When I played EQ2, I made sure to play on the market servers so that when I was done, I could sell my characters. I didn't play to make money. I didn't play to buy items and uber up. I played to have fun but really, extremely, enjoyed the fact that all of my effort would at least get me a few dollars when I burned out. Does anyone know if Vanguard will have these servers? I hope so!
you mean exchange servers? where you can use real life money to buy items from soe for your in-game character? nope their will be nothing like that in vanguard, thank god.
baphamet - Has there been an official answer to this question?
Btw, I would not play on these servers either, but I think that the way EQ 2 did this - by segregating the people who want to pay-to-advance on certain servers and by using a supported service to stop fraudelent sellers from stealing - is excellent.
This is kind of like the PvP FFA servers. I love PvP, but I never play on FFA servers where PvP has no objective and no balance (I need PvP to be a fair competition or I'm not interested). However, I don't sweat it that OTHER people like FFA PvP and that most MMOs have a server for this play-style.
Just so long as they have an option that keeps this playstyle away from me.
Edit: Grammar
i see your point about it not affecting you if you don't play on that server, i just think its BS.
I say sell it on ebay, I never saw a problem with selling in-game good/accounts on ebay, as long as the items were obtained in game.
The only thing I do'nt like is if the company that runs the game starts selling gold and or accounts. All that ever leads to is hyperinflation for people buying or selling in game for gold.
If you work all day like most of us and do'nt have the time to really build up a character or amass a ton of gold then you can probably afford to spend a few bucks to buy it. If your not working and have the time than you can maybe make a few bucks selling stuff, in the end everything works out.
This isnt about being able to afford to buy gold or not... This is about selfish lazy people screwing the games we love to play through the RL buying/ selling of gold and items.
Whatever happened to just playing the game?
If you think 'everything works out' you have obviously never seen a game raped by the farmers/ spammers. Hopefully you never will.
With giants like SoE running Exchange servers and MS starting to offer buyable 'consumables' on the 360 Live service (thats right... you won't even have to play something like Oblivion to get the good gear... you can just buy it for points from the start.... ), we are seeing legitimisation of the RL trade in the loot from these games. I remember when it was a mark of shame to have a purchased account in EQ1 and everyone looked down at you because you hadnt acheived it in game... Not everything changes for the better.
Despite all this, like I said, I guess if at least we had dedicated Exchange servers in VG then I wouldnt have to game with traders as much. I would rather people would wake up and stop crapping all over this hobby though.
I honestly can't care less, either way. If SoE/Sigil ain't doing it, then it will be a 3rd party and it will affect EVERY server to a lesser extand. If SoE/Sigil do it, then it will affect only the specific servers and leave all other free from this influence.
Honestly, I can't care less...these players never affect my gaming experience in anyway unless the game design is just that weak, these players offer to group and to /random all. I can live with or without them. However, don't try to make me happy on the same server as Uber Guilds, this isn't going to happen, ever. They try to screw my gaming experience...and to become better at grouping by doing raiding, which is completely unworthy!
Again, I repeat it. Non-raiding servers are the real important point that could save this game. EQ appeal to a broad audience because peoples who where tired of PKs found solace on non-PvP servers. Now, peoples would rather endure these PKers than uber-raiders. PKers don't dictate much in a player gaming experience, you just try to avoid them or beat them...raiders they completely screw your gaming experience by destroying the grouping "upper class", by treating grouping and groupers as second rate (and by getting better rewards, the devs approve and strenghten this lame position) and finally by trying to dictate your very gaming experience on a constant basics...nah, PKers are sweeties compare to raiders and I rather bear them than any uber guild. PKers don't have silly rules where you have to play 40 hours per week and be in zone A at 19:00 4 times a week. Raiding kills grouping.
If someone is level 60 with the best epic gear on another server on day 1, I can't care less. As long as I can progress and earn all this epic gear on the server that I play and that I can do it before the next expansion come out if I play like a maniac (or that the hardcores groupers can if I don't qualify anymore as a hardcore grouper for any reason). I don't care if casuals are happy on the test server, on the noob server or on whatever server. I don't care if raiders are happy raiding whatever nonsense on raidserver. As long as I can earn everything that can be considered as a grouping-edge, on a non-raiding server. If a Legend server have better gear, I don't care either, these players are on a specific money grabbing server, they can get this easy mode and "off the scale rewards", stuff that is unbalancing and too strong, can't care less. But every gear that help grouping and that isn't acquire with RL money better be available for the most dedicated groupers on my server, no matter if I qualify or not as such a hardcore grouper.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
This isnt about being able to afford to buy gold or not... This is about selfish lazy people screwing the games we love to play through the RL buying/ selling of gold and items.
Whatever happened to just playing the game?
If you think 'everything works out' you have obviously never seen a game raped by the farmers/ spammers. Hopefully you never will.
With giants like SoE running Exchange servers and MS starting to offer buyable 'consumables' on the 360 Live service (thats right... you won't even have to play something like Oblivion to get the good gear... you can just buy it for points from the start.... ), we are seeing legitimisation of the RL trade in the loot from these games. I remember when it was a mark of shame to have a purchased account in EQ1 and everyone looked down at you because you hadnt acheived it in game... Not everything changes for the better.
Despite all this, like I said, I guess if at least we had dedicated Exchange servers in VG then I wouldnt have to game with traders as much. I would rather people would wake up and stop crapping all over this hobby though.
As I said when the gaming companies start selling stuff its an economy buster, loot, gold, accounts become worthless, and, in the long run any gaming company doing that are just shooting themselves in the foot.
