Scott Hartsman is the Senior Producer on Sony Online Entertainment's EverQuest II. As we begin to wind down our bi-weekly EverQuest II Q&As, we talk to him about some key components of the Echoes of Faydwer expansion due out very soon. Check back soon for a full expansion preview. Subclassing AAs. Can you expand on that? How will it work to improve your current skills? Scott Hartsman: AA? What's an AA? Wait. You mean Achievements? :P The initial release of Achievements had twelve trees, with two classes sharing each tree. This time, there are unique abilities for all 24 classes. The ability lines are named and themed together. For instance, one line of abilities might make you a better tank, another might make you better at doing damage. It's all about giving people interesting decisions to make regarding the direction they wish to develop their characters, taken to the next level. |
The entire interview is here.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
I actually can't wait for EoF to come out I'll be starting new in EQ2 and after many hours reading the EQ2 forums and other fansites forums I think this might possibly be the game for me.
When they both came out EQ2/WoW I couldnt decide between the 2 I choose WoW. At the time I'm glad I did from what I read at release EQ2 pretty much sucked. But since then its added alot of content and new features and evolved into a really cool game.
I was a die hard EQ1 fan I loved the lore the stories and most all the people I met on Rallos Zek my EQ1 server.
Lets hope EQ2 turns out to be the game for me. I'm really looking forward to it.
Current end game players do not necessarily feel the same way. Rather then think that EoF will turn the game around, many of us in top EQ2 raid guilds believe the opposite, and believe we will be stuck with 8+ months on our hands after the first month of EoF with little to do until the next expansion.
But if you want to play a fairy with wings, it will be a great expansion.
I moved to EQ2 from EQ1 upon release, as my guild pretty much disintegrated at that time. I leveled up an assassin to 50, was a member of a raiding guild, did each and every one of the big quests, and burned out very quickly, as i found the game a very poor substitute for EQ1. Being an assassin, I decided to work level up other toons and set a deadline of DoF expansion and LU13 to decide whether I would continue in Norrath 2.0. DoF arrived and did little of what it promised, so I took my leave and headed to WoW, a game that I did not look forward too and left in a shorter time than I did EQ2.
I do try and read up the dev journals and posts on EQ2, in order to know what is being done. Though by no means an expert, I am pretty sure I am seeing the same thing that many saw with SWG.
EQ2 has been out about 2 years I believe, and in that time, has had to reinvent itself several times. The combat revamp coming out now is already the second major change of which I am aware, and there could certainly have been others. Does this not strike anyone else as poor on the part of SoE? SWG never survived its repetitive revamps, and I really don't see EQ2 as doing otherwise. Both will continue to limp along of course, as there will always be some who are satisfied. I just don't see EQ2 ever really being a major contender in the mmorpg world, and its place will diminish even more next spring when all the other titles are released.
EQ1 always lost players whenever a new game was released, yet many of those would return, as I did, after the free post-release month ended and it was apparent that the new title really could not compare. EQ1 is doing poorly now, but it has also been around for 7 years. SoE does not release numbers, but I would love to see how many customers it has in EQ2 vs EQ1, and I would not be surprised if there were more in EQ1.
How many times does SoE think it can reinvent the wheel in a single title before it drives everyone away?
I was ready to pre-purchase this expansion, and although the AA trees are lackluster I would have gotten it for the nostalgia at least.
Then, the devs showed their true intentions:
First, in crafting, imbuing was removed without a single word from any dev or even placing it in the patch notes. The new adornment system would make up for it plus add a lot of new benefits, but the act of removing something and forcing people to spend $35 US to get a skill they already had is just plain wrong and greedy.
Then they changed the way guild gained status to level their guild. Because large guilds found a way to exploit the system, the rewarded them by making it easier for them to level without the exploit, but in return, made it substantially harder for medium and small guilds to level. Again, they did this as a secret, never once sharing with their playerbase what they did, though I seriously can't believe they thought no one would notice.
The mode of transport to the new lands became boats again, and originally, it could take as much as 20 minutes to get to your destination. Yes, they are as buggy as they were in EQ1. They did give several classes the ability to port themselves and others (ala EQ1), thereby creating the new taxi class (ala EQ1).
When questioned about the above items, no responses came although all the threads grew very large. They were more than happy to participate in Lore threads or off-topic threads, but even in the closed beta threads, they refused to acknowledge any of these changes.
In addition, at this time, they also put in a new CS system. It basically makes you log out of the game and into your own web browser to /petition anything. Scott, himself did post about this, and although the feedback from every single poster (I think the threads total posts are now well over 500 between them) not one single word has come from anyone about it. Also, there was not a single positive post from any single player. Most agre, the new system is designed to discourage /petitioning maybe in an effort to cut costs, but all it does is mean that we were (and they still are) getting horrible CS.
Now, they did put back the Imbue recipes finally, and said something about it. Behgn (who is not a crafter, but yet is in charge of crafting) said it was rethought, and would be back in, though we can expect nothing to ever happen to it in the future by way of improvements (and fixes if there is a problem by the tone of his message). So basically we should just be grateful.
