Ok i have signed up for manyyy mannnyy closed beta's and have never ever been picked.
You would think that i would havebeen chosen for at least one
I enter my details on the forms as it is and dont change it but i just
musnt be right. What are all your experiences for gaining access to
Any tips ?
But i never get picked also
It is just my rotten luck i guess
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Hrmm... Tips.
Well first, pick a game (or 2, 3) that you really want to Beta. Not just play to test for yourself but really want to help make a great game. Let's say you'd really love to get into the TCoS or Age of Conan beta's.
First and obviously go the sites and fill out an application, sign up for the forums and start being part of the community. Don't be ignorant, don't be rude, be mature, learn about the game, ask questions and share with those that ask.
Second, involve yourself, get to know the mods, help them when you can. Both these games have IRC channels, join them, get to know the mods that keep everything in control, get to know the people that frequent the line and apply the same rules to your behavior as you do.
Third, apply for every contest, every drawing on every site you can find. Search MMORPG news in google and become a member at every site, when a contest comes up, apply for it and make sure you use the same name as you do in the boards and the IRC line.
Fourth, get on the inside. Almost every beta and development/production team I've ever seen has a usenet server and they use it like mad. It can be tricky to find and your 99.99% of the time it's private but when/if you do, you can post up an intro and make friends and hear the really good stuff.
Fifth and finally, realize that as you much as you want to be part of the beta community and help out the game, your not always going to make it in, it's a hard truth when it comes to trying to sneak your way in there. But if you do your best, really make an effort to be a positive part of the community that revolves around the game, then you increase your chances 100 fold.
Best of luck.
Important Information regarding Posting and You
Um, well here's my tips:
No longer visiting MMORPG.com.
I've been in a few beta's and i'm in a couple big ones atm. I hardly ever post on the games main forums. Mostly because i dont want to deal with the fanbois. I don't know why i get picked. It's not due to hardware or forum posting though.
Make a difference!
Let me sumarise Shae's post
If yer' wanna' get in beta , you gonna' 'ave to kiss'a lot of ass'a
Not easy , not easy at all. And considering that i personaly am so lovably annoying. I bet this way i can only get to never be picked for any beta.
Cause i would rather get my head hit with sack full of bricks, than suck up to anyone , anywhere , and for any reason ... thats just my motto
Not the smartest thing, i know
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Let me sumarise Shae's post
If yer' wanna' get in beta , you gonna' 'ave to kiss'a lot of ass'a
Actually, I didn't get that from her post at all. She merely was suggesting to make yourself known and not in a bad way. The things she said in no way consisted of ass kissing, as far as I could see. Just common sense
Ive done many beta's and my experience in the game is frustration.Yeah i know im there to "work" but at the same time im also there to play.
I was accepted into a beta recently that i signed up for 2.5 years ago.I downloaded installed and played for 4 days.I realized that not only do i not have time for it anymore but i just didnt like the game or its genre.
BTW this was a mmo from an unnamed developer that SOE is publishing....figure it out and you win the golden cookie.
Wow !
Let me sumarise Shae's post
If yer' wanna' get in beta , you gonna' 'ave to kiss'a lot of ass'a
Actually, I didn't get that from her post at all. She merely was suggesting to make yourself known and not in a bad way. The things she said in no way consisted of ass kissing, as far as I could see. Just common sense
Yes I know
But i couldnt resist not to add a smart ass post
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Wow !
Let me sumarise Shae's post
If yer' wanna' get in beta , you gonna' 'ave to kiss'a lot of ass'a
Actually, I didn't get that from her post at all. She merely was suggesting to make yourself known and not in a bad way. The things she said in no way consisted of ass kissing, as far as I could see. Just common sense
Yes I know
But i couldnt resist not to add a smart ass post
Ratty just hates passing up an opportunity to pick on me when he can, it's how he shows his love .
But no, it's not ass kissing at all, in fact I encourage always being honest and telling the devs/production teams exactly what you think, even if it's not good. They are more likely to listen to you, and others of course, if they know your not just some random rabid fan saying anything to make them happy and getting yourself an in.
