Hey guys,
I am pretty much quitting Lineage 2. I've achieved all my market goals in Lineage 2, I am rather rich and 100% legit with no ebay no nothing. BUt after that I got bored. I'm used to PvP in the diablo 2 hardcore server sense where if you die, you lose everything. So I wasn't too interested in L2 PvP.
So I'm going to start playing EVE and I want to play mainly for the market. I did some research and to start. I think I should choose.
Gallente with an intakis bloodline. I should also add some attribute points to intelligence and perhaps charisma or just intelligence and willpower? I have a friend who plays and he'll let me buy a chip that increases memory and from there on out.
I will put skills like this.
Instant recall
Analytical mind
Until I hit lvl 4 on each and then I should branch out I think. I am not so sure how I will start to make my financial empire, I did have help in L2, with a few millions as free money, but I'm not sure whether I want to be a producer/crafter or a trader on the market. I would like to start my own corporation but I'm daunted by the fact that I'm so new in the game and it will be an uphill battle. The politics in this game are great, i just feel I have to be "somoene" to be a part of it. The L2 politics are okay, but if you're not a clan leader you aren't really enjoying it, furthermore, there's no real consequence in the game in my opinon.
I'm guess i'm asking for any advice, I believe, that what I will do is I will try to mine a little bit and I will try to start off by being a caravan perhaps. I may have some friends playing with me and it would be exciting to drift into low security space with a bodyguard and try to mine the good stuff.
But yeah, I'm going to be joining you in EVE, I will mainly be a market player, my best friend in RL is a pirate in the game so I have some support already. I'm not sure what my name will be in game.
Maybe Qais, as it was in Lineage 2, or maybe Cryomatrix as it was in diablo 2. We will see.
But if you have any advice, I'm open to hearing it. My inline video game history goes like this.
Quake 3 - Starcraft - Diablo 2 - starcraft - Diablo 2 - this repeats for awhile - WoW - Diablo 2 - Lineage 2 - and now EVE. I've had fun in all games i've played, Diablo 2 being the most fun i've had in a game, Lineage 2 was more fun than WoW in some ways, and starcraft was always fun but superficially. Quake 3 was a blast. But I guess i am maturing into a more in-depth game so EVE is the next logical choice.
I would have joined EVE earlier had I not be so obstinate about hating the space genre. I chose L2 instead of EVE.
Nice to meet you all,
a.k.a we'll see what name I have in EVE.
Catch me streaming at twitch.tv/cryomatrix
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
My top tip is for you to have your atributes start out at a farly equall level that way you consistantly train all your skills at the same sort of speed.
Even a atribute like perception as its used to train freighters capital ships etc.
The reason i say capital ships is that ccp want to introduce a second capital industrial ship inthe lines of a mobile refinery.
when Revelations I comes out. Not only will you be able to start out
with far more starter skills tailored to your chosen field, but
you'll also have the new contract system which will likely be immensly
usefull to your chosen field. In the meantime I'd read as much as you
can about trading/manufacturing and start creating small goals for your
character to reach once you're actually ingame.
Oh, and always remember to keep things fun. Mining can be very boring,
especially solo but it's not bad in a group, goes a lot faster as well.
As for being someone in EVE, well that's done through actions, you can
only make a name for yourself by doing something noteworthy to the
P.S.: Even playing the market in EVE is pvp'ing, you're always going to
have to worry about competing with other players, don't be surprised if
you get wardecced once you get up and running.
If I start today with a 7-day free trial and then sometime after the 28th, I sign up for it with my credict card, will I get the new bonsues?
Probably not, so I should wait until sometime in december for which I can join the game then. Oh well, i was really looking forward to it now.
Anyway, thanks for your help so far, and keep it coming. I guess I will just wait for after Nov. 28 or 29 to get the new patch and then start up.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
actually done at character creation. If you really want to play I would
just grab a trial and get a feel for the game, then on the 28th just
create a new character and transfer all the assets, that way you don't
miss out on making some isk to start out with, and there is no way you
will be able to pass 800k sp in a week and a half, since the trial is
14 day anyways it should roll you through the expansion release, though
you can count on losing some time due to patch problems.
Yea i advise you get palying now then after the Expansion is out create an alternate charecter and if he is better than your current one then transfer all your assets to him and make him your main.
At least in the time till then you will learn how eve works.
Quick warning tho eve is very complex at first and can be hard for some but its true scope when you learn the ropes well....its HUGE.
1. I agree with keep everything equal, but keep Charm on the low side because it's not used for a whole lot. Perception and Memory are most important for an industrialist.
2. You can join an already established industrial corp who will show you the ways. They are always recruiting because they are always in need of people to haul their stuff.
3. Start your free trial IMMEDIATLY. Get a feel for the game and recreate a character as soon as Rev. I is released. Use a program called EVEMon to help you plan out your skills for future goals.
A Work in Progress.
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Crafting is getting a change with the next patch (invention is being added).
A very good goal with Eve: Playing the Market.
Unlike a lot of other MMOs, Eve has a lot of varied pieces that contribute to the whole - and the Market is an excellent economics simulator in it's own right.
