I know the game has not been released yet, but does anyone know the answers to these questions?
- Do items wear out and break in this game (armor, guns, etc)?
- Are there any weapons that do not require ammunition (i.e. lasers?)
- Can you have an apartment, house or bank to store items?
- Does your character have to eat?
- How does character leveling work? Are there classes? Is there a max level?
- Is there a limit on the amount of money you can have? (I am asking because I evaluated a game that limited the max amount of money you could carry based on your character's level).
This is just off playing the E3 demo but:
1: No
2: I dont remember one, dont get your hopes up.
3: No sign of any housing system ect.
4: Definatley no.
5: Dident have a leveling system at E3 but I assume there are skill levels you can acheieve.
6: No, even if yes, thats why you have more then 1 character (a mule).
Which FF Character Are You?
Which FF Character Are You?
1. I don't know if armor breaks or not. There are different armor slots according to your level and class. I.e. the higher the level then the more armor slots you get. I do not believe guns break in this game.
2. All weapons require ammo from what I've read. Even a laser (if in the game) would require a power cell or other "ammo."
3. Dev interviews state that each person gets an apartment where you store your gear and trophies. If you are a member of a guild you get a guildhall and depending on the amount of victories for your side your guild's influence spreads within your faction's city.
4. No though I saw resturants in one screenshot.
5. There are three classes though I don't remember their names atm. Combat is limited to levels: 1-10 fight each other, 11-20, 21-30, etc. The top level mentioned was 50.
6. I don't know of a max cash amount. You play PvE missions to earn money for new upgrades in weapons, armor and vehicles.