Craig Morrison, a Community Manager for Funcom's upcoming mature MMOG Age of Conan drops by to answer a slew of questions from Staff Writer Garrett Fuller. Can you talk a little about Spellweaving and how casters will be able to take advantage of this style of play?
Craig Morrison: The spellweaving system allows for some truly awe-inspiring effects to be invoked. This allows the caster to tailor a specific incantation best suited to their current target. Whether it is combining debuffs or enhancing your damage, or even a combination of the two - the spellweaving system will allow casters to adapt their strategies to the situation at hand!
Throw in the fact that there are potentially dangerous side effects to performing the more complex weaves and we think we will have a system that the players will find fun and engaging when it comes to using this powerful magic. |
The whole Q&A is here.
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
Meh pretty much old info. I wonder why asks such old/repetitive/redundant questions though. =
And I wonder why people are disrespectful and not intelligent enough to make constructive feedback. And then they keep bitc...moaning about how a site sux but yet they are coming back everyday.
^_^ As for AoC console goes. I have a feeling that they would choose the 360 over all. It has the best online based service compared to Sony's Ps2 (not sure aobut Ps3 online) and Nitendo's Wii isn't exactly....a stable online, especially when AoC is based on MMO.. hence the online part ^_^. Though I am a huge fan of the ps3 and I would like it if it were on there, but if AoC wants perfermance, especially online, they'd go with the Xbox 360.
Help a fellow gamer!
The information is a rehash, but only if you have been following the game closely. These are common questions that are constantly asked, not just by news sites, but by new folks on the official forums. I dont think its out of line at all for to have asked these questions. I visit very few news sites, but I keep a close eye on AoC. If not, this would have been all new or mostly new to me.
It would be nice to see some probing questions answered, but for all we know they could have tried and were shot down. But questions that were rejected dont make for a very interesting article.
"We aren't going for the larger worlds model that we used in Anarchy Online" - to bad for me. I realy like concept of AoC, but look like game going be more local not realy MASSIVE online game
Massive Multiplayer Online Industry
Does anyone think a port to the consoles will be a crutch? I have heard the FX11 port wasn't that good and didn't take off at all. I could be wrong though.
There is only one game play mechanic I am really looking forward to this game and the effect it will have on other games. MOUNTED COMBAT! I think other MMO's really overlook how cool mounted combat can and probably will be. Plus AoC's ability to create enemy player cities near guild cities is a really cool feature. I love to see how MMO's are developing. I think we are almost to the point where technology is going to help us as players interact with the world we play in.
Well, mounted combat isnt that all new tho. EverQuest 2 had it from the start. And it's indeed a very cool and more realistic feature to be able to attack on a mount, then constantly having to unmount first like WoW and SWG for example.
I'm keeping an eye closely on AoC as well. It's very promising, but so is Hero's Journey. As I'm more looking towards the RP aspect.
Well, maybe less players per server, but I expect 3k+
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If you read up on their combat system it actually works very well with a console type controller. The only real struggle would probably be communicating with other players. There were a few questions in there that I haven't seen before, and some new answers. Thanks for doing the interview.
It is pathos we lack, and this lack of pathos makes the worlds we explore quite stale.
Argh! Just release it already jerks!
Go back to No-wai and code you monkeys!
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Yeah, it's going on the 360 for certain. They even have screenshots of people doing playtests with a 360 controller hooked to the PC.
I don't think it gets much clearer than that. Heh.
EDIT: Oh, and as far as communication... headset. Most MMOers use headsets these days anyway. The Xbox kiddies are used to shouting "NOOB" rather than typing it anyway.
I'd have to agree on the combat if it can port to console controllers, if the combat can fit within the limits of a controller easily that means very few skills you'll have the option of using at any given time. Look at FFXI, you could play that game while you were half asleep and with one hand, lamest crap ever for gameplay.
I was really looking forward to Warhammer online but I just saw the in game video they released and I am now 100% behind AoC. Warhammer looks like WoW but worse. This game has all the really cool ideas that are needed to make a great game like the mounted combat and the way they have you taking over areas and the combat system seems much better than anything else out there. By far the best mmo game coming out in 2007.
The gameplay was designed for controllers. It's no accident that the directions that you can swing your sword can be activated with the number pad, or a gamepad's directional buttons.
Sometimes after looking at the way the game is going to be played with the FPS style ranged combat and the D-pad style melee combat I wonder if it wasn't designed for a console first and foremost.
It's not very surprising that the world is going to be smaller than AO's. The AO world still lags on the best of computers and with the quality of those backgrounds I was kind of expecting the world to be relatively small compared to other MMOs.
The areas with player-made cities are instanced, as well as the areas for PvP.
I live to fight, and fight to live.