I have to agree with endo on this one. When most of us said Blizzard should have added/changed up the endgame in no way shape or form meant they should do the radical rewrite of the game that happened in SWG. We have Raiding and PvP arenas as the endgame activities. Think a expansion pack would be the perfect time to introduce a third option into the mix.
That said I have a feeling TBC will split the WoW community at least for the people close to the fence on thier opinion of the game. People will eithre firmly decide they love WoW or they will realize that in the end its not for them and leave. I really doubt there will be many people in the middle after the expansion.
I canceled my WoW account awhile back with the idea I would start up again when TBC came out.
After seeing what Blizzard is putting out, it doesn't interest me at all. Just more phat lewt and instances, the flying mouts are cool but if Blizzard really wanted to push something new they should have introduced mounted combat.
Great job by Lepidus in throwing out troll bait. But I do need to bear in mind that MMORPG is the site that constantly rates games with low subscription numbers over the ones that real people are willing to pay real money to play.
Then hearing comments like "everyone is bored with WOW" make me wonder what planet people are living on that say that. Again look at how many people are playing it, and not what you personally feel about it before making that kind of comment.
WOW is the most successful western MMORPG ever. Only an idiot would through away a winning formula. Blizzard does create quality games, in spite of another oblivious posters comments crying about patch issues. Maybe they need to go back and just play their single player games that do not get content added to them.
Of course WOW is simple. WOW truely is a "dumbed down" game, but having raided in other games and having raided in WOW I see Blizzard actually requires more strategy to take out bosses then the other games did. Just because a young child can kill a mob in WOW it does not make them a good player, but maybe some posters do not know the difference.
Blizzard has a huge winner here, and fortunately they are smart enough to ignore reviews like this one.
Originally posted by Radmuz Great job by Lepidus in throwing out troll bait. But I do need to bear in mind that MMORPG is the site that constantly rates games with low subscription numbers over the ones that real people are willing to pay real money to play.
Then hearing comments like "everyone is bored with WOW" make me wonder what planet people are living on that say that. Again look at how many people are playing it, and not what you personally feel about it before making that kind of comment.
WOW is the most successful western MMORPG ever. Only an idiot would through away a winning formula. Blizzard does create quality games, in spite of another oblivious posters comments crying about patch issues. Maybe they need to go back and just play their single player games that do not get content added to them.
Of course WOW is simple. WOW truely is a "dumbed down" game, but having raided in other games and having raided in WOW I see Blizzard actually requires more strategy to take out bosses then the other games did. Just because a young child can kill a mob in WOW it does not make them a good player, but maybe some posters do not know the difference.
Blizzard has a huge winner here, and fortunately they are smart enough to ignore reviews like this one.
Yeah, it's easy to look at it that way. But the truth of the matter is, most of us who have been playing level 60 in WoW for any significant amount of time really are bored with the game. There's a lot of us exactly where I am - we're just hanging around for the last little bit of fun we can get from the expansion. That'll last a couple months, and then you'll start seeing the number of subscribers decline. (So far enough new people have been joining to ballance the people leaving.) Now I'm not tryihg to be a 'Doom and Gloom' type of poster, but I honestly think WoW's golden days are just about over. My personal prediction is that in a year from now they'll be down to 75% or even 50% of their current subscribers.
The thing is, Blizzard actually did throw away their winning forumla when they put in level 60 content. The winning formula is what got people to like the game at level 1, and kept them hooked long enough to get to level 60. But at level 60, everything that made the game fun up to that point gets completely thrown out. Most of the people who stick around for the end-game content do so only because they hate to lose everything they invested in getting to 60.
Not surpirsed, all this webiste does is bash WoW. If you want good info on WoW and other games go to Cursegaming, at least its not fanboy vs fanboy flamewarslol.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying however, why would they change the gameplay significantly ?
Most MMOG are about grind and most MMOG are "easy" - musch of the skill in MMOG releates around abilities to organise groups of players to achieve certain objectives rather than the difficulty of playing a character.
Time spent killing mobs or levelling skills is your primary key to successful level gains.
WOW has plenty of classes - indeed you could argue trying to come up with new classes is not productive.
hybrids are that - they are alrrounders - and until someone totally redesigns the genre these types of MMOG will always be based around a core of Caster, tank and healer or ranged versus melee.
IME adding more hybrids to wow would be a mistake. people who play hybrids rarely accept the limitations logically placed on they characters and want to be capable of melee or casting at the same level as the specialists.
it is all very well to try and reinvent the wheel but RPG mmog are about levelling and it isnt going to be easy to establish another model that actually works smoothly.
IMO what mmog like wow need to do is stop making the game easy by reducing the amount of human skill and variety of play styles needed to play them.
As an example, WOW protects players from other players and their own laziness to appeal to the masses.
rare items are coloured differently negating the need to learn about items and stats in favour of making it easier. requiring players to learn what was a rare item and what was not would automatically introduce complexity into WOW and provide opportunities for people to play the game more widely.
communities in MMOG have far too much power and game developers and those running the games, still feel the need to intervene, informally reinforcing game conventions or blatently dabbling in the gameplay for allegedly commercial reasons that in and of themselves distort the virtual world and narrow the gameplay - again reducing the skill needed to play successfully and reinforcing the community power.
