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Archon2021Archon2021 Member Posts: 51
What precisely makes this game god aweful in your opinion, I dont want another THIS GAME SUCKS, I want to hear what you guys have to say about this game and why it's as bad as it is.

Archon @ Warhammer Alliance


  • GnomadGnomad Member Posts: 377

    Originally posted by Archon2021
    What precisely makes this game god aweful in your opinion, I dont want another THIS GAME SUCKS, I want to hear what you guys have to say about this game and why it's as bad as it is.

    Just read thru the posts yourself. There is not enough time left this year for all of us to re-hash what has been said before.

    There is just too much for any reasonable thread and like I said it has been talked about until most of us are sick of it and just wish the game would go away. Of course then I would not have my current train wreck to watch and V:SoH is still a ways off.

  • ZorvanZorvan Member CommonPosts: 8,912

    There are way too many threads already that could more than adequately answer your question, if you read them. However, if you really wanna know how bad the game is, just wait 8 more days. The free subscription time runs out on October 31st. When everyone leaves because there's no way in Hell they qould pay for this POS, there should be more than enough people willing to impart their wisdom to you.

  • Archon2021Archon2021 Member Posts: 51
    Well thats just it, I read all of your guys responds to the other topics they all just say "dont play"  but Why?  I read the review, it was alright but I didnt get out of it the specifics on why it was completely horrible.  From the movies I saw it didnt look aweful, a little lacking on graphics and creatures just look re-colored but if you could take the time, since im sure you have better things to do, in the time it takes you to post a "I dont want to reply to your thread because I've stated it before" you could think of a good reason why you dont like this game.  Again all the "I have said it before's" were you guys saying this game sucks and I have yet to see a good reason.  Im really not trying to be mean or anything like that, I just want a decent review of someone who has played the game for awhile.

    Archon @ Warhammer Alliance

  • ianubisiianubisi Member Posts: 4,201

    You either haven't read the posts on this forum or you have a serious problem with reading comprehension.

    The information is all here. Doesn't take you more than 10-15 minutes to get the idea.

  • ZorvanZorvan Member CommonPosts: 8,912

    Stealing other peoples work and calling it their own, treating their customers like shit, blaming the customers for the game being a POS, stealing money from customers by deliberately not having any way to cancel, continuing to charge when you managed to finally get a refund, creating false "press statements" and "reviews" claiming hundreds of thousands of players currently playing when you would never find more than 10 no matter when you logged on, just to trick new people into paying and to trick investors who would never look at it at any other time. Releasing the game with less than 10% of promised content and then becoming enraged because the customer base didn't lube up and thank them for their tremendous effort. The list goes on. And in all of the other threads we outline these things and more, we do not just say "it sucks". If this isn't enough for you, then please by all means buy the game and subscribe. You'll find out for yourself and can join the multitude of people who were scammed by these idiots. Only you won't have the benefit of anyone feeling sorry for you because you were warned and all the information is right there in black, white, and assorted other colors in the DnL forum section. Hope this helps.

  • MikeMongerMikeMonger Member Posts: 196

    1.  Farlan have, in general, been nothing but dishonest with the player base.  If you name it, they've lied about it.

    2.  Paying customers unable to login and play for literally months, because of bugs that don't get fixed.

    3.  Non-existant customer and tech support.  Seriously, putting in a ticket is about as useful as watching paint dry.

    4.  General bugs and glitches cripple game play...such as it is.

    5.  Resource intensive...even the highest of the high end machines have trouble running the badly optimized client.

    6.  Bordeline theft...if you actually do manage to cancel, the only way to stop them from withdrawing money from your credit card is to call your CC company and block them.

    I think those are the 6 most prevelent points.  If you read the forums over there and here, you'll see far, far more.

  • tepthtanistepthtanis Member Posts: 545
    Zorvan and Mikemonger have said it all! If you would like to here what I say...(A bit redundant after their comments) go to DnL review thread. I answered another much like yourself's ?'s. If you still have ?'s after that then play the game yourself...

    Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.

  • ValharanValharan Member Posts: 190

    Here is something I wrote about the game, read it and enjoy.


    Well I downloaded DnL just for a laugh factor and reinstalled it.... ALI(I havnt played in a LOOOONG time) Seriously you were testing this patch for 2 months supposedly what did you test? Honest answers here, my guess would be nothing. NP3/Farlan you should all be ashamed of yourselfs, it would be one thing if you told us flat out that your community college courses didn't cover coding and development but to claim to be game developers and put out the most shoddy product and the worst patching I have ever witnessed is a disgrace.

    You lack talent of any sort. You have lied, cheated and stolen from not only this community but every other MMO community as well. You have seriously injured the entire genre and for that may your souls be damned. I really hope gaming companys use you as a benchmark for failure because thats what I consider everyone involved with this project. The only exceptions are AD(you guys should pull out) and _Pix_'s team. Everyone else is garbage through and through.

    I'm not being mean spirited here I'm only mirroring popular opinion on this one. Try to find more than a handfull of delusional people who think this waste of bandwidth is even mediocre and I will retract my statements. But I doubt you can because if you look at this honestly here is what you get.

    A. You took one of the largest fan groups of any game out there with the exception of WoW and in less than 3 months from release reduced them to at most a couple hundred, that takes such an alarming lack of ethics and skill to accomplish it is mind boggling. You had 700K+ registered forum users anticipating your product and now have less than .03% left, astounding.

    B. You fabricated details and features trying to hoodwink the gaming community into thinking this stinking pile of vomit was anything other than what it was, and to what purpose? Honesty right from the start would have bought you more time. Lies however only bought you the scorn and revile from the gaming world that you so richly deserve.

    C. Since releasing this game with the claims that it was our fault due to pressure from the community or financial woes that were the root cause of your failure you have done nothing and in most cases less than nothing to fix the aborted abomination you whelpped upon us. Your patching has been shameful and you take more and more time putting out the same shoddy, untested and useless code. Why is that? Do you have so little respect for you last few faithful fans that you would insult thier intelligence by releasing yet another patch that breaks more than it ever fixed?

    In summation, quit, give up, throw in the towel. Do us and the rest of the genre a favor and admit your incompetence, appologize and quietly fade away.
  • Phear-MePhear-Me Member Posts: 24

    Lets Start from the beginning.  

    Farlan promised the game would never be released before it was ready and that was a promise that we could take to the bank.  A promise that would set them apart from all the others.

    Next up Installation....Bit Torrent!!!   Give me a break.  Could there be a bigger red flag than a companies inability to supply CD's or have the ability to provide direct downloads at the very least.   Farlan could not even get it placed on File Planet.

    Gameplay was horrible.  Character models were such poor quality compared to the scenery to such a degree as to diminish the overall graphics appearance.   Having an ATI card just made it worse and eventually made it impossible to play at all.   When I could play, nearly every quest was bugged.  Mob levels seemed to have no effect as I could kill level 3 mobs at level 1 but get one shot killed by level 1 mobs when I was level 3.  My pet dragon would disappear and at best,  just be a target spot on the ground, that I may or may not be allowed to target depending on some unknown factor.   Framerates were so bad that I felt like I could succumb to seizures at any moment.  Playing a game in strobe like environment I discovered was not to my liking.   Because of server lag, it was a crapshot if any keys I pressed would ever be recognized.  Queuing up attacks, while a nice concept requires accurate keylogging to be effective.  Mobs did not seem to suffer any lag as they would continue to attack even as my character stood there waiting to process my commands.  Communicating with NPCs was a challenge as the broken english and spelling errors made it difficult to perform quests.

    The ALI was the final message I needed to tell me that even Farlan didn't want me to play this game anymore.

    On the good side, it had potential.   It delivered on not a single one of it's promised potential.   When virtually every part of the game is broke, how can you support it.

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