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Co-founders: Time4killing & ELTauro Diablo (however these will not be our names in the game, they will be chosen at a later date)
We are a relatively new kniship forming to serve members of all ages who are semi-gamers and cannot play the game everyday. We are hoping to be composed of all professions and race of Middle Earth to ensure a full gaming experience for all.
We have a few rules:
-assist other players from kniship
-be polite to all
-defend the people of Middle-Earth against evil
If it is possible we would like it if people made contributions within the game so that we may be able to buy a kinship house to store all of equipment.
There are primarily going to be only 4 ranks:
Royal Guard- for those who have proven themselves to an asset to the kinship
Bodyguard- for those who have contibuted to the kinship and have shown experience on the field
Legionnaire- for those who have finished their training and have been considered for the position
Soldier- for those who have just started
If you would like to join please pm me (time4killing) with the following details:
Character Name:
Character Class:
Character Race:
Character Sub Race (not required if you have not fully decided yet):
~~~~~Co-Founder of The Guards of Lorien~~~~~
also, as i am not very good at it, would someone like to make a website for our kinship, we will discuss what to put in it if you decide to create it. for thnx for making it you will be a bodyguard in the kinship and other titles you may desire, like computer (something) for the Gaurds of Lorien.
(pm me or add to this topic if you wish to make the website)
~~~~~Co-Founder of The Guards of Lorien~~~~~
~~~~~Co-Founder of The Guards of Lorien~~~~~
~~~~~Co-Founder of The Guards of Lorien~~~~~
Give Blood....Play Rugby!