For some reason, mabe its my lack of social life or mabe its the type of social life i crave, but im looking for a genuine mmporg that has a great online community which offers freinds and foes, just not indeifrence, i love RP, have been into it since i was a kid (D&D books, Choose Your Own Adventure.....) and firstly i come accorss WOW cuase of my mate, and i like Wow..abit...Soloing is fine, but i can solo on any game im looking for human comrades and enamies and it seems to be lacking in it, ive been ready reviews on other mmporgs and so far im heading towards eve, it sounds like a commitmnet, but hey its all good. i was just wondering if any of you out there might be able to shad so light on the matter, if it helps i love star wars and star treck, Dragon lance and dagger spell are my favorite series and i want to fight along side you and against you! any ideas would help alot, sorry if u read this and thought "I'll never get that 15-30 secs back"(depending on your reading skill)
Forget it, it is hopeless ..
I have been searching for such MMO for years. Nothing is even close.
I strongly advise you to get Neverwinter Nights 2 , it is not a true MMO. But you have large servers simulating MMO (persistant world)
It is Free , it is D&D , and it has the best roleplaying comunity
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
I strongly agree with Rattrap. Neverwinter Nights has some of the most amazing RP servers out there, with very mature communities.
Granted, those communities are formed by hundreds of people, instead of the thousands or millions of some MMORPGs. But that usually means that your character can actually matter, that you can affect how the main storyline evolves, etc.
Can't wait for NWN2 to come out in a few weeks!
A good RP community is a hard thing to find these days. You certainly wont find it in most of the bigtime MMOs.
The Atlantean server of Anarchy Online still has quite a few Role Playing guilds, and the maturity level on all servers is exceptionally high. The ARKs (think a volunteer GM squad) are constantly running interactive storyline events along with their normal duties
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Eve online is a player v player game. Meaning it's all about the players and how they interact, build alliances/empires/corporations and compete for resources etc. This, not only includes combat but also industry and markets.
There are about 5 or 6 roleplay alliances totalling 1000's of players. However, in Eve, even the non-roleplayers are roleplaying to an extent.
Eve is no multi-player game like WoW, it's a virtual world.
Totally true about EVE. And while it doent have traditional roleplaying. It has a Role play and actual player and society impact on game world.
But it is ruthless remorseles game. For very hard core player.
If you are the one who can cope with lot of frustration such game can bring, than i suggest you play it.
AO is a free to play game with excelent friendly community
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
It is THE roleplaying game. Since player-run PW's exist, with multiple GMs(Good servers might have 1 GM per 5th player), and an easily updated world.. It's the perfect to roleplay.
I was a member of a 300+ player NWN hardcore roleplaying PW community for 2 years. Not only did i learn alot of english, but i also got tons of fond memories from super moments.. Guild wars(Two existing thief guilds in the big city? Conflict assured), people swearing alliances toward different factions.. And chatting around the campfire.
Proud Master CH -
Proud FORMER Master CH...
my toon was untimely converted into something more Star Warsy
It's a gamble when you choose a game based on suggestions because everyone has his or her own opinion about the game itself and about what kind of social aspect it has. This you already knew. People here are giving damn good advice, though, I must say.
What is most important isn't the game but the RP guild you choose. Sure, if you HATE the game this won't work. But, only a guild can offer you the social aspect you're looking for. Determining which guild is best is pretty hard to do unless you actually play their game, read their forums, talk to the members, etc., but I have found no other way of finding a good social aspect. The games themselves do not promote socializing, they only provide a simple chat/grouping feature and a number of quests that require a party to do them. I am sure I don't need to describe how bad pick-up groups can be, no doubt some of the worst stories in all of mmorpg-dom come from pug experiences.
If folks here could suggest some decent guilds in these games that would be very useful. I just started playing City of Villains, and I'm faced with the same challenge as the OP, except that I have selected a game already (based on a whim, actually, not because I thought the game had a good social aspect). There are more than ten servers to choose from. I have no clue which guilds (the call them Super Groups in CoV) on these servers are worth looking into. I'm playing solo, doing research, and making notes. But, unless I hear of a decent SG to check out now it'll take weeks of playing on a server to figure out which SGs suck and which ones don't.
I have never played winter nights, but until now i have gone accrossed 3 MMORPGs games, maybe 4, The first was Tibia, totaly free, the game was awsome, never the less the 2d graphic was bad, i loved it, it was a great communitiy, but after 2 years you see its hopeless, i liked the community, since there weas good and bad, and all you can imagine in RL, backstabbers, good loyal friends and so on. But more u come higher lvl, more u see, you get in trouble, atm on the server i am, i quited but Power abusing there has been "cleaned". Second was while i was playing tibia, was KalOnline, yeah, well i reccomend dont even take a time to smell it, if you like CCF, sccamers, 14 years old kidds alays flameing and telling u to FU, i mean its crap, communitiy is on the LOW. Then i got some money, since most of my life, there was not much money in our home, i payed 50 day accound for EVE, its cool and awsome, i have corp, that is always helping each other and taking the best for u, i even lend a cahr to a leader of corp, sinc i went on 2 weeks vacation, and he builded some up for me, i know i would never lend a char to anyone in anyother game. But here it provede, its more mature ppl, noone is talking to u like u are a peace of shit, almost all are equal. Never the less you spend some time most of the time alone, doing missions, and stuff like that. Some will dissagre whit me in some points but everyone has the title to their opinion.
4. and the last i am playing, i dont know, its is MMORPG, but is text-based, Omerta, its kinda cool, but if u wana "interact" whit ppl u have to hang on Irc - OmertaScript. I tooked it easy since im little resting from others "real" MMORPGS.
But u decided on ur own what will u play and what do u want to play, and its almost impossible to know what game suits for u, if u havent played it, only after a month or more u will be able to realy decide. And dont forget in every community in games, there are bad and there are Good, ppl just choose how to be, maybe they are good in RL but tooked the role playing of a bad guy, since they are not able to do that in RL. Its a game
Good luck whit finding what ur looking for.
R.I.P my dear MOTHER (1965-2004)