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Tonystud2000Tonystud2000 Member Posts: 10
Hey all, I have a quick question for all of you GW Vets - Is Guild Wars playable on Dial-up? I am currently living at home, back in the woods (No chance to get High Speed at all, unless it's satellite) so I am stuck with it for now until next year when I can move. Does anyone here play with ~28kbps connection that can give me some advice?

I recently quit WoW due to boredom, but I could play that well in some areas, Org was a pain to get through, and I couldnt do raids or BGs, so I was getting very bored. All in all, will GW be the same way? I know that there will be areas where it will be impossible to do certain things, but Im just looking for a game that I can play other than WoW. Any help?


  • VGJusticeVGJustice Member Posts: 640

    Guild Wars is not the same way. I once had a guildy that was on dialup (but I think her connection was closer to 56k) and she could play PvP reliably. There has been a large amount of server lag lately in the game, but it should still be playable for you even on a sluggish connection speed.

    I happen to have a free trial key when I purchased GW: Nightfall. I'll send that to you so you can give the game a try. Just be patient with the game, and make sure to download the game client from the Guild Wars main site before you first attempt to use the code key as it's a 10-hour/14-day trial, whichever comes first. The client download is free, just so you know.

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  • emdtemdt Member Posts: 325
    i palyed guild wars beta on dial up. just lower grapics to increase performance. u should be fine.

    Guild Wars
    -Danish Kokor-lvl 20 monk/mesmer
    -Ettarde Aoi- lvl 7 warrior/ranher
    Maple Story
    -Danish-lvl30 Hunter
    -kokore-lvl8 Mage
    -Lady Ettarde-lvl 58

  • BentBent Member CommonPosts: 581

    You can't get DSL or something?  56K I'd say is fine,  28k is pushing it.  Reguardless, Once you've installed the game you'd probably have a couple days of downloading to do just to patch yourself up to date.... that assuming you can download 24/7.

    Forget about downloading the whole game which is probably starts at 1.5 gigs and reaches up to 2.8gigs

  • Tonystud2000Tonystud2000 Member Posts: 10

    Well, my computer is amazing. 3.2Ghz 1GB Ram, Geforce 7800GS - I dont have frame lag ;)   Its just my connection since im in the boonies. My college has T3 Connection, so Im just going to download the client to my external harddrive and try to play. Thanks everyone for the advice!!

    Edit: Thank you, VGJustice for the key - I am downloading the client right now and hopefully I can get it up and running by tonight. Which server do you play on? (If there are servers, Im not really sure :) )

  • sacred_bandsacred_band Member Posts: 104

    i had dial up when i played this game 56k with a dual core and nvidia 6800 gt slightly OCed and i rarely got lag other than the first ten seconds id log in

    HOWEVER you should worry less about lag and more that GW launches regular fairly large updates that will have you sitting there for hours on 56k loading new areas, compatibility with new expansions etc

    i got bored of it after i maxed out my first character in a couple of days but then felt like coming back about, 2 months later, and with 56k the update patcher took half a day

    some dsl provider became available here though

  • VGJusticeVGJustice Member Posts: 640

    You're welcome, Tonystud2000. There are no servers (as you've probably seen by now) and I havn't been playing very often lately. Just don't have much time for anything, really. But, should I pop on, just add Chaotic Justice to your friends list. That'll at least show you if I'm on.

    But please, let us know how it works out for you. Information should be very useful for us regarding such a slow connection.

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  • Tonystud2000Tonystud2000 Member Posts: 10
    Well, everything downloaded well once I was at school, but logging in required me to download a large file - At 2kb/s, that would take a while. Does this do this every time? What are the normal file sizes to download when you enter a new area?

  • jak_ojak_o Member Posts: 19
    If you dl the client and start to play you will have to dl each time you move to a new area, which will take a while on dial-up. But if you (as it seems) have acces to a good connection at times, you can open the game with the -image commend added at the end. This should make you dl the complete game such that you only need to decompress the files when you get to a new area (decompression only depends on your computer and should take less than a minute). Of course once you have been to an area there is no loading time (unless some changes has been made, and that doesn't happen often). So another thing you can do is to go into a area and go take a break, then when you come back you can enter the area with no dl delay.
  • VGJusticeVGJustice Member Posts: 640

    Yeah, I thought about telling you about that -image command myself, but I know that it takes about 3 hours or more on my DSL connection. I'd hate to think about how many days that would be on a 28.8 -_-;

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  • Tonystud2000Tonystud2000 Member Posts: 10
    Trust me, you don't even know how frustrating it is to be an avid gamer and not be able to do ANYTHING online quickly. It took me close to a year to level 1-60 on WoW (Warrior) because of my constant 1k+ ping.

    Also: Webpages download very slowly (Duh, but, you know...)

    2kb/s download speed For the win! (Two days, Fourteen Hours, Seven Minutes, Sixteen Seconds Remaining...)

    Very frustrating. I just called verizon (My Phone Service Provider) and asked if DSL or *ANY* high speed connection will be available in the near future. Of course - Nothing. Im just going to have to move out I guess ^_^.

    I want to play a good MMO, but I cant right now because of dialup - Curse you dialup! CURSE YOU!!!

  • jak_ojak_o Member Posts: 19
    My suggestion was more along the lines of finding some other computer with a good connection, dl gw.exe and use the image command to get all the files, then copy the gw.dat file to a dvd or a couple of cd's take it home and replace your old dat file with that.
  • BentBent Member CommonPosts: 581
    Is there a reason your at 28k instead of 56k?

    aside from the download issues, you should be able to play just about any MMORPG at 56k, assuming your really hitting near 56k.

  • ruegonruegon Member Posts: 63

    I live up in the mountains of NM and have to use dial-up too. And ive been playing GW since it started w/ high grafix without any problems. even at special events !

    P.S. i usually connect at 28.8 bps

    Do not mistake Indifference for Hate. Nor Kindness for Weakness. for this is the Bane of Judgment !

  • VGJusticeVGJustice Member Posts: 640

    Hey, is that a Tengu Mask in your avatar there? That event was pretty fun, but how was the game shortly after the event ended? That's when the power-lag came into effect.

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