i've just downloaded and installed EO but i don't know what i'm supposed to do next. when i enter to login, i get a screen with lots of tabs on it but i can't seem to click any of them. one tab says "cities" on it and the others are all "not open yet". can someone help me? thx
i have a question i did the mage quest and a got the 15 FIREPOWER and later i got klled and lost my tornado spell book so how do i get it back, some guy sed to redo the quest but how???
P.s. i'm looking for a mentor to so....
wow, it seems that u r above lvl 30, all player under lvl30 wii be protected by the system.
to redo u quest, just simply go back to the same npc who delivered it.
when i go to her she just says thanks and thats it
go to www.eudemonsonline.com. on their homepage there is a icon called "live support"where u could be able to talk to PMs, I think u can get ur answer then.