Will there be an inventory? I mean I know there are gadgeteers and all that, but what do normal heroes equip? Seems like there wont be armor or weapons....so what do you equip?
You don't equip anything on your characters. You can attach Enhancments to your powers, they will permenantly boost 1 of it's features (range, damage, etc.). The only things you carry around in storage are Insperations, which are single use buff items (kind of act like potions in most games).
Thinking there should be some equip for some classes. What about all the super heroes that had belts with gadgets and weapons guns and such? Punisher...batman....and so on.
Technology and natural super heroes have to have equipment. I thought the devs said that there was equipment. I rememder looking at live video and the dev was playing the game and i saw him run down the street and use super leap and then went into the store where heroes could buy things. But i can't remember if this was before they decided to make all the changes.
Hero's like the Punisher can exist in CoH, just make a Blaster and chose Assault Weapons as your primary power and Martial Arts as your secondary.
There are supposed to be some stores in the game from what I heard but you can only get Insperations and Enhancements from them. I'm assuming the shop keepers will be Contacts.
I am pretty sure Each arch type has a wepon Power set...Could be wrong tho.. and no there is no inventory past your Insperations and Enhansments. this is pretty old news. No reason for inventory cus there is nothing to loot!
Conservatism. Just old white men trying to find ways to legalize discrimination, and make the poor poorer
So there isn't going to be any items tis a shame but ack well it would be fun to carry a metal pipe or indeed have a some sort of weapion ( like thor or the blackknight) but oh well it should still be cool
OH OH can't forget Hawkeye or the green archer and wonder woman she had that rope and hawk-girl and hawk man they had those maces and swords
You can have weapons. You just have to chose one of the weapon based power, such as Katana from the Melee power set or Assault Weapons from the Ranged power set. I'm not sure if you are always brandishing your weapon or if you just pull it out when you use one of the corresponding powers.
Thinking there should be some equip for some classes. What about all the super heroes that had belts with gadgets and weapons guns and such? Punisher...batman....and so on.
Hero's like the Punisher can exist in CoH, just make a Blaster and chose Assault Weapons as your primary power and Martial Arts as your secondary.
There are supposed to be some stores in the game from what I heard but you can only get Insperations and Enhancements from them. I'm assuming the shop keepers will be Contacts.
Just old white men trying to find ways to legalize discrimination, and make the poor poorer
OH OH can't forget Hawkeye or the green archer and wonder woman she had that rope and hawk-girl and hawk man they had those maces and swords
so many.........................