Ahead of TBC Bliz have courted guilds, have always promoted certain guilds on their main site and in their forums, their gamesmasters intervene (perhaps subtely or unconciously) to protect the community interpretation on rules and policys designed to protect the narrow gameplay that most mmog players seem to demand.
It all adds up to simplifying the gameplay and reducing complexity.
it is ironiv that in WOW and many other MMOG a player can steal from creeps but cant steal from or con other players without falling foul of the rules.
In wow you can distroy your items and then ask for them to be reinstated by a Gm (upto 3 times per character I believe) again a policy that protects sloppy players and reduces the skill needed to play.
So to me the single most important thing for mmog developers to focus on is maintaining the distinction between creating and running the game mechancis and intervening in virtual worlds to moderate/direct players to play in a certain narrow - widely accepted manner.
Bliz have teams of people focussed on altering and upgrading talents and abilities ? for what end - change for changes sake to keep players interested.
I like many WOW players look forward to TBC, i am not expecting anything spectacular or different but that is no reason to pan it. I look forward to new areas to explore, more character advancement and yes more grinding !
It is easy to pan and expansion or claim to be developing something truly revolutionary to the genre but few games are actually succesful in doing that when all the hype is exposed and the flaws become apparent.
In short - fight over simplification and gameplay and developer intervention in virtual worlds to get the interest and complexity up - not the mainstays of class types becasue ultimatley it is the complexity of human interactions and ingenuity that have the real power to make mmog more interesting and demanding rather than looking for the developers to come up with yet more variations on a theme.
Originally posted by docminus I agree with the Lepidus.
What would make me come back is player housing. Then you have something to do, some place you can have your trophies, etc. And loot wouldn't only need to be weapons and armors in that case. You could even have different crafting professions then (got to get furniture from somehwere ). But I have the feeling that won't happen, so.... I had my share of WoW, I miss the good times I had there, but they ain't coming back
i really like this idea. It makes commerciakl sense as well.
As a mmog progresses, things become easier to attain and when TBC is released many players will have nothing to show for their previous in game achievments.
Allowing players to showcase their previous achievments in the game with releative statistics this would add something worthwhile.
A bit like a character CV - eg hit lev 60 on date.... 20th to do so on the server etc etc
showcasing in a house would be interesting but it could also simply be done on a forum much the same as pvp ranks are displayed.
Tell you what really shows how simple mmog players in general are is how many current wow players have absolutely no strategy for TBC at all.
It seems the vast majority of players have no expeirience of playing a mmog (expansion or not) from its release date and it is defintitely the case in WOW.
The sad thing is that bliz will like so many other developers start dabbling in TBC to ptotect the vast majority of players that cant predict or are unwilling to invest in preparing themselves for TBC
Bliz will be altering drop rates, changing talents soon after TBC is released tonarrow the gap between players that do organise and prepare and those that haven't just to keep the peasants happy.
for me - most of the joy of mmog is that period just after release when you have a narrow window of opportunity to use your skill and dedication to the grind to push yourself ahead of the masses.
Well I am agreeing with the masses. TBC wil most likely not be anything that shocks or amazes any of us.
However, as I loathe raiding, I am excited about the revamp of the honor system. A small Guild can pwn the arena and actually have gear equal to those that raid forsaking all other aspects of life.
Of course seeing new dungeons and areas will have it's cool moments, but the honor system is why I will definitely be reactivating my account when TBC is released.
P.S. Am I the only one that gets a certain sick satisfaction from all the raiders crying about how lvl 68 greens are going to be better than their Tier 2?
I am a non-raider ... I am also a TBC alpha/beta tester, I was also an original release alpha/beta tester so I do in fact speak from experience.
After 60 now its all about gear progression, and if you dont raid you dont get to progress your gear end of story, thats just the way it works.
Raiding is fine if its a choice ... right now its not after 60 you cannot progress without raiding in anything including PvP a fully raid geared 60 will kill you if your gear is sub par no matter how good you think you are.
Tigol steered us in the exact opposite direction of the original intent, to the point now where essentially raiding is no longer a choice its a requirement ... at 60 you either switch radically from a casual non-raiding play style to a raider or you roll a new toon ... you can only re-roll so many times.
I have a 60 hunter, a 60 warlock, a 50 priest, a 40 shaman, and about 10 different 20 to 30's, and yes I was at one point trapped on the PvP treadmill, and yes I have been through a couple raid instances and outdoor raids as well lol so I have been through the existing content numerous times.
The expansion gives us 10 more levels to grind out, new factions to grind out, another crafting profession to grind out, more raids for the raiders and 2 new races in recycled models which after level 20 leads right back into the same old content we have had since launch, ...
It doesn't give us new hero class's which a lot of original players were waiting for, we dont get housing structures as was originally stated at launch, nor do we get siege weapons/mechanics as was also stated at launch, or any of the other big changes that were supposedly coming in the expansion and many peoples hopes were riding on.