While you were playing EQ1 I was playing UO, I never reallly tried EQ1 but I played EQ2 so I'm guessing it was similar. In UO respawns were'nt static so you could'nt farm anything by just sitting in one spot, to earn that gold you had to put in a lot of time. One of the reasons I can't stand most new games is the static respawns, it reminds me of a game for the weak minded, the same goes for instances. Poor game dynamics which gives the predictibilty of the exact location and timing of a respawn is the culprit.
As for the shame of BUYING an account the same went for UO, you were looked down upon. That being said, after ea games bought and destroyed UO, I was able to sell my accounts, after four years I had amassed quite bit and probably got my money back for the three accounts I had over the course of that time. I'd give that money right back to have UO the way it was in the begining.
One more thing, if a person who spends ten hours a day seven days a week playing a game, and is selling on ebay and makes, say, $150.00 a week, thats a little over two bucks an hour. I say more power to em, because I wont work for that wage.
there will be gold farming/selling by 3rd parties regardless if there is an exchanger server or not. if there is a exchange server people will still ebay on the non exchange servers.
The downloads for Oblivion are ADDONS; not stuff that magicly appears in your inventory.
Also, Microsoft is not selling the ADDONS, BethSOFT is selling these for PC, 360 and soon PS3.
Oblivion PC Download Store:
Please have your info right before you accuse a development house of offering crap they really do not offer just to try to get your point across.
Altho EA trying to exploit this by making you download tons of stuff that should already exist in the game.
Which is really sad as they are offering to unlock everything for Tiger Woods 07 by making you pay for downloads that unlock everything.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
The downloads for Oblivion are ADDONS; not stuff that magicly appears in your inventory.
Also, Microsoft is not selling the ADDONS, BethSOFT is selling these for PC, 360 and soon PS3.
Oblivion PC Download Store:
Please have your info right before you accuse a development house of offering crap they really do not offer just to try to get your point across.
Altho EA trying to exploit this by making you download tons of stuff that should already exist in the game.
Which is really sad as they are offering to unlock everything for Tiger Woods 07 by making you pay for downloads that unlock everything.
At this time the downloads for Oblivion are add ons, Consumables are a whole new thing. I suggest you go and read up some on them.
I'm not saying they will be for Oblivion, I just used that game as an example. Oblivion will likely considered too old to bother with by the time these go live.
Just for clarification.
Please have your info right before you accuse a development house of offering crap they really do not offer just to try to get your point across.
And you please do your research before trying to correct others in public. Thanks.
First of all Jorev, you don't even play MMORPG's. Seems the only principle you hold dear is to not spend any money on any game, period.
Second of all, provide a link where pre-orders for Vanguard will be given in game advantages and a 3 day head start. This was actually an idea of mine on the Vanguard official forums from last year and I would be quite impressed to see that they actually used it. I think it's a great idea for those who pre-order to get a bit of a bonus.
The downloads for Oblivion are ADDONS; not stuff that magicly appears in your inventory.
Also, Microsoft is not selling the ADDONS, BethSOFT is selling these for PC, 360 and soon PS3.
Oblivion PC Download Store:
Please have your info right before you accuse a development house of offering crap they really do not offer just to try to get your point across.
Altho EA trying to exploit this by making you download tons of stuff that should already exist in the game.
Which is really sad as they are offering to unlock everything for Tiger Woods 07 by making you pay for downloads that unlock everything.
At this time the downloads for Oblivion are add ons, Consumables are a whole new thing. I suggest you go and read up some on them.
I'm not saying they will be for Oblivion, I just used that game as an example. Oblivion will likely considered too old to bother with by the time these go live.
Just for clarification.
Please have your info right before you accuse a development house of offering crap they really do not offer just to try to get your point across.
And you please do your research before trying to correct others in public. Thanks.
Ok then, list some of these consumables.
The pre-order box at retail includes:
Regular Edition - $49.99 MSRP
Packaged in a DVD box, the Regular Edition will include:
Collector's & Guild Edition Details - $89.99 MSRP
Packaged in a custom leatherette chipboard box, the Collector's & Guild Edition will include:
The downloads for Oblivion are ADDONS; not stuff that magicly appears in your inventory.
Also, Microsoft is not selling the ADDONS, BethSOFT is selling these for PC, 360 and soon PS3.
Oblivion PC Download Store:
Please have your info right before you accuse a development house of offering crap they really do not offer just to try to get your point across.
Altho EA trying to exploit this by making you download tons of stuff that should already exist in the game.
Which is really sad as they are offering to unlock everything for Tiger Woods 07 by making you pay for downloads that unlock everything.
At this time the downloads for Oblivion are add ons, Consumables are a whole new thing. I suggest you go and read up some on them.
I'm not saying they will be for Oblivion, I just used that game as an example. Oblivion will likely considered too old to bother with by the time these go live.
Just for clarification.
Please have your info right before you accuse a development house of offering crap they really do not offer just to try to get your point across.
And you please do your research before trying to correct others in public. Thanks.
Ok then, list some of these consumables.
Can't be bothered to.
Will this do?
Okay, here is my take on the effects of an exchange server. One could argue that station exchange ruins a game, promoting the buying and selling of virtual goods with real-world money; but I think we can all face the facts that as long as there are people out there who are willing to part with their cash to create a better avatar then there will be a market for it. I think that exchange servers may promote this behavior but they also segregate these types of players to a certain degree. I think that Vsoh should consider an exchange server because it might ease the farming and spawn camping on servers that dont incorporate easy real-world buying and selling. Sure it wont get rid of every player who wants to sell their gear or every gold farmer but you know for every person playing on an exchange server thats one less that might be on your server. Pick your poison.