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"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
You are a saint. This is gonna be friggin awesome. OMGASM!
I've been waiting to try this game FOREVER. Thank you!
I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but.
We apologize, but the BETA release dates have changed. The release date will no longer be Oct 11th, but should see release very soon after. Please watch this page, as well as our Official Phantasy Star Universe forums for more information. Thank yfor your patience, we look forward to seeing everyone online very soon!