WoW was launched on the premise "casuals" and "hardcore's" alike could enjoy equality, then they brought in Tigol and his merry band of X EQers and SWG refugee designers and they inadvertently tailored the initial game towards a casual audience and the endgame for raiders and hardcore's alone, whilst UN-balancing the play styles they originally intended to balance ...
Thats why it is so popular, they duped people into believing EVERYONE could enjoy their own play style and still remain somewhat equal in stature, so to speak, and it worked, phenomenally casual gamers and previous non MMOers flocked in by the millions as did veteran MMOers.
Thats why the player base is so big they very successfully marketed to EVERYONES play style.
So from 0 to 60 casual non-raiding players had a ton of stuff to do, then after 60 hardcore raider types had a ton of stuff to do.
Once the casual people who didnt want to raid started hitting 60 they started getting cranky, and once the hardcore PvP and Raiding folk exhausted the after 60 content they started getting cranky, and then the really casual player base hit 60, got bored as hell and started trickling into the domain of raiding and high end PvP and everyone got cranky at everyone else.
In an attempt to appease everyone I think they decided to give the casual and non-raiding types more of the content they enjoyed and more high end content the others enjoyed but in doing so negated all the effort everyone put forth so far.
Personally I think TBC is a failing attempt to rebalance or at the very least placate everyones play styles and nothing more it is nothing more then a whole bunch more of what was so successful initially.
Do I see any other game derailing WoW anytime soon ... heck no WoW is a great game, however without some drastic restructuring and remodeling back towards the original vision and the addition of new/fresh/exciting content and mechanics I do think you will see a slow hemorrhage of players.
As for the expansion..
Once you peal off the ribbons and pretty paper, its still just the same old tired present that was under the tree 2 years ago.
It's not new or fresh or exciting ... when you get right down to it, it is exactly what was originally stated in this thread ... a whole lot more of exactly what we have already.
Originally posted by LSDMiraculix nice, people like to talk without knowing a thing. "Garrett Fuller looks at The Burning Crusade expansion" ...but I think he hasn't played it. There is no beta NDA so plz tell me who of you has a beta account and is talking about facts?edit: btw WoW is easy? who has beaten C'Thun here or who has been to Naxx? You don't like big raids? -has you killed a world dragon with 20 men? or has you beaten Jin'Do in ZG? and has you been to ZG with 10-15 men? ... WoW is easy to learn but hard to master!
hard to master?
the only thing hard to master in wow is the amount of time needed to "conquer" the "next raid instance" until it's on "farmable" status. farmable = easy. if it wasn't easy, you couldn't farm it. get it?
the south park episode had it spot on. this person has played wow almost every hour of every day since it started... he must have no life. --how do you kill that which has no life?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
wow may have a huge player base but with tbc there not offering anything that is capable of challenging a lot of the forthcoming mmorpg's that are heading our way my only hope is that all the potenialy good games heading our way evolve with each patch/expansion and not just offer us some nice new shiny purples to get all excited about
i know every guild is differant but my old guild has just suspended raiding why? well the answer is simple current equipment IS inferior to tbc greens many off the players from my old guild who got a beta key for tbc have already dumped epics in favour of greens to me that is a big mistake on blizzards part as it basicly kills all the current content unless blizzard are gonna rework all the loot from the current raid instances and boost all the epic gear if not then what you got left is a lot of new raid instances and not much else
I found this Editorial to be rediculous. Name me ONE mmorpg thats hard to play. don't come up with a "death penalty". it only increases the time sink, it doesn't make a game harder. Not to mention I didn't get the impression he even played the BETA.
This update, while cool sounding on the surface is pretty poor in what it actually delivers. Now, as much as I hate to do the game vs. game deal, let's take a look at the expansions to another MMO out there...FFXI. Now don't think of the games and whether or not you think they suck. Think about their expansions and what they ADD to the respective games.
FFXI (Launched Oct 2003 US or 2002 in Japan)
First expansion (Oct 2003) - Rise of the Zilart included 3 new jobs (classes for the folks who have not played an FF game ever), new story segments presented through new missions/cutscenes, new gear/recipes/quests/spells/areas/mobs, new summons for Summoner, new bosses, level cap increase (I'm fairly certain on this one.)
Second (September 2004) - Chains of Promathia brought in a brand new story arc again told through story missions, new areas/mobs/gear/quests/recipes/spells, new bosses ("Meh" expansion)
Third (April 2006) - Treasures of Aht Urgan brought with it 3 new jobs, new story arc, new bosses, new areas/quests/spells/mobs/gear/recipes, 2 new modes of play
Interim - Between all these expansions there has been a decently steady stream of significant content additions to the game including but not limited to: Brenner, Chocobo Raising, Chocobo Racing, Weaponskills, Merit abilities/skills/spells and your standard job buffing/nerfing/tweaking, recipes, gear and quests.
WoW (Launched November 2004)
First expansion (January 2007?) - The Burning Crusade will bring with it 2 new races, new areas/mobs/spells/quests/gear, flying mounts, new bosses, level cap increase, new story (Right?), new profession
Interim - As with FFXI, WoW has had a pretty steady stream of content additions. These include, and are not limited to: New instances (don't know how many, but a good amount I'd say), talent reviews for each class, battlegrounds/PvP tower additions, honor system and of course class buffing/nerfing/tweaking recipes, quests and gear.
