Default is Number Pad (Very good IMO its what I use), In the Config you can change to WSAD movement, and the mouse is very difficult, and often not even used.
Also you can use a controller if you would like that, somthing like the PS2 controllers or the xbox 360 controllers work best.
i use compact keyboard, WSDA to move and enjoy that alot. The numpad is alright, but I find it harder to use, also all my macros get used with my left hand so its just handy to use WSDA.
Your best bet would be to buy a PS2-2-USB adapter or use an xbox 360 corded controller to play. FFXI was made to be played with a controller afterall.
Using a mouse is rather odd way to play and unique. You click left button and move mouse (kinda like a virtual joystick) to move. Right button is used to move the camera around.
Also you can use a controller if you would like that, somthing like the PS2 controllers or the xbox 360 controllers work best.
Using a mouse is rather odd way to play and unique. You click left button and move mouse (kinda like a virtual joystick) to move. Right button is used to move the camera around.