Now i know alot of people did not like the lines. but this helped create a community!
if you had something to sell/buy you could always find people at the star ports
were the doctors were buffing same thing for dancers.
or if you were looking to join a guild, make new friends, form a group ect..
i was not a hard core player. when i could, i would spend a few hours a night playing.
so a 2 hour buff was fine for me. mabe not so for hard core player.
docs & dancers buffing, was one place you knew you could find what you needed!
The game would not have been the same without them!
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
another thing that was needed was decay. though it needed ajusted"armor went to fast".
but was needed to keep the income rolling in for crafters.
are crafters "useless" in the NGE
another thing that was needed was decay. though it needed ajusted"armor went to fast".
but was needed to keep the income rolling in for crafters.
are crafters "useless" in the NGE
Decay was definitely way too fast. But it needed to be there. Absolute decay (meaning that your item eventually could not be repaired) also works only when crafted items are the best items, meaning that it's OK if your 90% comp decays away because you can replace it, hence, you will go fight in your best stuff.
Cut armor resists to a max of 75%, make that applicable to any armor skin type (so that you can have any armor appearance you want), cut the decay rate in half, and you've fixed the problems with Pre-CU armor.
In addition, I'd cut buffs back by 1/3rd in power, remove armor HAM encumberances, and make buffs last their full duration even if you die (ie you don't have to get rebuffed until the timer runs out), and that problem is solved as well.
I'd make it impossible to AFK buff, but add to the med centers a droid that will sell a NPC buff that is 25% less powerful than a player applied one at a price that scales depending on how many SP's you have spent, so that you CAN get a buff 24/7, without AFK'ers, but in a way that still encourages you to seek out the player because their buffs will be better and likely cheaper.
After all that, all you need to do is address mind, by either making it unattackable or else giving every profession a mind hit, cut back the uber DOT's (or change them from mind), and you've basically fixed everything major that was out of whack with Pre-CU.
It's not that it couldn't BE fixed, it's that they never even tried.
SWG Team Mtg.
Heh, remember when you used to get good war stories while waiting in the med center? You'd see some poor guy stagger in with 99% wounds and ask "How'd THAT happen?"
You make some good points Wildcat, but I used to run a doctor buff bot for a short while. I'm one of probably a tiny minority of Pre-CU players that had no objection to (most) AFK play mechanics. Yes, there was a list of a few things that AFK allowed players to do that they shouldn't have, but in many instances, AFK was a victimless crime.
edited for clarity
SWG Team Mtg.
SWG Team Mtg.
Sarlacc POI runs + unfortunately-timed Rancor spawns FTW.
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
I used to love those... When someone came to me with blackbars, I ALWAYS wanted to hear the story
I used to love those... When someone came to me with blackbars, I ALWAYS wanted to hear the story
Yeah good times. Ya would run into the med centre and every one would laugh and have a joke at how badly beat up folk were. You'd have some folk totally black barred crawling on the floor shouting MEDDIIICCCC, used to crack me up.
I used to love those... When someone came to me with blackbars, I ALWAYS wanted to hear the story
That was one of my best memories actually. When you limp into a med center with only black showing, and having doctors jump to attention like in the ER. 'Take a seat and tell us what happened, we'll fix you up'.
Man I miss that. Perfect social interaction. It made it so easy to get in rp'ing, and it was useful.
I was a master Doc on Ahazi.
I really miss those days in the med center. I remember the first time a guy came in and was bleeding. He passed out right in front of me. Scared the living crap out of me. I almost wet my pants.
As yes those were good times.
Support Bacteria, its the only culture some people have.
That was one of my best memories actually. When you limp into a med center with only black showing, and having doctors jump to attention like in the ER. 'Take a seat and tell us what happened, we'll fix you up'.
Man I miss that. Perfect social interaction. It made it so easy to get in rp'ing, and it was useful.
"So, you just sat in the Med Center, and had FUN?"
I miss the old days where you'd walk into a med center, in just about any NPC town, and find 3 or 4 "attending physicians." I remember on Naritus in Moenia, Naboo... There was a Master Doc who (by agreement of the others) was the "Head of the ER". Then there was a master medic, female Twi, who was the "Head Nurse" (kind of). And then the other medics in training were "med techs" and the novice docs in training were "residents." They weren't really RPing but that is sort of how they acted and how we treated them... it was neat. They weren't all there at once of course.
