Just so you know where I'm coming from, I've played ffxi for the past 3 years and I've been a beastmaster the whole time. I'm a huge fan of pet class characters and of the few other MMO's I've played none of the pet classes really compared to the versatility of the bst in ffxi. I have checked around a little and have not found very much useful information on the different classes that will be offered and the different play-styles I should expect, so I figured I'd ask you guys if you think Vsoh will offer much in terms of pet class jobs.
Currently the class with the most info in regards to its pet related setup is the necro.
The necro has 1 primary persistant named pet. It is considered an "abomination" you litterally build and customize your abomination as you go along attatching parts of fallen enemies here and there, I use the word "parts" loosely since some of the parts are things like your abomination's soul. It is your trusty crusty companion 24/7.
The necro can also raise a dead enemy and have it fight for him/her temporarily as a zombie of its own type.
In addition to that, in traditional fashion the neccro can also exploit corpses of enemies and temporarily raise undead minions from them to do his/her bidding they can also be adapted to the situation in terms of what kind of minions you raise (defensive, offensive, etc.)
There are other aspects to the necro (lich forms, debuffs, dots, curses) but those are most of the pet related ones.
We've seen rangers with wolves, druids can summon elementals, someone summon's a fiery pheonix (might be shammies who follow the pheonix totem), but much specific pet info is yet to be released.