I hear this game is not solo friendly (or is it?), but I'm wondering it works alright in a duo?
My mom and I are looking for a new game where we would most likely be duo-ing most of the time, and hopefully creating characters that will work good together / complement each other.
How good is the character customization?
Is this game quest or more grind oriented? How do you get your exp? Through questing or through grind killing? How do you make money?
Is there player housing?
Thanks everyone
Character Customization really sucks, Theres like 8 Face/Hairstyle and 2 diffrent hair colors for each. And there are 3 Sizes for each race, Large, Medium, & Small. And... thats it.
FFXI has thousands of quests, Theres a very large ammount of grind involved in leveling, But when you play a Solo/Duo job you can level when ever you want.
You get experiance through killing Easy Prey or Higher Level mobs, The diffrent levels in mobs are:
Too weak, Easy Prey, Decent Challenge, Even Match, Tough, Very Tough, Incredibly Tough.
Even match is the same Level as you, The higher level the mob, they starting Coning Tough, Very tough, incredibly tough., And the lower they get (Lower than your level), Decent Challenge, Easy Prey, Too weak.
You don't get any experiance from Mobs that are Too Weak, So you have to fight stronger mobs to exp.
You make money from selling items on the Auction House, You get very little from quests, Missions, and Mob drops. (Beastmen type mobs drop gil, but its a very low ammount)
Everyone has a mog house, Basically its just 1 room. If you're from Sandoria or Bastok you'll have a fireplace, Windurst a foutain. You can put furniture in it, But only you can enter your mog house.
One attractive possibility for a duo is to semi-static. Basically you start with the two of you and look for pick-up members to fill out the rest of the party. This can often give you a noticeable leg up in getting a full party (which is six members and is generally the best way to party).
Chris Mattern