Guys I need your help. Emboldened by my recent foray into a modded Fallout 3 and loving it by the way with around 22 mods I noticed I was increasingly playing it in First Person View so I foolishly went out and got Deus Ex a game I have wanted to play for ages and ages.
Now it has FOV setting in the gameplay options can be changed to 100 and my screen resolution is 1920 X 1080 however within ten minutes I felt the beginning of the usual start of a headache. I need to know from those of you who know about these things will reducing the screen resolution help with the FOV and this game in the steam version has no ini. settings for me to change like I did with Fallout 3 where I changed the first person FOV to 85 and the world FOV to 110 . If you know how to solve this please help me.
In my opinion, playing at a resolution that is not the same as the native resolution of your monitor may make it worse. But I have nothing to back that up with.
You can change FOV. It was added by the developers in 2011. There is supposed to be a FOV slider somewhere in the gameplay menu options.
Some resources
Google 'deus ex human revolution fov'
Doesn't/didn't work in fullscreen, use borderless fullscreen option