I decided that i'd like to start doing beta testing. First to play, free, sounded like a good deal. Know i can understand filling out things on which games i paly and hat stuff, but why my address and phone number? Do the Bill you? do they spam with REAl mail? I don't really care for giving that kinda stuff awy on the ne tunless i know im paying for something..... am I?
could you gently translate your sentences to english ?
Remember, your advantage lies in your opponent's weakness (J)
Well that's easy, they are going to come to your house and stab you in the face!
ugh...it's time for him to go back to English Class..
Lol poor chap ... dont rape him.
Well most of betas are free. There are closed beta where they invite you based on your applications which u have to submit online before. Or it may be Open beta where anyone is allowed to play, without paying. So go n grab any current open beta game.
So far as address and phone no. is concerned , chill ... u can spam it with whatever scrap u want to put in there.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----