Here's something I don't think has ever been discussed. At least not this bluntly I suppose.
If you were to consider the entire human race, I'm talking about everyone alive today, how would you rate them on the way you have been treated up until now?
Before you answer, I'm not looking for someone to say, "well it all depends really on how you treat others", because there are some things that don't. And what I mean is that the vast majority of people don't know you, yet they still treat you a certain way. Like when you are driving your car and others are around you. Or when you are standing in line at the checkout. Or when you are commenting on something in a forum. Or when you are a customer at a store you don't frequent.
Anyways, you get the idea. I'm talking about the everyday people you come into contact with. Do you trust them? Are you uneasy around strangers from fear? Do you think everyone is pretty much nice? Or do you find that most people are jerks?
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
I've modelled this with two situations in reality. The first is in college. I know EVERYONE in my school. I don't really know why, I guess I just give everyone the time of day. I've never understood people who're like "who's she?" and you're like "the new girl in Mr. So-and-so's tutor group"... It makes no sense how they don't pick up on stuff like that... I don't allign myself with a single social group in school, because, like i said, everyone's nice when you get to know them. As such, it can be really hard for me because of the following situation:
Two social groups that I know people well in are group A and group B. Group a has the popular girl "Jo" in it. Group b has the popular girl "Jean" in it. Jo actively self harms regularly because her boyfriend died in a car crash and she feels it was her fault, so I spend a lot of my time trying to help her with that. Jean is anorexic because she has a inferiority complex because of the strain her parents put her under, so I spend another lot of my time trying to help her with that. Jo and Jean, because they're both 'popular' in their groups, are effectively rivals. On a school trip to Dorset, spending time in Jo's room, having deep heart to hearts, the topic shifts to group b. Everyone, including Jo actively slates Jean, saying what a 'two-faced cow' (or whatever other stupid insult they can come up with) she is. I can't stand up for her, because then i'll attract their resentment, but I feel guilty not standing up for her. The next day, in Jeans room, the same situation in reverse. I know both groups are really nice people, and so caring and reliable, but they never see that side of eachother, so they hold this resentment for eachother instead...
So back to these models then... The group A hates group B situation happens with almost every group in school, except the 'popular kid' group, who everyone hates, because they are the people with asperations (they just want to be popular at any cost) - makes no sense, right? All the other groups are lovely people when you get to know them, but hostile to all the other groups.
The next model isn't as closed a test, but it's based on driving. I ride a 50CC moped, restricted to 30mph (25 up hill). I get a LOT of negative feeling from people in cars when the limit is over 30mph, because it can be hard for them to overtake. Numerous times i've almost been ran off the road on purpose by people who I guess you'd say have 'road-rage'. If I ride home from Bristol (the roads restrict overtaking very strongly, and I can't reach the 50mph limit), by the time I'm 5 miles out of Bristol, I'll normally have a 25 car tailback behind me. When they get to overtake, I'd say 80% of them will show negative feeling on overtaking (beep horns, yell abuse, flash lights, try to cut me up etc.). Now when I talk to an adult I know about my riding, I've never had anyone say anything other than sympathy for having to stay to the 30mph restriction and that they feel guilty for beeping and moped riders, because they had never looked at it from our point of view before. See that? The second they know the person involved, it moves from resentment to sympathy... You could of course be cynical and say that's just because they want to 'make friends and influence people', but we'll ignore that...
Second driving model... Chavs... For you americans that don't know this, Chavs (retarded delinquents basically... Or basically, 'wiggas') often ride mopeds from age 16 to 17 while they can't drive, and then move up to riding sooped up little Ford Ka's etc. (Little 1.2 litre things, with stupid skirts/lips on them). While riding my moped, it naturally follows that chavs give me tonnes of respect, beeping horns to say hi, waving, pulling up next to me and telling me to have a good night and shit... All this respect from the least respectful people on the planet... And purely coz they feel that they know me... Now, once I reach my local town, I'll park my moped somewhere safe and walk to whatever bar I'm going to today. I ride in leathers, coz i'm not an idiot (did you know that if you hit the tarmac at 30mph, you go through skin at one centimetre - half an inch - per second? And that on a bike you're 37 times more likely to have a serious accident than a car?), and so when I walk into a bar, I look pretty 'metal', long wild hair, leather jacket, bike helmet, and I'm told I look about 22 (hahahaha, suckers!) - I have no trouble getting served ^^. People tend to assume I ride something about 400CC (even the bikers I run into guess this... Again... Suckers!) because I ride in leathers, but no leather trousers. Chavs don't ride beyond their 50CC mopeds, and are therefore hostile to people they perceive as bikers... So when I appear as if I ride something of 400CCs, I tend to get into a lot of shouting matches, with the same people who minutes before were wishing me a good night! Purely because now they don't feel associated with me...