In my opinion, Blizzard is not really putting forth their best effort with this expansion. It doesn't come with a whole lot in the way of additions to the core gameplay (not drastic changes, additions). Especially given the time from launch to the expansion. Does this expansion really build on what WoW has been for the past 2 years?
Originally posted by gr8mc i know every guild is differant but my old guild has just suspended raiding why? well the answer is simple current equipment IS inferior to tbc greens many off the players from my old guild who got a beta key for tbc have already dumped epics in favour of greens to me that is a big mistake on blizzards part as it basicly kills all the current content unless blizzard are gonna rework all the loot from the current raid instances and boost all the epic gear if not then what you got left is a lot of new raid instances and not much else
how are you going to have a current (lvl 60) instance that gives better loot than what you can get out of a level 65 area dungeon? if going from level 60 - 70 is going to take as much *time/xp/lvl* as going from lvl 1-60, then that equates each post 60 level to about 6 pre 60 levels. so even a level 61 green should, at the very least, be equal to a lvl 60 blue.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Originally posted by Lukane77 Well I am agreeing with the masses. TBC wil most likely not be anything that shocks or amazes any of us. However, as I loathe raiding, I am excited about the revamp of the honor system. A small Guild can pwn the arena and actually have gear equal to those that raid forsaking all other aspects of life. Of course seeing new dungeons and areas will have it's cool moments, but the honor system is why I will definitely be reactivating my account when TBC is released. P.S. Am I the only one that gets a certain sick satisfaction from all the raiders crying about how lvl 68 greens are going to be better than their Tier 2?
i wonder if kaplan will be pulling his hair out whilst chanting, "learn 2 raid noobs, learn 2 raid noobs, you've ruined my utopia!"
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Originally posted by witnezz I am a non-raider ... I am also a TBC alpha/beta tester, I was also an original release alpha/beta tester so I do in fact speak from experience.
After 60 now its all about gear progression, and if you dont raid you dont get to progress your gear end of story, thats just the way it works.
Raiding is fine if its a choice ... right now its not after 60 you cannot progress without raiding in anything including PvP a fully raid geared 60 will kill you if your gear is sub par no matter how good you think you are.
Tigol steered us in the exact opposite direction of the original intent, to the point now where essentially raiding is no longer a choice its a requirement ... at 60 you either switch radically from a casual non-raiding play style to a raider or you roll a new toon ... you can only re-roll so many times.
I have a 60 hunter, a 60 warlock, a 50 priest, a 40 shaman, and about 10 different 20 to 30's, and yes I was at one point trapped on the PvP treadmill, and yes I have been through a couple raid instances and outdoor raids as well lol so I have been through the existing content numerous times.
The expansion gives us 10 more levels to grind out, new factions to grind out, another crafting profession to grind out, more raids for the raiders and 2 new races in recycled models which after level 20 leads right back into the same old content we have had since launch, ...
It doesn't give us new hero class's which a lot of original players were waiting for, we dont get housing structures as was originally stated at launch, nor do we get siege weapons/mechanics as was also stated at launch, or any of the other big changes that were supposedly coming in the expansion and many peoples hopes were riding on.
WoW was launched on the premise "casuals" and "hardcore's" alike could enjoy equality, then they brought in Tigol and his merry band of X EQers and SWG refugee designers and they inadvertently tailored the initial game towards a casual audience and the endgame for raiders and hardcore's alone, whilst UN-balancing the play styles they originally intended to balance ... Thats why it is so popular, they duped people into believing EVERYONE could enjoy their own play style and still remain somewhat equal in stature, so to speak, and it worked, phenomenally casual gamers and previous non MMOers flocked in by the millions as did veteran MMOers. Thats why the player base is so big they very successfully marketed to EVERYONES play style. So from 0 to 60 casual non-raiding players had a ton of stuff to do, then after 60 hardcore raider types had a ton of stuff to do. Once the casual people who didnt want to raid started hitting 60 they started getting cranky, and once the hardcore PvP and Raiding folk exhausted the after 60 content they started getting cranky, and then the really casual player base hit 60, got bored as hell and started trickling into the domain of raiding and high end PvP and everyone got cranky at everyone else. In an attempt to appease everyone I think they decided to give the casual and non-raiding types more of the content they enjoyed and more high end content the others enjoyed but in doing so negated all the effort everyone put forth so far. Personally I think TBC is a failing attempt to rebalance or at the very least placate everyones play styles and nothing more it is nothing more then a whole bunch more of what was so successful initially.
Do I see any other game derailing WoW anytime soon ... heck no WoW is a great game, however without some drastic restructuring and remodeling back towards the original vision and the addition of new/fresh/exciting content and mechanics I do think you will see a slow hemorrhage of players.
As for the expansion..
Once you peal off the ribbons and pretty paper, its still just the same old tired present that was under the tree 2 years ago.
It's not new or fresh or exciting ... when you get right down to it, it is exactly what was originally stated in this thread ... a whole lot more of exactly what we have already.
qft, especially the parts in red. people seem to forget about hero/epic classes, housing, guild systems, etc. they're caught up in the "oh it's cool to raid" lemming rush.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Yeah I would mostly agree with the editorial. I think those that were bored will come back for a bit and then get bored much quicker and then resub a few times until they eventually give up.
Very good editorial! I have played WoW since launch and loved the game. I have multiple level 60's and epic gear and...you get the idea. However, endgame is repetitive and uninteresting. I left WoW about 5 months ago because I was tired of the same thing over and over. Like many, I had high hopes for something new and exciting from the expansion. Alas, the more info that I read about it, the more I knew that I was done with WoW for good. I can't bring myself to grind out another 10 levels just to end up at the same place I am now....bored. For me, it was a great game but now its time to move on.
Originally posted by Earley Wow, I would expect an editorial like that from a magazine like People or the New York Times weekend magazine, but from a site that purportedly IS an MMO specialized site, its pretty obvious that you haven't really dug into this topic very much. Most of these things are clearly specified in all the literature and posting or general info freely available about the Burning Crusade beta, which is NOT covered by any NDA and therefore freely available to all.
Clearly you have spent a lot more time writing about WoW than playing it. I think that any reasonable person who's reading the BC beta info can see that BC is going to be very different than the current client. And DEFINITELY anyone that has played before the honor system even went in will be happy as a clam with the new game. I was one of those that mourned the loss of world pvp with the Honor rank system that went in a year ago.
New: No more Honor ranks at all. Whole honor system replaced by a new system where you spend your honor points to 'buy' gear.
An entirely new PvP arena system, which works a bit like smaller versions of Guild Wars guilds.
New battlegrounds with new objectives.
30% More land area.
No more 40-man dungeons, ever again (MC, BWL, and AQ40 will remain the last of them). 5- and 10-man instances are de rigeur now, and 25-man being the new cap. Some of the 5- and 10-man instances can take a week for a team of players to complete, playing nightly.
Redesigned world itemization, with new resist and damage types.
Improved combat mechanics, with the idea being to make PvP fighting last longer (more health / level, better itemization and resists, etc).
World PvP goals and new battle grounds designed actually to modify the world and game play for the faction holding landmarks.
Shaman and Pallies on both sides, which will change the way both factions play (glad they changed this back, it was a good idea, but didn't work).
Obviously 2 new races, with new starter areas (a whole zone each, with a bit less than 3 dozen quests each), not to mention that the whole world has been updated with new and modified quests to accomodate the new races in the lore.
I don't think it takes much imagination to see that WoW version 2.0 is not just going to be more of the same, because the same endgame and the same pvp are what we're all tired of. Blizzard has tried at least to address these major issues, and I for one, believe they've done a great job with this expansion.
Finally, someone with a brain. Thank you.
This site and much of its users reeks of bitter bias.
This expansion isn't adding anything major to the core gameplay (modes of play, different ways to play existing classes, new classes, etc...) and is more building on the existing formula. Seeing as how it took them 2 years to bring this expansion out, I think the expansion is fairly weak in the grand scheme of things. Another thing to note, given the speed you can advance in the game and the level of power you attain in a relatively short span of time, I fear new content may reach 'farmable' status too quickly.
Don't get me wrong, I don't love or hate the game. I just got tired of it, I had little to look forward to beside constant PvE raiding for gear. I could go PvP for a bit, but for my $15 a month, a few hours of PvP was not worth it. I know there is a bunch of new content being added. I'm looking for new TYPES of content. It is very possible that there is something I've missed that falls into that category, if so please let me know.
There is still the chance that there are some other goodies in the expansion Blizz hasn't talked about yet. It would be cool to see them really add new activities to the game.
I also agree with the Editorial. BC is going to be same stuff different zones. Raising the cap instead of Hero Classes is probably going to throw the game out of whack. Imagine Mr Hardcore is in full tier 3 epic gear but then Miss Casual gets some 70 blues that are equal or better. It trivializes what the Hardcore guy been working on for months. MC will start being farmed with 25-30 people who are 70 instead of the normal 40 man raid.
They absolutely can't wait another 2 years though to release another expansion however. Blizzard needs to realize that you can't take your sweet time releasing expansions with a MMOG that you can with a RTS or action/rpg. Also making the content patches more meaningful would be good progress. Uh there is an AQ War going on now, hadn't noticed. Scourge is invading? Really, haven't seen them recently actually invading anything...
IM just gonna say something and i hope most of you will agree with me. THIS IS NOT AN EXPANSION. This is what the game was suposed to be 2 years ago when it got released. We bought an unfinished game and blizzard saw how gullible we can be so they made an " expansion " which actually isnt an expansion because it bearly adds land and it adresses minor problems that should be fixed with pathces. The game overall is fun and was fun that i agree but they need to reduce grinding high end instances so they said hey we will make an expansion that has 5-10 men instances. Thing is, if any of you red the article it could take a full week of playing every night to clear that 5 man instance. Id rather be in a 40 men raid and finish it tonight in 5 hours so i can fucking go to sleep thank you.
