Been playing The Division and there are aspects of it that I like a lot, but also have some problems with it. I hope these problems will be worked out over time. But it's got me in the mood to play an rpg shooter.
I've played Defiance in the past and may go back for a look at that, but I'm not sure how it's changed or what the cash shop has done to the game.
Any other titles?
I expected very little going in - a free MMOFPS heavily advertised on Steam, I expected a buggy cash grab. It actually has decent gameplay and is nicely polished. The enemies are not super strong like in Defiance, so the combat feels quite dynamic.
There are different classes to collect, with quite unique abilities. It is soloable as well. And it is graphically quite appealing.
The downside is the fact what it is not a large open world. The progression largely depends on collecting gear upgrades, rather than whole new pieces of gear. That has both positives and negatives. In some cases having a group is much easier, but often times groups just want to rush through everything.
It's not an MMO - but it shares a lot of features with the other games mentioned.
Also, there's FireFall - but I never cared for it, personally.
its twitch-based combat and medieval fantasy atmosphere.
Just join an active alliance and there are people to play with during all hours of the day.
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