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AethiosAethios Member Posts: 1,527

So I've been playing Runescape the last few months, waiting for a beta invite from a couple of the big names out there. A couple of days ago, I load the game and log in, only to receive the message "Your account has been disabled. Please check your message center for details."

The Message Center is a special little mail service they've set up on the website so they can send you messages without using your email address. It's some security measure or something. Anyways, I check my Message Center, and it's empty. WTF?

There's a second screen they use to document Account History so they can keep track of repeat rulebreakers. I go to that screen, hoping for an explanation. It's ALSO completely blank, except for a simple message at the top. "You have been permanently banned." I already know this, but thanks.

At this point, I'm confused. Maybe somebody made a typo mistake and banned me by accident? I send them a message to find out what's the deal.

After waiting 4 or 5 days, depending on which time zone you're in, I receive a response, and they unban my account. However, the response was less than polite, and outrageous considering the circumstances.

No apology, no refund of the several days of game time lost, and not even a simple explanation of why I was banned, or what rule I supposedly broke. To top it all off, they threaten me with this "last chance" BS, as if I'm a constant rulebreaker. I've sent them another response, this time not so polite, and if I don't get an official apology and refund of game time for this catastrophe, I will NOT be renewing.

I've played many MMOs, some for years and some just on trial accounts, but none of them have ever been as bad as this. I'm not sure if it's corruption, ignorance, or just sheer stupidity, but whatever it is, there's no excuse for it. It's ridiculous. I know this game is lame and childish, and not much to be upset over, but it's still infuriating to be treated with such dismissal.


  • HomiesliceHomieslice Member Posts: 156

    Ya heard

  • sparky7483sparky7483 Member Posts: 159

    Son of a b*tch..... Ive heard that jagex customer support sucks, but this is just fxxxed up. Personally, i think the most likely reason is ignorance

    Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em
    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • NierroNierro Member UncommonPosts: 1,755
    It's runescape dude..

  • Nuke-MarineNuke-Marine Member Posts: 7
    You got a form response, it's likely you did nothing wrong what so ever. Apparently there was a dearth of false bannings last week that did not even activate the banning reply form. Jagex had to post about it on the official forums saying just make a customer service reply and they'll straighten it out.

    Real bannings have the evidence listed for you to see it unless it was for macroing. Even then, they'll say it was for macroing. They don't list macroing evidence as it would be used to help by-pass macro detections later.

    Sad that the form response was worded in a manner that says you were breaking rules. Still, you did get your account back.

    NOTE: You technically did break another rule by posting your messages from Jagex. The part at the bottom you cut off states private messages are not to be discussed with others. If you do do this, its better if you black out your name.

  • AethiosAethios Member Posts: 1,527

    Originally posted by Nuke-Marine
    NOTE: You technically did break another rule by posting your messages from Jagex. The part at the bottom you cut off states private messages are not to be discussed with others. If you do do this, its better if you black out your name.

    Yeah I read that part too, and no, I don't care. Even if they actually READ this forum (which I find unlikely) there's a good chance that I'll never touch this game again, after this blatant abuse. They can have my account.

  • Shrimp10Shrimp10 Member Posts: 275
     I have sympathy for you, but for all you know it could have been a huge mistake.   Send a message through Customer Support, sort it out with them and you should be fine.  

    Best MMOs - RuneScape and WoW
    Crappiest MMOs - Hero Online, SWG, DDO
    MMO's played - RS, WoW, GW, EVE, AO, PlanetSide, Jumpgate, Face of Mankind, MapleStory, SO, Liniege 1 & 2, City of Villains, Flyff, Realm Online, SWG, Seed, Sims Online, City of Heroes.

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • AethiosAethios Member Posts: 1,527

    Originally posted by Shrimp10
    I have sympathy for you, but for all you know it could have been a huge mistake. Send a message through Customer Support, sort it out with them and you should be fine.

    I did. Visit a few of the links in my first post to see the results. I gave them the benefit of the doubt a second time, and sent a new query, that I haven't taken screenshots of yet. They read it, and three days later STILL haven't responded.

    No matter which way you spin it, their CSR is a joke.

  • Shrimp10Shrimp10 Member Posts: 275

    Originally posted by Aethios

    Originally posted by Shrimp10
    I have sympathy for you, but for all you know it could have been a huge mistake. Send a message through Customer Support, sort it out with them and you should be fine.

    I did. Visit a few of the links in my first post to see the results. I gave them the benefit of the doubt a second time, and sent a new query, that I haven't taken screenshots of yet. They read it, and three days later STILL haven't responded.

    No matter which way you spin it, their CSR is a joke.

    I wasn't trying to suggest that the Jagex Customer Support is the best ever or anything.   All I'm saying is that something has gone terribly wrong here but I'm sure it wasn't meant to happen.   Everybody makes mistakes.

    Best MMOs - RuneScape and WoW
    Crappiest MMOs - Hero Online, SWG, DDO
    MMO's played - RS, WoW, GW, EVE, AO, PlanetSide, Jumpgate, Face of Mankind, MapleStory, SO, Liniege 1 & 2, City of Villains, Flyff, Realm Online, SWG, Seed, Sims Online, City of Heroes.

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • AethiosAethios Member Posts: 1,527

    Originally posted by Shrimp10
    Originally posted by Aethios Originally posted by Shrimp10I have sympathy for you, but for all you know it could have been a huge mistake. Send a message through Customer Support, sort it out with them and you should be fine.

    I did. Visit a few of the links in my first post to see the results. I gave them the benefit of the doubt a second time, and sent a new query, that I haven't taken screenshots of yet. They read it, and three days later STILL haven't responded.
    No matter which way you spin it, their CSR is a joke.

    I wasn't trying to suggest that the Jagex Customer Support is the best ever or anything. All I'm saying is that something has gone terribly wrong here but I'm sure it wasn't meant to happen. Everybody makes mistakes.

    I agree, something DID go terribly wrong. Jagex stopped caring.

    That second query I mentioned? It's been 10 days now and there's still no response. I was reading the forums, and the irate rantings of people whose accounts were also banned/muted without explanation riddled the thread list. This is NOT an isolated incident. Jagex is making a history for itself banning people who really didn't do anything. Even the slightest mention of any rulebreaking results in an instant perma-ban.

    Not only did they get banned, but they also had no record and no response to any queries. I find it convenient that they put in a system to allow people to "appeal" offences, and then don't bother to use it at all. Where does that leave all the people who were mistakenly banned? Then to top it all off, receiving threats of future bannings in their in-house message center. Do you think THOSE were "mistakes"? I didn't see any apology mixed in among the links to the rules and condescending insults.

    This wasn't a mistake, and it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that this was a calculated effort on Jagex's part to clear out some of the older players and make room for the 12-yr olds they seem so intent on pleasing. I don't intend to return. You can keep your account, Jagex. I've got better things to do.

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