Just for your information, skill points can now be rerouted to other skills. A new skill was introduced on the Progen Sentinels, called: CALL FORWARD, that enables them to reshuffle your genetic pattern. In doing so, they can free skill points to the general pool, enabling them to be used on whatever you want.
My wishlist for E&B is a simple one...
Get EA to kick the marketing group in the ... and spend some cash on marketing the game.
As with all MMORPG's, being an evolving game with a life span of more than 6 months, they require a different approach in marketing to keep the game "fresh" and in the publics eye.
New interviews, reviews, ads, etc. are required after release to keep the game from slipping to the very back page of the local game sites.
EA has really missed the boat, in that, they had a media blitz before release, during a brief period after release, and has now dwindled to an almost complete stop.
They will kill this game with the "console game" approach to advertising.
It's really an awesome game. I've been with it since beta, and hardly ever miss a day of logging on for a few hours to play. The playerbase is second to none in being some of the friendliest players and helping anyone they meet.
I hope that EA doesn't kill this game. If they do, it'll be the end of any EA product in my household.
Level 150 TT on Andromeda
Trade Consortium Guild
I completely agree with the PR on the game.
A real shame that the game is being discontinued. It shows that EA is not committed to its games and it is not interested in developing a lasting relationship with the playerbase. Such a shame, because this game had so much potential.
I guess about 30,000 players looking for another game then. For me its going to be EVE I guess.
Real sorry to see the game go.
Just old white men trying to find ways to legalize discrimination, and make the poor poorer
(sigh) Yeah, me too!
Most of us have seen it coming for a few weeks, the weekly dev update was no update at all...
The folks over at CCP should be happy, there's a bunch of E&B'ers moving that direction.
Typical EA. This is the last game I buy from them ever!
Level 150 TT on Andromeda
Trade Consortium Guild
"Let me see if understand you... If I put my sword down and you put your rock down, we'll kill each other like civilized people?"
Playing: WOW & GW
I'm just wondering how many people are going to move from E&B to EVE?
"Let me see if understand you... If I put my sword down and you put your rock down, we'll kill each other like civilized people?"
I have already moved. I hear a lot of people are planning to do the same. When looking at 35,000 people that the game has, that could be quite a big influx for EVE when it does happen.