Until you get to know them.
I'll read it in a few minutes
It's funny that she gives me no sympathy when she elbows me in the crown jewels though...
If I had to rate the entire population of California based on their driving, I would give them a D-
If I had to rate the world based on morality and ethics, I would give them an F.
at least we pass the driving test.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
We failed, we're fucked, we're doomed.
Independant, Shinto, Lesbian, and Proud!
Among other things, making generalizations on man based on the collective whole of how you consider that you've been treated your entire life. Far too much affects the outcomes of who and what people are that there would never really be a right answer. Everyones opinions, perceptions, outlooks etc... are different based on the accumulation of every day and experience it's taken to make them who they are. Perhaps that's the point of this and I'm overthinking it, to just get another persons outlook on humanity.
Anyways I don't intend to completely dodge the question. With all my personal dealings to this day, I would have to say I'd be rather indifferent in how I view everyday strangers. Allthough I don't give much thought at what I think of random strangers, I do try to be considerate and empathetic in my dealings with people. Most people generally react in the same way in the small town I live in. Every day usually ammounts to getting what I need to get done in that specific day and that's that. Overall I've had the good end of the spectrum in that I wouldn't condemn humanity but I wouldn't praise it either.
If I were forced to judge humanity overall then I would have to say that we have a long ways to go before I could say I'm proud to be a human. We can be the most beautiful or vile things on the planet, capable of such greatness if we would only unite and apply it, and instead we bicker amongst ourselves on a near constant basis. All I can say in the end is that I sure as hell hope we make it through the next several centuries as I believe it will be the defining point of if we make it or not. The question yet remains that even if we do, will we be the better for it?
Look at how we treat each other. Look at the hunger and disease in our world. The overpopulation. The fighting. The greed and lust for control. The hatred.
There are some pockets of good around, but they're fading fast.
Yes, quite mad at the human race.
Overall, individuals are nice, extremely nice, or plainly awesome. But when it come to long-term consequences, Omer Simpson is displaying more wisdom than most of us. Humans shouldn't have to bear human rulership, it lack, completely. If a good and nice alien would offer to take over Earth, I would personnally be in favor of it most likely!
For example, this little person that you know, is raising the appartement he/she owns of an extra $50 too much (based on minimum wages). See, in a decade, this sums up and it become awfull...over many decades, it is plainly wrong and completely screwing the society. Somehow, we are supposed to not hate these land owners. I am sorry, but anyone ranting a scrap appartment for more than the minamal wages X 40 is in my hatred book, they deserve hatred, for abusing the most needy. Oh well...
Yeah, individually, we are all nice, except for land owners of course, which are usually evil bastard trying to rationalised it isn't their fault, while it is, directly. Oh well, screw it, I am going to drink now!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I'm a pessimisst (sp?), so I think that all people are evil deep down inside; last week I was at the skytrain station, and this skytrain came (wasn't the one that I was boarding), and I watched the people board it. There was this man who was getting aboard, and this other guy coming out. The guy coming out, after he got out, sarcastically said to the guy who was getting in "You do know that people do get out first, you know?"
It reinforces my pessimisstic belief that strangers shouldn't be trusted, and are bad. As a result, I have become a lot less respectful to strangers than I have before.
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This is why im a misanthrope; somebody with a distrust and dislike of humanity as a whole.
*sadly this puts me on par with Kefka from the final fantasy series*
Well, I'd give the humans that I have come in personal contact with a B-. I live in the south, so people are generally more friendly and trustable then other regions of the US/world.
I'd give humanity as a whole a C-. We could be doing alot better, but things could be worse, too.
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ii reckon overall pppls are pretty good but there r a hell of a lot of dick head s out there.
take what you can but not what isn't yours. "fight to the end and never give your enemy the satisfaction of victory"