They did up the guild status across the board, so now only the smallest guilds will be losing out, but the larger guilds will level at an incredible pace. Watch the standings, 1 day after EoF is released (if even that long) multiple guilds will be at the new level cap. A dev did however allude to the fact that they were not trying to hurt smaller guilds, only encourage people to make more friends (nothing like having THAT forced on you, huh?)
They did reroute the boats finally and added a second boat circuit, the maximum time to travel to the new lands is 8 minutes. The system is still buggy, and shows the lack of imagination on the dev staff part. At least EQ1 had scenic trips (there's no OOT here), nothing was done to the original areas to make the trip anything but a time sink.
So in effect, instead of purchasing the expansion, their apparent comtempt towards their playerbase on multiple items proved to me that my time with EQ2 had ended. Two more accounts were cancelled.
It's a pity, really, because I was a big fan until this expansion and their changes. Now, even if they put everything back, I still wouldn't rejoin because the whole 'hidden' changes just says they think we are stupid, and there are more than enough hungry companies out there would try to treat their playerbase like they appreciated them.
So Scott, if you are reading the responses, how about a nice interview with Carolyn explaining how you feel about your playerbase rather than this PR garbage? It's what the players would really like to hear about.
Oh, and the CS system stinks. I'd file something in the petition queue about it, but since you need to verify email just about every time due to your buggy, no-longer in game system, I just can't send it.
That all pretty much summed it up as far as I'm concerned too, nice post Dex.
The one other HUGE thing about SoE's "We rule the land and you should just be grateful to be here" attitude, that was the cause of me cancelling my two accounts (as with two other guildies so far), is their complete avoidance of addressing the fact that no one outside of big USA cities can buy a boxed copy from their local EB Games. That there is outright NO option to get the box in Oceania even two weeks before the game goes live.
Not a word.
Add onto that the fact that there is zero advertising for the expansion at all. Will ties into this post:
Not an attack Vallenar, just an observation. HOW exactly will EQ2 attract people away, when there is zero advertising and zero public presence of EoF except on the hardcore-gamer websites (like this one) via articles?
Is SoE out of money, and cannot afford to advertise?
Throw into the mix Combat Upgrade Version 3-.. 4.. erm.. 5? and that's all the more reason for me to say "Goodnight" to EQ2 and chill in other MMOs until something with a more desireable Dev crew and a much more transparent CS department gets released.
Good luck to those who do stick around and try it out there.
And yeah, Hartsman, if you decide to respond, let us know why you don't have the money to advertise and distribute this game.
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
Well EQ1 was my very first MMOG and I played it with vigor for 5years, in fact even though I still don't play the game on a regular basis I still feel the need to buy the next expansion, I am by no means an adoring fan of the company but then again I am realistic and realise that all the games companies out there do things in games that will always upset someone.
I see alot of negativity and the usual I'm quitting posts because of the expansion, idle threats in most cases and just ppl wanting to let soe know that they arent happy, heck take a look at WoW and you see the exact same posts when new dungeons are added that just cater to the elite and not the 6 million casual players, or the fact the devs there will ignore problems for months on end, EQ1 and 2 don;t own the rights to ignoring players I can tell you.
For me EQ2 was a nice upgrade when it first came out and the SWG guild I was with wanted to play something new, sometime later we decided to play WoW and became successful in that game however the game is stagnant and so some of us decided to return to EQ2 and so far we are thoroughly enjoying our experience, yes there are a few problems, happens in all games but overall we are enjoying it, however my 56 Beserker would say otherwise.
The expansion although primarily aimed at all lvls is still something I will enjoy, I will be making a new character and starting from scratch again and having a go at all the new content as will all my guild friends.
I play these games to have something to do when the wife isn't nagging me or the kids arent after my money, anything that is different from my normal boring day is fine by me.
I hought about buying EoF, but now i think i will reconsider....
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
a few answeres to all the negative things mentioned before: yes removing imbues was not a good idea but they put them back in and i don't think there will be any new problems with imbues, and emand for dem will be decreasing more and more in future cause imbued items cannot be adorned. So i think they won't be adding new imbued items if they expand max level to 80.
Guild level change is not the best but i don't see it that much as a problem. the active accounts thing was causing problems with guilds rotationg members. the 5% flat was a try for a fix, but it would have been much of a disadvantage for small guilds (would not havce changed much for big guilds). 10% is better for small guilds but might make large guilds level too fast. Any other more complex system would also have had its disadvantages, so i don't see any real way to solve this problem.
I have to agree with you that the webbased CS System is a big step backwards for Customer Service in most cases, the only advantage is that i also can check if any interaction from me is needed when i'm at work. It might get better if they would improve the ingame browser to the point that the ingame browser is used to flll out the webbased CS form from inside the game.
Boats are highly liked by a part of the community and also disliked by another part. The current wait and travel times on beta server seem to be ok, i did not feel them to be more of a slowdown that the spires. And i think the portals are a nice addition, and yes i know this will lead to portal classes trying to sell portals to earn money. But we will see how this turns out.
