Alright, so, i know this may get me lynched in some area's of the world, especially at my age, but, i sent the idea to the parent company and have gotten no repsponse. It may seem childish but it does have a large following, so, it might take off if done properly.
The idea is for a Pokemon: Online mmo. *ducks head*
ok, i know its namely for kids, but it can be pretty addictive, and i thought it was a relatively profitable idea, plus, i think it is workable.
I guess i'm just asking for your thoughts.
I say why not.
I don't see why they haven't made one yet.
If the pet development system was anything like Monster & Me I might actually play. People can bash Pokemon all they want, but if you get passed it's pukingly cute graphics and storyline, it's actually a pretty good game.
A Work in Progress.
Add Me
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
It's also a game that if done right could have a very fun pvp system, we may not admit it, but many older gamers would probably end up playing this title.
"PvP r0xx0r, I CHOOSE YOU!"
20 mins later "for the love of God, if i hear "i choose you" one more freakin time....."
Hey man
I think Pokemon MMO , would be just awsome - I am really puzzled why they are not making one.
Pokemon is the perfect game for MMO , if there was ever one
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
Overall I'm still holding out for a Magic: The Gathering MMO
Guild Wars 2 is my religion
I buy it!
Especially if you can open your own gym.