That being said, there's no harm in showing your interest and passion about a particular project and that's what I was trying get accross with my tips. Besides, it works, there's no beta I can't weasle my way into now . Yup, I'm that good.
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To be honest
I work as main graphic designer in company that developes multiuser internet program with gazilion users ... it is quite lame and i am not proud of it , so i wont mention what it is.
And we also have beta testings , and people sucking up to get into beta (just reading one beta test request email)
The thing is. We must completely trust beta testers. Cause they could be spies of competing companies - and beta version of programs are very open codewise.
So we do need beta testers to be active on forums, we need a way to track them (to be sure they were around before beta was announced) , and yes we should think they are trustworthy friendly people , that we can easily work with...
So we chose suckups...lol
No really , Shae is completely right.
And i think he/she has given a very good guideline how to get into beta (and basically play the game much before
everyone else, and for free - yay!)
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Personally I think there's a fine line between being helpful and supportive and being a suckup, I prefer to be the former, not the later though some see me as the later. I give any company trying my support sine I know it can cost a lot in time and money to develop a game. I also try to support GMs when they're not jerks since I know from experience that the job isn't always as easy as it may appear. I also try to help people in game forums with tech help once I know the common problems. IMO both suckups and PITAs can ruin a game, too much sucking up and the company may get a false impression and not really deal with real problems with a game, in the long run that can ruin a game. One thing I suggest is learn to give fully detailed reports on problems, listing your system specs when needed, or full details relating to the problem. If say it's for a quest, NPC name, full text with fixes or as many details as you can. Make sure the problem is repeatable and try to notice any other possible factors (sounds, graphic errors, etc). If you're just looking for a free game and are the type of person who complains about wipes then go look for a free free game and stay out of betas. If you're serious about looking to help find an open beta to start with (Carpe Diem opens in a few hours) and watch forums for people who really are helping for ideas on what to do.
@Rattrap what is it? AOL? (lame and not proud of it would fit that to a T)
Lol, it is not AOL , but it is pretty damn close
(let just say it has something to do with chat, chattedy, chat, chat...)
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
I have been in loads of Betas but only 3 closed.
The only advice I could offer is to agree with those who have said to get yourself a reputation on the games forums for being genuinely keen on the game and capable of expressing yourself well in text.
Also as others have pointed out, if you just want to beta so you get the game for free then your probably going to wish you had never botherd.
My experience of closed Beta is massive lag, regular disconects and a game that is only half playable.
It doesn't bother me, it's what I expect from an unfinished product, but it's interesting how many people get really wound up about it as though the game were retail
Good luck
p.s. giving yourself a forum name like "woghead" might not be a good idea either.
Holy crap!! Rattrap works for Blizzard and designed the graphics for WoW!! Hang him!!! (j/k)
Holy crap!! Rattrap works for Blizzard and designed the graphics for WoW!! Hang him!!! (j/k)
LOL... I always knew there was something sketchy about Ratty.
Fess up Ratser, the jig is up, it's time to run for the hills.
Important Information regarding Posting and You
Stop touching yourself at night.
@Rattrap must be AIM then (Personally I wont use any AOL software, they ticked me off a thousand times too often begining with closing Neverwinter Nights after they were forced to stop charging by the minute and I consider them to be a memory hogging virus) short of that I'd say MSN Messenger or Yahoo...
MSN and not proud
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Ang Sundalong Nasusugatan Nag-iibayo ang Tapang ^^^
That is not bad at all OP.
During beta you HELP the devs to figure some stuff. I applied twice for beta, 1 of the 2 was positive and the other negative. I also was invited to join 2 betas I never even applied...and I join the AA thingy, if you can really call that beta (it was sooo advanced it was ready for release). Of course the beta I was really wanting to get in was the negative one!
See, the whole point is...a beta tester is helping the devs where he/she beta. The beta tester is doing devs a favor, not the other way around!
For example, I would decline and refuse adamantly to do ANY beta for BioWare, I want to enter their game as a PLAYER, as a customer! Removing me this privilege, to experience it as a player, that would really sadden me beyond reasonnable means...I just want to PLAY what BioWare is working on, can't care less about beta! I known, I am a Biofan! Go BioWare go! Galwit Mysto!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren