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Well I don't know about you guys but I'm way super excited for Mark of Chaos. If I'm correct, I do believe its arriving in stores November 14th, ie NEXT TUESDAY! I reccommend this game to any and all who have ever played the table top (or just as excited for Warhammer Online) for its sheer epic regimental style of combat much like that seen in the Total War series (Medieval Total War 2 also comming out Nov. 14th I do believe). Look up more information about Warhammer: Mark of Chaos here at :
or see the oh so badass game trailer here:
This trailer has nice images of what a Warrior Priest is all about as well as a few little clips of standard Empire Soldiers. Lets not forget the sheer brutality of those Chaos Warriors. Man they look cool!
This game will give anyone a great sample of whats in store for Warhammer Online and I believe will do a great job of introducing the dark, unforgiving world of Warhammer. I'm sure if you like Dawn of War you'll love this game (Lord knows I do).
Just wanted to remind those who have fallen behind or unaware of this awesome game's progress. Looking forward to seeing some of you all in the multiplayer and I hope perhaps we could get a mini MMORPG.Com group of Warhammer Online fanatics together and have awesome Mark of Chaos carnage. Lemme know what yall think. Thanks for your time!
I only saw 2 screenshots with the HUD and all things. And is it just me or does it look a lot like Rome: Total War?
Not that I have any problems with that, RTW is a cool game
The Illuminati Gaming Society
Wow I didn't even know about it.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
Modjoe86- Gambling is a sin.
Laserwolf- Only if you lose.
Waiting for= PSU, WAR
Played the demo but was not impressed. Game play felt like a mix between Warcraft 3 (you skillup and equip characters in similar ways) and Shadow of the Horned Rat (the first Warhammer rts). Sadly not a good mix, took the bad things from both side not the good ones.
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
You don't equip them in the same way as warcraft nor lvl up. These char's have a cool skill trees, much more like the Talents in WoW.
The game looks more like Rome: Total War. Controls are almost the same, unit movement is exactly the same, even the red line which indicates the border of the map is exactly the same. That's about combat, the campaign shit has nothing to do with R:TW
Don't get me wrong, I love R:TW. And from what I played from this demo I really like it.
The Illuminati Gaming Society
Bad- Alittle weak on army making (some units left out), army painting (cant change armor color, some units unaffected by color change), graphics arent sharp (no synch kills like in DoW, mostly just hacking and slashing), balance (high elves are over priced! (this is strictly my opinion))
Good- All out combat, story driven single player, hero customization (amazing), tatical, fun, interesting, feels like you are actully playing with the models and not a video game.
I dont know about others but thats my list. Cant wait till the full game
Modjoe86- Gambling is a sin.
Laserwolf- Only if you lose.
Waiting for= PSU, WAR
"Et tu Brutus, fiili meus"
Damn damn damn pre-christmas season!
My wife has no liking for RTS and so i used what meager money we had on neverwinter nights 2 and dark messia of might and magic. 2 great games to be sure, but that means i will miss Warhammer mark of chaos, medieval total war 2, final fantasy xii, dark crusade and tons other titles....
Damn you companies! release games a but more organically! yes! thanks!
Sorry, rant off.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Oh and btw, get some pants
The Illuminati Gaming Society
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
The Illuminati Gaming Society
Stuff like that just makes me grin..
Modjoe86- Gambling is a sin.
Laserwolf- Only if you lose.
Waiting for= PSU, WAR
I am keeping a nice 50 bucks in teh pocket for that or a new airsoft gun....i think i might buy the warhammer because it just simply looks awesome and i can get the airsoft gun for christmas or some other money......warhammer it is!!!! the demo was enough to keep me entertained for a long time
If someone can help me with this, here's the "error" message i get
when i start playing as the chaos hero: Fatal exception in
Warhammer_DEMO.exe: 0xc0000005: Access violation
Edit: I'll just try to download it from somewhere else...
Edit 2: Didn't work, can someone help me?
Oh and btw, get some pants
not a chance, if i sell also my shirt i maybe get it
Jokes aside, after getting the demo, now i am dead set for this game, skavens get the bell! no matter what debt i get
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"