But it was very realistic (again without anyone even needing to overtly try to RP). If someone staggered in with a full black bar, the "residents" or "med techs" would often say, "You need to talk to the head doc/nurse, they can heal you faster" and point the master doc out. The master doc would mostly walk around supervising (since he did not need the XP anymore), doing triage (deciding who needed the most capable care) or making med packs for the other docs to use (he would run out to the crafting station, which was about 60 m away, outside the med center).
That was so realistic it was just too cool. Shame it didn't last.
I'm surprised there weren't more Doctor/Dancers or Doctor/Musicians. It was a fun combination to play, and a great way to meet people and make friends. And I used to take her into the field occasionally, back in the old days of ANTH and early NREP we used to take it upon ourselves to help out new guild members. I'd take her out into the field to heal them, rez when needed, and apply cures.
If BF became a problem or the mind buffs wore out a scout would drop a simple camp and I'd heal everyone and do all that. I used to run around like mad healing and after an accident I learned to NOT equip a weapon in case I get tempted to use it You could stay out in the field forever with her along.
All she could really use were CDEFS, but I always had one of my used (low condition) Scythe blades on her for show.
Yep, back in those days you could equip anything for show, it'd just be ineffective.
IF the classic server rumor is true and transfers are allowed, of course my Jedi goes. But my 2nd toon will once again be a Doctor/Dancer. I'll move Maaraa over if it's allowed, if not, I'll regrind her. You know what, yeah, I'll pull my Jedi out when needed, but I have a feeling that I'll be playing her more.
Indeed, I'll finally be able to play as I'd PLANNED to after unlocking Jedi (which happened 5 days after the CU hit), keep Feliis in the shadows, with Maaraa being the only friend of his who knew he was a Jedi, as a support character. I never intended to be a starport PvP showoff Jedi, or vized, or ever ON the terms. It just happened that way because the game changed.
PreCU docs was never on my gripe list. Frankly I don't think they were on anyones. If there was a gripe, it might be that people couldn't say no to them. I played the first 3 months with no buffs, I had no idea there was such a thing. After I was made aware if that aspect, I would still hunt without them. Not for lack of money, I just didn't see a point for what I was doing. Crazed durni were easy wooly and I didn't need buff. If that was what I needed, I was fine.
As with many things SWG, the bad habits of players nurtured change. Instead of a power tool to kill high end stuff, it became the lazy mans drug.
PreCU docs was never on my gripe list. Frankly I don't think they were on anyones. If there was a gripe, it might be that people couldn't say no to them. I played the first 3 months with no buffs, I had no idea there was such a thing. After I was made aware if that aspect, I would still hunt without them. Not for lack of money, I just didn't see a point for what I was doing. Crazed durni were easy wooly and I didn't need buff. If that was what I needed, I was fine.
As with many things SWG, the bad habits of players nurtured change. Instead of a power tool to kill high end stuff, it became the lazy mans drug.
I myself would not call a docs buff a lazy mans tool, but a smart players option!
I see alot of players love the interaction that the doc's, dancers, and i left out medics! gave to the game.
i remember when i first started playing a few months after release. i did not read the manual much
i remember getting killed alot by low level npc's. killed so much that i had a prement incap. i could not get up!
then after reading the manual a bit.. i sent a /tell to a few people, one got a doc to revive me...
That was one of my best memories actually. When you limp into a med center with only black showing, and having doctors jump to attention like in the ER. 'Take a seat and tell us what happened, we'll fix you up'.
Man I miss that. Perfect social interaction. It made it so easy to get in rp'ing, and it was useful.
"So, you just sat in the Med Center, and had FUN?"
QFMFE - this is the #1 thing wrong with SWG at the present.
/cheer KzinKiller
SWG Veteran and Refugee, Intrepid server
NGE free as of Nov. 22, 2005
Now Playing: World of Warcrack
Forum Terrorist
so true... and the best part is the poor guy would love every moment of telling you his story.
All the Non-Com jobs in SWG really made it what it was.
I still remeber my glory days on Kauri.
Making Rez runs too Dantooine, Price-Capping greedy doc's buffs, and making sure all my patients laughed.
- - -
Ever hear the joke about the doctor that sold "Death Insurance".
Some people make things happen.
Some people watch things happen.
Some people wonder what happened.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
[Here's a list of all the games I've played and/or my computer specs to show how much more seasoned or technologically advanced I am than you.]
Everything else is dumbed down CU era Combat Medic.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
Valley of Death did not have a start port ^^
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.