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Hi Guys in another forum someone said , i play lineage 2 for the pvp.... I played ac2 , EQ2 and wow but i thought that pvp in those games was shallow and meaningless with no real depth to it, and receantly i was craving for something different where pvp is better developed and has more to it,,,
please let me know if this game is good , and worth trying it out ,, also any feedback about lineage 2 is welcome regarding questing , characters , world crafting etc
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Well it all depends on your personal taste.
One thing to keep in mind is there has been a MAJOR change to normal PvP last week. "White" or non-chaotic characters no longer drop itmes at all. Red characters, chaotic (someone who kills another player) have a reduced chance of dropping items. In its place there is a healthy death penalty in the form of reduced attack strength (think dps) in addition to XP loss. Its to early to say how this is impacting the game. IMHO, low and mid level characters have become a bit more cautous and upper mid level and high level are becoming a bit more cocky.
So overall what makes L2 different from WoW or EQII? I played both. I got to the PvP rank of Alliance Capt in WoW and tried out EQII when it launched. Of those 2 games, EQII was definately the weaker of the two. The PvP in EQII is pretty much pointless unless you just want to fight with people. WoW isn't bad but its very artifial but keeping the PvP set up the way it is, its nothing more then a repetitive grind for honor points. I know they are changing that but you will just be using the points as a form of "currency" to buy the perks rather then earn rank. So the basic mechanical dynamic is the same.
So thats my opinion of those two. In contrast L2 is much different. First L2 is open PvP. NOT free for all but open. Whats the difference? There is a consequence to killing people in L2. See the rules for details. Even now with the no drop change to "whites" its still risky to gank people and now unrewarding. There are still asshats. Where L2 is different is in the guild aspect of the game.
Since you are basically "free" to do what you want, guilds become very important. Without being involved in an active guild, you are not going to really experience L2. Guilds are the driving catalist of everything in the game from castle sieges and the economies to petty wars. Guilds control and impact everything ingame. When you fight for a castle in L2, the "map" doesn't reset shen you are done lol, the guild gets to keep it.
The con of this is that you need to be at least mid level or better (40-50 ++) to really get involved in that. Which is fine, it keeps a certain kind of player away.
Is the game good? That is subjective. Players of the game think so. Quest suck. They are basic WoW type kill task. The content of the game is in the players, not the scripted quest. Most players could give a rats butt about the content unless it rewards them something like the "Seven Signs". The "epic" part of L2 is the sieges and community conflict not in the standard MMO pre-chewed garbage.
Characters - see the offical site for a description of classes and races. Everything has a specific role. There is no "uber" class really, its all based on playstyle. Some archers are better then others, some melees may be better then others but they are all slightly different and have very specific roles. L2 PvP is GROUP based not One on One based. It is very different from WoW.
Crafting - only dwarves can craft. It is not very practical to craft at low levels aside from Soul Shot, but at higher levels legit Dwarves are generally the wealthest players ingame. Dwarves are the worse PvPer though and the dullest to play lol. They are a farming, money making class/race if used correctly.
Other cons -
oops - some pro's
you fight more more new equipment
L2 PVP ---> PVP to own Castles / Territory / Name Recognition / Gear / Raid Bosses Camping / blah / blah
/ blah / blah / blah ...
Now .. is L2 fun to play? Sure .... if you know you can handle a Korean Grind / Farmers / Botters / Random PK's
this is my two cents on pvp in L2... its the best i have experienced in any mmo that i have played. I just love it... (though recent changes have made it not as risky as before....)
but in order to pvp and enjoy your going to have to get lvls and gear.... pvp in lineages isn't something you can do right out of the box and truelly enjoy.. i mean you can harass low lvls and never really get into fights but the best pvp is at the higher end of things where fights last for 5 minutes and you uses everything in your power to win even skills pots and what not that you wouldn't think twice about using in pve...
as a bishop i have to hot bars.. one complete pve and the other pvp, while they both contain heals one contains skills such as mana burn, erase, trance, cp, mp, hp pots bsoes etc
its two different play style between pvp and pve which keeps things exciting but *shrugs* if you want it you gotta be willing to grind for it
lol...but the game is dead deary, no one reads this but you and me and that other guy who said it is
Maybe some pictures would be better?
/sarcasim kiddo
BRAT..... and
Thats 3
lol no problem *grin*