The effect of the combatchanges on the actual gameplay is not really big, actually i hardly noticed any real difficultyy differences playing my char on beta and on live server. The biggest difference was that the numbers shown on stats page were different now. Soloing and grouping on same mobs did not change much, i cannot say too much on raiding as i did not raid the same mobs on beta and live servers.
What i hate most about that expansion are the new achievements. most of them are just not worth anything and look like spacefillers. and some classes do not get more than 1 or 2 really usefull achievements. From that part definitely expected more.
Also the transmuting skill like it is atm is a real pain to level, beghn said that it will be changed before launch to have treasured, legendary and fabled adornments to level easier on treasured ones but that change is still not on beta servers so i cannot comment on that. Like it is now it will be really hard and so also expensive to get an adornment made. i like the general idea of the system but right now all adornments require a part that you only get from breaking down a fabled or a master spell. i don't see a problem to have rare adornments that require that but there must also be adornments that everybody can get and crafters can level on (without having to spend tons of money on brokers).
Overall i am positive about this expansion and i just hope they can stillimprove a bit on my 2 negative points.
1. The game is isn't out til later this week. So essentially you're saying you have a problem with them putting content into Beta that's not yet ready for release and then fixing it. Well done Brainiac.
2. They posted test server patch notes etc. with the changes - that doesn't constitute 'hidden changes'. The player base even said they were displeased with these things and they changed them back. I call this listening to the player base - and getting a frickin Beta game ready for release!! If they pushed these changes to live with mention then you could be pissed - but even then they're not hidden, because as Blackguard said before he left, what's the point? The playerbase will see any changes they make, so what's the point in hiding them?
3. The dev's have been trying to get EOF ready for release, they haven't had time to post on the boards. As you'll notice its not the programmers or designers that were posting on the lore and offtopic (or its Owlchick, who I believe has been off ill or somethin).
4. I think you miss-read the Beghn comment. I think you read something into his tone that wasn't there, so maybe you should get a reality check and re-read his post in a strictly informational voice. Adornments essentially make Imbueing obsolete, he says there won't be anymore added in the future - because we won't need them, we can Adorn instead. And I really don't see how you can make the assumption that not adding new imbues mean they won't fix bugs with the old ones.
5. Yeah, I agree, the new CS system is terrible. But its a Station CS system across all SOEs games. From what I gather the devs aren't too happy about it either.
I wish I was starting from scratch with EOF
If I buy and complete Half Life 2 in three days, I don't just keep replaying it until they release Half Life 3, and go about moaning on boards that there's not enough to do in it.
The NGE in SWG was a complete change the game. It destroyed things people had been working for for a long time. If the EQ2 team announced that they were scrapping all their classes and replacing them with the four archetypes, and when you logged in after the change your character was 'reset' to the same level as your previous class, but losing all spells levels etc - that would be similar to the NGE.
Just because they make changes to the game system doesn't make the game worse. The first set of combat changes with DoF improved the game immensely. Sure, some people were annoyed that their class didn't play the same way as before, but in the long run it was a good thing. The combat changes in EoF are just as good. I'm playing it on Test now and its a lot of fun. You really can't judge combat changes unless you play them.
Incidently the NGE was Lucasart's decision, not SOE's. Star Wars is Lucasart's IP, SOE might develop it, but LA make the big decisions.
Delameko, since what I said is a load of crap by your definition, please show everyone I am wrong.
Link the patch notes (with dates) or the Dev posts (with dates) showing the changes weren't hidden. To prove this the dates of the Dev posts or the patch note would have to be dated BEFORE the major upheaval on the forums. They aren't and you can't prove otherwise.
As for the beta comment, the Imbue changes and Status changes went to Test server at the same time as Beta. Again, with no patch notes nor any dev response until it became a MAJOR argument on the forums. Same tactic they used when they removed the tradeskill instances before.
I was in beta from the beginning (until I got fed up with their attitude and cancelled), I know the whole new system.
So, show us all how the Devs kept nothing hidden, you have that within your power to back up you 'load of crap' statement.
You can't though, because it didn't happen the way you outlined it.
Don't click here...no2
this part is fixed, its on the test server patch notes
Don't listen to those whinners.
I don't consider myself a fanboy. There is some problems in EQ2, like ANY other MMOs.
But EQ2 is BY FAR the best MMO I have ever played (and I played a lot of them).
It has an incredible amount of quests
The lore is great
Many addons (expansive but if you love the game...). We have 3 addon and 3 extensions when you know what has 0
Graphisms are fantastic (but not very optimised: u need a fast CPU (CPU more important than GPU !).
Music is beautifil and there are voices (its one of the few MMO where NPC actually speak)
Lot of races and lot of classes (bored with a class ? try a new one !)
SOE is always making improvements to the game, even when its a big nerf needed (some people who love to solo yellow named don't like it but who cares).
Crafting is fun (it could be harder).
Enjoyable for anyone, from soloers (any class can solo, really) to raiders
The game is so huge that after 2 years i can still connect each day and play 5 hours without doing everything I wanted to do. Whereas I was bored in WOW after 1 month...
And with EoF I'm having great fun playing my gliding faes in complete new zones (donjons, gfay...).
You love RPG ? You will love EQ2
Note: comparing revamp of SWG and EQ2 is a comple BS...