That said I have a feeling TBC will split the WoW community at least for the people close to the fence on thier opinion of the game. People will eithre firmly decide they love WoW or they will realize that in the end its not for them and leave. I really doubt there will be many people in the middle after the expansion.
I canceled my WoW account awhile back with the idea I would start up again when TBC came out.
After seeing what Blizzard is putting out, it doesn't interest me at all. Just more phat lewt and instances, the flying mouts are cool but if Blizzard really wanted to push something new they should have introduced mounted combat.
Then hearing comments like "everyone is bored with WOW" make me wonder what planet people are living on that say that. Again look at how many people are playing it, and not what you personally feel about it before making that kind of comment.
WOW is the most successful western MMORPG ever. Only an idiot would through away a winning formula. Blizzard does create quality games, in spite of another oblivious posters comments crying about patch issues. Maybe they need to go back and just play their single player games that do not get content added to them.
Of course WOW is simple. WOW truely is a "dumbed down" game, but having raided in other games and having raided in WOW I see Blizzard actually requires more strategy to take out bosses then the other games did. Just because a young child can kill a mob in WOW it does not make them a good player, but maybe some posters do not know the difference.
Blizzard has a huge winner here, and fortunately they are smart enough to ignore reviews like this one.
The thing is, Blizzard actually did throw away their winning forumla when they put in level 60 content. The winning formula is what got people to like the game at level 1, and kept them hooked long enough to get to level 60. But at level 60, everything that made the game fun up to that point gets completely thrown out. Most of the people who stick around for the end-game content do so only because they hate to lose everything they invested in getting to 60.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying however, why would they change the gameplay significantly ?
Most MMOG are about grind and most MMOG are "easy" - musch of the skill in MMOG releates around abilities to organise groups of players to achieve certain objectives rather than the difficulty of playing a character.
Time spent killing mobs or levelling skills is your primary key to successful level gains.
WOW has plenty of classes - indeed you could argue trying to come up with new classes is not productive.
hybrids are that - they are alrrounders - and until someone totally redesigns the genre these types of MMOG will always be based around a core of Caster, tank and healer or ranged versus melee.
IME adding more hybrids to wow would be a mistake. people who play hybrids rarely accept the limitations logically placed on they characters and want to be capable of melee or casting at the same level as the specialists.
it is all very well to try and reinvent the wheel but RPG mmog are about levelling and it isnt going to be easy to establish another model that actually works smoothly.
IMO what mmog like wow need to do is stop making the game easy by reducing the amount of human skill and variety of play styles needed to play them.
As an example, WOW protects players from other players and their own laziness to appeal to the masses.
rare items are coloured differently negating the need to learn about items and stats in favour of making it easier. requiring players to learn what was a rare item and what was not would automatically introduce complexity into WOW and provide opportunities for people to play the game more widely.
communities in MMOG have far too much power and game developers and those running the games, still feel the need to intervene, informally reinforcing game conventions or blatently dabbling in the gameplay for allegedly commercial reasons that in and of themselves distort the virtual world and narrow the gameplay - again reducing the skill needed to play successfully and reinforcing the community power.
Ahead of TBC Bliz have courted guilds, have always promoted certain guilds on their main site and in their forums, their gamesmasters intervene (perhaps subtely or unconciously) to protect the community interpretation on rules and policys designed to protect the narrow gameplay that most mmog players seem to demand.
It all adds up to simplifying the gameplay and reducing complexity.
it is ironiv that in WOW and many other MMOG a player can steal from creeps but cant steal from or con other players without falling foul of the rules.
In wow you can distroy your items and then ask for them to be reinstated by a Gm (upto 3 times per character I believe) again a policy that protects sloppy players and reduces the skill needed to play.
So to me the single most important thing for mmog developers to focus on is maintaining the distinction between creating and running the game mechancis and intervening in virtual worlds to moderate/direct players to play in a certain narrow - widely accepted manner.
Bliz have teams of people focussed on altering and upgrading talents and abilities ? for what end - change for changes sake to keep players interested.
I like many WOW players look forward to TBC, i am not expecting anything spectacular or different but that is no reason to pan it. I look forward to new areas to explore, more character advancement and yes more grinding !
It is easy to pan and expansion or claim to be developing something truly revolutionary to the genre but few games are actually succesful in doing that when all the hype is exposed and the flaws become apparent.
In short - fight over simplification and gameplay and developer intervention in virtual worlds to get the interest and complexity up - not the mainstays of class types becasue ultimatley it is the complexity of human interactions and ingenuity that have the real power to make mmog more interesting and demanding rather than looking for the developers to come up with yet more variations on a theme.
Caveat Emptor
i really like this idea. It makes commerciakl sense as well.
As a mmog progresses, things become easier to attain and when TBC is released many players will have nothing to show for their previous in game achievments.
Allowing players to showcase their previous achievments in the game with releative statistics this would add something worthwhile.
A bit like a character CV - eg hit lev 60 on date.... 20th to do so on the server etc etc
showcasing in a house would be interesting but it could also simply be done on a forum much the same as pvp ranks are displayed.
