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I have played this game for a while now and i love it. It is an amazing game the graphics are exelent and the gameplay is amazing, There are 5 servers 2 of the servers allow you to create 4 characters and the other 3 allow you to 1 character. The servers are named by the planets and the 2 servers that allow 4 characters are mulit regional servers where german, english and some french people play. The other 3 servers are Singular Regional these regions being English, German and French.
There is an amazing amount of monsters and items in the game. The higher level monsters may drop unidetified rare parts. When you get these rare parts researched by another runner. When a complete set of rare parts have been collected you can get another runner that constructs to to make it for you. Once constructedthere are 2 main things that you are looking for. Theese are the Percentage of the stats Damage Handling Range Frquency, These stats have certain jobs The Damage alters the amount of damage done by the weapon. The Handling alters the recoil of the weapon and slightly alters the rate of fire. The range affects the range of the weapon. And finnaly the frquency alters the rate of fire of the weapon. The second thing that you are looking for are slots. The maximum amount of slots is 5 and in each of these slots you can put several enhancements. There are many types of enhancements these consist of ammo modifications which increse the damage of the weapon by adding an affect. Some other modifications consist of stat mods which add a cirtain amount of percentage to the stats. Also there are laserpointers silencers flashlights and scopes these all explain themselfs. The sniper rifles do not need scopes as they are already installed.
There are 4 different classes in neocron, Private Eye who is quite good at everything Tank who who is good at heavy weapons and meele weapons Spy's who usually use rifles but some use pistols and PSI monks who either heal or do damage to people.
Thanks for reading this and hope it encorages you to play it
Were you around Neocron during the beta days, and if so, which beta (beta2, beta3)? I would like to know some comparisons from the then and now. I could irc to #neocron on ETG and see if I recognize any old friends, but last time I was there. Anyone that I did remember in the channel were AFK. (I was MinisterFish in Neocron).