious Games LLC: jack....
I definitely question whether the game and company are legit...
Nice research. I question it as well. Asking people to pay $39 and there is no information about the game sounds kinda fishy.
Don't get me wrong, they could just be a legitimate, but very low-budget indie developer. There's just not enough info out there for me to blindly hand over my money to them.
I'm definitely taking a "wait and see" approach.
I find it incredibly hard to believe that they would be taking pre-order for a game that seemed to pop out of thin air with absolutely nothing aside from an incredibly bland website and a handful of screenshots that could very likely be nothing more than still screens created in a 3D editor.
It could be legitimate, but the pre-order thing just screams "scam", when there is virtually nothing about the game. Even if the game is legit, it probably is in a very early alpha and won't be released for several years, which again makes the whole pre-order issue seem fishy.
I find it incredibly hard to believe that they would be taking pre-order for a game that seemed to pop out of thin air with absolutely nothing aside from an incredibly bland website and a handful of screenshots that could very likely be nothing more than still screens created in a 3D editor.
It could be legitimate, but the pre-order thing just screams "scam", when there is virtually nothing about the game. Even if the game is legit, it probably is in a very early alpha and won't be released for several years, which again makes the whole pre-order issue seem fishy.
I agree, thats why I made this thread
BTW, he did tell me this about the game. (the game has no guns btw, its primitive life ;P )
Guilds can create some sort of totems, these totems are the main hub-thing for the guild, the guild is mostly build around pvp, conquering other totems and stuff.
its a survival game also, you NEED to drink and you NEED to eat, there are no loading zones, its totally open world. no instances.
Its one big open world with one huge lake in the middle, yes you can swim, and boats aren't available
(He told me that might be something for later =D ).
furthermore there are forests and rivers. you can attack bears for example, but be carefull if a bear has cubs, they tend to get REALLY ferocious if you harm their cubs :P (Thats what he told me xD )
there will also be crafting, not sure about that yet. Oh, and there will be blood (Yes i actually asked that, why use an axe if you can't see any blood hm? )
I like the concept, but we'll see how it turns out
[Mod Edit]
Nobody's whining. We're just discussing whether or not this is on the up-and-up. Maybe yes, maybe no. We'll wait and see. Either way, it's interesting that this game suddenly appeared out of nowhere (especially after being in development for 2 - 3 years), that nothing is known about the company making it and that they're taking payments, but the only contact information is for a PO Box in Nevada.
As for the game, the concepts are intriguing. I'm not sure I understand the whole "Prelude" thing, though. Per the website:
So the "game", at launch, will basically be one zone (a "basin" or valley, in other words). How big is it? How many concurrent players can the environment support? Have they done any closed beta testing with external gamers or just alpha with internal? There's no open beta, that I know of, or a stress test, but the game is launching out of the mist? It's almost like immaculate conception. I wish them well, if they're legit, and am looking forward to see more news about them.
When is the new site coming out? It was suppose to be out last weekend.
I find it interesting that their site is https://, not http. In my browser (Chrome), if I type in just or, I get an error message.That in itself seems a little hokey. When I look at other game sites, they're all http until you attempt to login/buy something/manage account, etc..
Hopefully it's just an oversight. or misconfiguration, since I'd assume--as a game developer--you actually want people to easily access your game's site.
/*Edited - I mistyped the url as xyson, not xsyon. That being said, I do think it's interesting they've gone with https, not http*/
And he is 100% promoting this game.
Its up to us fall for his trap hehe.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
It's a fallen earth clone!!
I also got chrome, and when i type in it directly goes to the right website, also works, no need for the http, and no i haven´t got it at favorites. same with internet explorer.
And this is far from a fallen earth clone, this game centers around primitive life (No guns, no quads/bikes or w/e).
Give me liberty or give me lasers
And he is 100% promoting this game.
Its up to us fall for his trap hehe.
Did you not read my previous message? I will never blindly support an MMO based on potential and hope and dreams and fairy tales of unicorns... Those types of people are the ones supporting Mortal Online... I just want to know if this game is legit or not.
Opendns does not even know what is (you typed in the wrong domain