April "CuppaJo" Burba may be more familiar as the Community Manager for City of Villains/Heroes, but now she has moved on to Tabula Rasa. As our developer profile series shifts to NCSoft we let you meet her and learn about the life of a Community Manager at NCSoft Austin.
MMORPG.com: Take us through a typical day of work at NCSoft, what is it like when you show up at the office?
April Burba: The thing I like most about my job is that there is no 'typical day' as a community manager. Depending on where your game is at in its life cycle (My games are MMOs) you could be coordinating a beta if the game hasn't launched, or you could be throwing a large in-game event for a holiday.
Community is part networking, part party planning, part emergency response team. It's also about anticipating consumers demands and feedback, one of the most notoriously frustrating and difficult things to do reliably. Community at its core is sifting through a million data points and pulling out what is most important and communicating that to developers and publishers. |
You can read the whole interview here.
Dana Massey
Formerly of MMORPG.com
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
We were really sad to see CuppaJo move on from the City of Heros/Villains forums. I don't think a community manager has ever been more well respected in any online gaming community forum than Cuppa.
Having CuppJo involved in Tabula Rasa means good things for the TR beta community and will definitely have a positive impact on TR's chances at success. Because more and more, the community that forms around a young game early on can have a big impact on its success starting out. Word-of-mouth from the community can make or break a MMORPG just starting out.