Sounds like fanboi apologetics, been there done that I remember very well the Anarchy Online launch, before that train wreck the fanbois were all swearing left and right there was a new "miracle client" going to be the launch client that fixed all hurts... Needless to say there was no "miracle client".
What fanboy? I have tons of bad thing to say about this game:
- Horrible voice acting in many cutscens
- Bad animations
- Bad sound effects
- Bad combat using early abilities
- Lack of impact
- Some cutscenes make me roll my eyes
- Some cutscens are just plain boring and long
- Etc, etc, etc
What i am saying is that the devs have already responded to this problem. Is there a miracle patch? Do later abilities get better? Does combat improve after the damm starting area (get where you are?)?
I don't know. I haven't seen it or been there. I'm not in CB and i don't claim to say that my response is true. Simply that this has been answered before. If i'm wrong, i'm wrong. I don't have to go "HAHA see i was right" on people. However, i don't claim facts like saying "there is not miracle client". I wait and see.
You don't seem to be able to take such a simple aproach to things. To bad for you.
I really want this game to succeed . Its original in many aspects , and sounds a lot of fun , but to say forget a bad launch and move on ... its not always possible . I was there for AoC launch , and the chaos after tortage . I liked the game , was having the most fun ever in tortage , and then ... nothing . No solid quest line , half itemization , and no high lvl content . Thats not a bad launch , thats half a game . Same as vanguard . Same as a lot of games . They never recover .... and its a shame really to fail a game that could be brilliant , because you didnt develop it enough .
Originally posted by HurricanePip Totally agree, Alalala. Companies deserve crap for bad launches, especially when there are other options on the market. WoW got a pass (revisionist history for some) because it lacked any competition for a long time.
I played the first beta weekend. Fun experience, but I'm highly concerned that Funcom hasn't shown off any higher level gameplay or content. Sure looks like another AOC launch debacle to me.
Thank you.
- Original concepts
- Adult themes; appeal to more sophisticated player
- "Level-less" play
- No pandas
- New IP
- James Ohlen is not involved
- Funcom is the developer
- Funcom's poor launch history
- Funcom's "we will do Day-4-and-beyond content later" reputation
Let's not forget how terrible of a launch WoW and, most recently, Diablo III had. Bad launches happen, and it's no reason to write off a game. Considering AoC and AO turned out to be very solid and fun games, it would be foolish to not give TSW a chance just because of "ew, Funcom."
If a gal kicks me twice in the nuts, I'm not sure why I would expect a hug and kiss the third time I approached her.
I played the first two betas and despite the existence of ranged weapons, combat did not feel like it had any range it all. You get a couple shots off with your assault rifle and then the mobs are on you. There is very little CC, the ability to stay at range, or get away once you are engaged. Combat felt the same whether I had a rifle or a katana. Very little mobility and movement to it. Perhaps that has been addressed?
Their almost complete lack of CC in PvE has me a bit concerned. CC is fun in PvE but PvP usually get's it's way and CC is destroyed, which appears to be the case with this game even before launch.
The GW2 supporters aree out in full force on this one I'd better read the article it must be pretty good. If you read through these post you wont find 1 bad thing about the game, only what people think may,could or might happen I do time my ignorant friends. In due time.
What fanboy? I have tons of bad thing to say about this game:
- Horrible voice acting in many cutscens
- Bad animations
- Bad sound effects
- Bad combat using early abilities
- Lack of impact
- Some cutscenes make me roll my eyes
- Some cutscens are just plain boring and long
- Etc, etc, etc
What i am saying is that the devs have already responded to this problem. Is there a miracle patch? Do later abilities get better? Does combat improve after the damm starting area (get where you are?)?
I don't know. I haven't seen it or been there. I'm not in CB and i don't claim to say that my response is true. Simply that this has been answered before. If i'm wrong, i'm wrong. I don't have to go "HAHA see i was right" on people. However, i don't claim facts like saying "there is not miracle client". I wait and see.
You don't seem to be able to take such a simple aproach to things. To bad for you.
I really want this game to succeed . Its original in many aspects , and sounds a lot of fun , but to say forget a bad launch and move on ... its not always possible . I was there for AoC launch , and the chaos after tortage . I liked the game , was having the most fun ever in tortage , and then ... nothing . No solid quest line , half itemization , and no high lvl content . Thats not a bad launch , thats half a game . Same as vanguard . Same as a lot of games . They never recover .... and its a shame really to fail a game that could be brilliant , because you didnt develop it enough .
Thank you.
- Original concepts
- Adult themes; appeal to more sophisticated player
- "Level-less" play
- No pandas
- New IP
- James Ohlen is not involved
- Funcom is the developer
- Funcom's poor launch history
- Funcom's "we will do Day-4-and-beyond content later" reputation
- Funcom is making launch date decision
- Funcom, general
If a gal kicks me twice in the nuts, I'm not sure why I would expect a hug and kiss the third time I approached her.
I played the first two betas and despite the existence of ranged weapons, combat did not feel like it had any range it all. You get a couple shots off with your assault rifle and then the mobs are on you. There is very little CC, the ability to stay at range, or get away once you are engaged. Combat felt the same whether I had a rifle or a katana. Very little mobility and movement to it. Perhaps that has been addressed?
Their almost complete lack of CC in PvE has me a bit concerned. CC is fun in PvE but PvP usually get's it's way and CC is destroyed, which appears to be the case with this game even before launch.
The GW2 supporters aree out in full force on this one
I'd better read the article it must be pretty good. If you read through these post you wont find 1 bad thing about the game, only what people think may,could or might happen
I do time my ignorant friends. In due time.