Caveat Emptor
Tell you what really shows how simple mmog players in general are is how many current wow players have absolutely no strategy for TBC at all.
It seems the vast majority of players have no expeirience of playing a mmog (expansion or not) from its release date and it is defintitely the case in WOW.
The sad thing is that bliz will like so many other developers start dabbling in TBC to ptotect the vast majority of players that cant predict or are unwilling to invest in preparing themselves for TBC
Bliz will be altering drop rates, changing talents soon after TBC is released tonarrow the gap between players that do organise and prepare and those that haven't just to keep the peasants happy.
for me - most of the joy of mmog is that period just after release when you have a narrow window of opportunity to use your skill and dedication to the grind to push yourself ahead of the masses.
Caveat Emptor
Well I am agreeing with the masses. TBC wil most likely not be anything that shocks or amazes any of us.
However, as I loathe raiding, I am excited about the revamp of the honor system. A small Guild can pwn the arena and actually have gear equal to those that raid forsaking all other aspects of life.
Of course seeing new dungeons and areas will have it's cool moments, but the honor system is why I will definitely be reactivating my account when TBC is released.
P.S. Am I the only one that gets a certain sick satisfaction from all the raiders crying about how lvl 68 greens are going to be better than their Tier 2?
Favorite mmorpg's:
I am a non-raider ... I
am also a TBC alpha/beta tester, I was also an original release
alpha/beta tester so I do in fact speak from experience.
After 60 now its all about gear progression, and if you dont raid you
dont get to progress your gear end of story, thats just the way it
Raiding is fine if its a choice ... right now its
not after 60 you cannot progress without raiding in anything
including PvP a fully raid geared 60 will kill you if your gear is
sub par no matter how good you think you are.
Tigol steered
us in the exact opposite direction of the original intent, to the point
now where essentially raiding is no longer a choice its a requirement
... at 60 you either switch radically from a casual non-raiding play
style to a raider or you roll a new toon ... you can only re-roll so
many times.
I have a 60 hunter, a 60 warlock, a 50 priest,
a 40 shaman, and about 10 different 20 to 30's, and yes I was at one
point trapped on the PvP treadmill, and yes I have been through a
couple raid instances and outdoor raids as well lol so I have been
through the existing content numerous times.
The expansion
gives us 10 more levels to grind out, new factions to grind out,
another crafting profession to grind out, more raids for the raiders
and 2 new races in recycled models which after level 20 leads right
back into the same old content we have had since launch, ...
It doesn't give us new hero class's which a lot of original players
were waiting for, we dont get housing structures as was originally
stated at launch, nor do we get siege weapons/mechanics as was also
stated at launch, or any of the other big changes that were supposedly
coming in the expansion and many peoples hopes were riding on.
WoW was launched on the premise "casuals" and "hardcore's" alike could
enjoy equality, then they brought in Tigol and his merry band of X
EQers and SWG refugee designers and they inadvertently tailored the
initial game towards a casual audience and the endgame for raiders and
hardcore's alone, whilst UN-balancing the play styles they originally
intended to balance ...
Thats why
it is so popular, they duped people into believing EVERYONE could enjoy
their own play style and still remain somewhat equal in stature, so to
speak, and it worked, phenomenally casual gamers and previous non
MMOers flocked in by the millions as did veteran MMOers.
Thats why the player base is so big they very successfully marketed to EVERYONES play style.
from 0 to 60 casual non-raiding players had a ton of stuff to do, then
after 60 hardcore raider types had a ton of stuff to do.
the casual people who didnt want to raid started hitting 60 they
started getting cranky, and once the hardcore PvP and Raiding folk
exhausted the after 60 content they started getting cranky, and then
the really casual player base hit 60, got bored as hell and started
trickling into the domain of raiding and high end PvP and everyone got
cranky at everyone else.
an attempt to appease everyone I think they decided to give the casual
and non-raiding types more of the content they enjoyed and more high
end content the others enjoyed but in doing so negated all the effort
everyone put forth so far.
I think TBC is a failing attempt to rebalance or at the very least
placate everyones play styles and nothing more it is nothing more
then a whole bunch more of what was so successful initially.
Do I see any other game derailing WoW anytime soon ... heck no WoW is a
great game, however without some drastic restructuring and remodeling
back towards the original vision and the addition of new/fresh/exciting
content and mechanics I do think you will see a slow hemorrhage of
As for the expansion..
Once you peal off
the ribbons and pretty paper, its still just the same old tired present
that was under the tree 2 years ago.
