i recieved emails about the server problem and this is what i received
ferentus will be down for at least a month...maybe more....in fact it may never come back.ive been hereing its not gana come back but i think there doing a HUGE update with both the server and website who knows wha could happen.
sorry to all i am verry mad and dissapointed my self but maybe will come back sooner then expected.....please post any news that you find here...thanks
I will wait!!!
It already went far beyond it's targeted mark with the beta and it has not garnered anywhere near the amount of subscribers needed to even break even, especially wanting it to be pay to play. They tried but I don't think they knew what they were doing from the beginning and by the time they started to figure it out, it was too late. Don't be surprised if it does not come back.
yeah, that's what they've been saying is that it's going to be P2P. i really don't care if i have to pay, it's an awesome game and would be worth every penny!!!!! XD
AstralElf High Elf Wizard lvl 34
StellarElf High Elf Cleric lvl 33
Parabola Wood Elf Summoner lvl 16
Well if it wont be like 100$ then im ok whit that if i have to pay to play its one of greatest game and if i must pay for it then i hope there will be events for that money.
east server/xgraver/warrior/lvl 49/SeNSe/
SeNSe forever.