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im sry but i have to release a lil rage here
i own a ps3 and had owned a xbox360 3 times
we all here know that soe is a pos ..but compareing to xbox 360 i love it..but yet hate it too lol
ps3 flaws **for me**
for some odd reason the connection from router to ps3 works like week to week at times..this really pisses me times i spend hours just trying to do what ever the hell i can to grab a solid connection..sometimes days..even calling support saying i need to contact my cable provider cuz its some kind of dns error on there end..then calling cable provider and them saying nuttin is wronge on their end ...all in all i am disgusted with the ps3..this system is great for what it does and nothing costs extra..but it seems with it being hacked hardcore its time to release a "more" user friendly and sucure console
xbox 360 **for me**
i love xbox 360 also but i have gone thru 3 of them with the dreaded red i gave up on em..not to mention that you have to PAY for EVERYTHING! system / wireless ant. / sub fee / battery for controller..on and on ..if microsoft could they would sell their newborn child..the best thing i liked about 360 is the party / chat system ..i also really hate the avatar thingy's makes it seem a tad bit too childish "yes i know lil kiddies play too but i cant stand it"
why cant they mesh together a good system that can be without no sub fee **cuz your starting to see more games requireing fees to play** good party chat system and that does the norm like playing dvd movies and music im so sick of 1 or the other ..cuz 1 does this and 1 does not
imo id like a system like this...
play the dvds / music and stream **any music that YOU want to listen to while playing ANY game** <--xbox does this/ps3 does not
no fee to play online <--ps3 does this xbox does not
a great chat / party system with friends or clan <--xbox is great at this / ps3 not
being able to customize you hud / interface to you needs or likes wether its like a screen saver or option buttons<---ps3 does this xbox does not
im so so sick of this or the other does this but one does long do you guys think it will be till one system or the other pumps out a new system..imo sony needs one asap with the whole hacking problem not so much..but we all know microsoft loves to milk a cow so it could be at anytime
has anyone heard of any news on any kind of new console?
No offense meant but the majority of people on here play PC games and view the successfulness of console games are what takes away from MMO and PC Gaming development/funds for the high quality of the games of when PC gaming was new.
I was a PC Gamer until I got tired of having to upgrade my computer every two years just so I could enjoy a game on medium settings.
As for another console, I hope it takes awhile because I don't really feel like starting all over again. Why put out something just to put out something?
The current gen is already old, xbox360 is nearing 6 years and ps3 5 years. Would realy be time for something new. Think about it, the absolute vast majority of games on current console are 720p or even lower with a fairly low framerate. I don't realy have an issue with the graphics but with the resolution and framerate.
I demand a 1080p console.
Besides I don't get how people can complain with this gen having lasted so long...
i get that ..some people talk about other things as well in general..its open to w/e politics what they ate last night ect ect. its a discussion and not always haveing to talk pc / mmorpgs
imo this gen. is feeling really really outdated maybe its just me tho
OP just get a gaming desktop...sorted.
We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.
things change too quickly almost daily for pc gameing..altho iv been working all my life with kids..i dont wanna spend soo much money on this..for me its console gameing for "playing games" and pc for my mmorpg grindeing
The new Wii is suppose to debute next year Q1 but sources say they are trying for a Dec launch for Xmas. I don't really play much console games, PC almost always.
Upgraded your entire PC or just the GPU?
He already has a gaming desktop.. lol
odinsrath :
for me its console gameing for "playing games" and pc for my mmorpg grindeing