It's not new or fresh
or exciting ... when you get right down to it, it is exactly what was
originally stated in this thread ... a whole lot more of exactly what
we have already.
the only thing hard to master in wow is the amount of time needed to "conquer" the "next raid instance" until it's on "farmable" status. farmable = easy. if it wasn't easy, you couldn't farm it. get it?
the south park episode had it spot on. this person has played wow almost every hour of every day since it started... he must have no life. --how do you kill that which has no life?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
wow may have a huge player base but with tbc there not offering anything that is capable of challenging a lot of the forthcoming mmorpg's that are heading our way my only hope is that all the potenialy good games heading our way evolve with each patch/expansion and not just offer us some nice new shiny purples to get all excited about
i know every guild is differant but my old guild has just suspended raiding why? well the answer is simple current equipment IS inferior to tbc greens many off the players from my old guild who got a beta key for tbc have already dumped epics in favour of greens to me that is a big mistake on blizzards part as it basicly kills all the current content unless blizzard are gonna rework all the loot from the current raid instances and boost all the epic gear if not then what you got left is a lot of new raid instances and not much else
This update, while cool sounding on the surface is pretty poor in what it actually delivers. Now, as much as I hate to do the game vs. game deal, let's take a look at the expansions to another MMO out there...FFXI. Now don't think of the games and whether or not you think they suck. Think about their expansions and what they ADD to the respective games.
FFXI (Launched Oct 2003 US or 2002 in Japan)
First expansion (Oct 2003) - Rise of the Zilart included 3 new jobs (classes for the folks who have not played an FF game ever), new story segments presented through new missions/cutscenes, new gear/recipes/quests/spells/areas/mobs, new summons for Summoner, new bosses, level cap increase (I'm fairly certain on this one.)
Second (September 2004) - Chains of Promathia brought in a brand new story arc again told through story missions, new areas/mobs/gear/quests/recipes/spells, new bosses ("Meh" expansion)
Third (April 2006) - Treasures of Aht Urgan brought with it 3 new jobs, new story arc, new bosses, new areas/quests/spells/mobs/gear/recipes, 2 new modes of play
Interim - Between all these expansions there has been a decently steady stream of significant content additions to the game including but not limited to: Brenner, Chocobo Raising, Chocobo Racing, Weaponskills, Merit abilities/skills/spells and your standard job buffing/nerfing/tweaking, recipes, gear and quests.
WoW (Launched November 2004)
First expansion (January 2007?) - The Burning Crusade will bring with it 2 new races, new areas/mobs/spells/quests/gear, flying mounts, new bosses, level cap increase, new story (Right?), new profession
Interim - As with FFXI, WoW has had a pretty steady stream of content additions. These include, and are not limited to: New instances (don't know how many, but a good amount I'd say), talent reviews for each class, battlegrounds/PvP tower additions, honor system and of course class buffing/nerfing/tweaking recipes, quests and gear.
In my opinion, Blizzard is not really putting forth their best effort with this expansion. It doesn't come with a whole lot in the way of additions to the core gameplay (not drastic changes, additions). Especially given the time from launch to the expansion. Does this expansion really build on what WoW has been for the past 2 years?
how are you going to have a current (lvl 60) instance that gives better loot than what you can get out of a level 65 area dungeon? if going from level 60 - 70 is going to take as much *time/xp/lvl* as going from lvl 1-60, then that equates each post 60 level to about 6 pre 60 levels. so even a level 61 green should, at the very least, be equal to a lvl 60 blue.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Very good editorial! I have played WoW since launch and loved the game. I have multiple level 60's and epic gear and...you get the idea. However, endgame is repetitive and uninteresting. I left WoW about 5 months ago because I was tired of the same thing over and over. Like many, I had high hopes for something new and exciting from the expansion. Alas, the more info that I read about it, the more I knew that I was done with WoW for good. I can't bring myself to grind out another 10 levels just to end up at the same place I am now....bored. For me, it was a great game but now its time to move on.
This site and much of its users reeks of bitter bias.
In my opinion...
This expansion isn't adding anything major to the core gameplay (modes of play, different ways to play existing classes, new classes, etc...) and is more building on the existing formula. Seeing as how it took them 2 years to bring this expansion out, I think the expansion is fairly weak in the grand scheme of things. Another thing to note, given the speed you can advance in the game and the level of power you attain in a relatively short span of time, I fear new content may reach 'farmable' status too quickly.
Don't get me wrong, I don't love or hate the game. I just got tired of it, I had little to look forward to beside constant PvE raiding for gear. I could go PvP for a bit, but for my $15 a month, a few hours of PvP was not worth it. I know there is a bunch of new content being added. I'm looking for new TYPES of content. It is very possible that there is something I've missed that falls into that category, if so please let me know.
There is still the chance that there are some other goodies in the expansion Blizz hasn't talked about yet. It would be cool to see them really add new activities to the game.
i think new comer come to play this game more than player who quit wow,blizz open new realm 3-6 realm per month that garuntee they get alot customer.
ps.I like this game so much i won't quit it for sure.
I also agree with the Editorial. BC is going to be same stuff different zones. Raising the cap instead of Hero Classes is probably going to throw the game out of whack. Imagine Mr Hardcore is in full tier 3 epic gear but then Miss Casual gets some 70 blues that are equal or better. It trivializes what the Hardcore guy been working on for months. MC will start being farmed with 25-30 people who are 70 instead of the normal 40 man raid.
They absolutely can't wait another 2 years though to release another expansion however. Blizzard needs to realize that you can't take your sweet time releasing expansions with a MMOG that you can with a RTS or action/rpg. Also making the content patches more meaningful would be good progress. Uh there is an AQ War going on now, hadn't noticed. Scourge is invading? Really, haven't seen them recently actually invading anything...