All Hail Funcom
It was not surprising that they made this move because advertisements are making them great big bucks and lets us all enjoy the game for free. What is surprising though is that they allowed Notum Wars content to be available on free player accounts, which is cool!
Now we free players can buy new Yalms and equip better equipment with the buff towers!
We can pvp better and control land now.
Extending it is awesome. I burnt out on my way to 1000 tokens, but its good to know it won't get cut off for a while yet.
Not so sure about the NW thing. The buffs and Yalms are great but you need a really darn good build as a fr00b to go up against the buffing gear in SL and AI, not to mention AI weaponry and Perks, in PVP. Or at least thats how things were when I was playing. For lower level before those things can factor in strongly it ought to be great though.