The first things I would recommend would be taking a look at the EvE Character Tool (http://www.wium.net/nw/evetool/) which is an excellent resource for figuring out which race/blood line will get you closest to what you want.
Then, get a copy of EveMon (http://evemon.battleclinic.com/) which really should be included with the game. This handy little program lets you plan out your skill paths with very handy explanations of what the skills do and how long they'll take to train.
To play the market I recommend taking a look at the skills in the "trade" catagory as these govern the distances you can buy and sell things from, which greatly broadens your 'reach' as a marketeer.
the issue is, I'll probalby just wait until after the xpac or sometime around december 1st. Then I will play. i have things to get to so I will probably try to focus on them. I also have a friend that's a pirate, so he can always help me with the starter cash. So yeah, I'll probably just trade, that's what I did in Lineage. I tried to establish an online company in Lineage 2 (in-game currency only). It worked alright, but I think it may be more lucrative and in-depth and fun in EVE.
Keep the opinions coming, i really do want to play though. But I should just wait. We'll see how long that lasts for.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
There are quite a few EVE Based Companies. There are player ran credit unions who offer loans, there are people doing pretty much anything for money. I don't know all the details of it all, it's not really my thing but it's nice to see that people do that sort of thing in the game I play. In the new patch there will also be Alliance Run insurance companies. (I think it's this next patch anyway)
A Work in Progress.
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When I said PvP, I meant the more violent head to head combat between two players. I tend to enjoy a battle of wits as much as the battle of reflexes.
I am in flux as what to do really haha. Perhaps on wednesday I'll fire it up. BTW, my trial is only a 7 day trial i don't know why but it is.
I got to bounce, but nice meeting you all.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Hey cryo
Can I have your L2 stuff? lol
Anyway, who knows when the new "avatar" system goes into place. (approx date)
you sure could get more help and information on the oficial forums. there you will find many very interesting player created manuals, and i remember reading a very one about trade (i think it was "Trade 101") not too long ago.
about attributes... if you are really sure what you want to do, then try to raise some atributes over the others, but if you want to do many things or are not very sure, then try to have all atributes the same, except for perception (higher) and charisma (lower).
as a general rule, if you want to be:
* Pure Trader (buy low, sell high, no need to move or carry stuff): you need charisma and willpower
* Transport (buy underpriced items somewhere, sell them for profit in other region): perception and willpower
* Producer (build things, and then sell them): you need trader skills + industry + prod. efficiency + mass production + supply chain management. all those are memory/intelligence skills
* Miner: memory, intelligence and perception
* Refiner: memory, intelligence
* Researcher: intelligence, memory
* POS: not sure
Maxing any of those fields will not take you more than 5 or 6 months, so eventually you will want to spread out. my best advise is to take a free trial now, learn about the market and production system, and watch very carefully the list of skills on the market, to see what you want to learn and what you dont want
pd: probably, you'll end up choosing a caldary achura, like everybody.
It would be nice for the avatar system but I think it should have features where walking along a spacestation or your ship is necessary, not something that can be totally avoided, like fishing in Lineage 2.
P.S. I fired up my EVE yesterday, made a generic character just to fly around and try to do some mining, but i forgot about how to search for asteroids, I think i'm a gallente intaki or something of that nature. I'm a try to get some starter cash on my own even though it's dumb cuz when my friend reactivates his account i think he has like 70m in cash unless he kept getting owned in PvP.
But how do i bring up a list of all the things nearby in space? I was trying to search for a mine but I couldn't. Oh well, we'll see how it goes, I'm pretty excited. THe previous poster had good advice, I'm going to have to see about what i want to do, be a transporter or a trader. It should be nice. Knowing myself, i should go with a balanced attribute set and use my *cunning wit* (intense sarcasm) to make up the difference in reference to the pure specialist.
Thanks a lot guys.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
But is the patch/xpac coming out on Nov. 28? or Dec. 28 or no idea? If so, then i'll remake my char, as I made some dumbass just to fly around a bit.
So let me know, if so I'll make a new character and start training him/her right away.
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Cryomatrix why start with a 7 days trial when you can have the full game and test it for 14 days
Ok Market is abit different approach in EvE to play around with.
I got some market friends who could help you out on a more proff way
mail me on pihlssite@hotmail.com and I help you with the market stuff +
Guides & Trials for EvE Online:
Let's fly around in our noob ships ganking miners in belts in high sec!!
Anyone got that video link handy...?
This is what i've decided to do.
I did do a 7 day trial and i don't know why but i did. But then i went and grabbed a 14-day trial. I made a char but screwed up her skills and made a new one.
It's a minmatar siebestis or something.
she has high intelligence starting off at 13 or so. I'm going to mine and get a hang of the ropes. On the 28th hopefully the xpac comes outa nd I'll come out with a new char.
Then i'll transfer everything over. I think i'll make my character with this roleplaying type.
"She'll be a nice looking but business oriented avatar"
I will be a transporter/trader/miner. I will mine in the free time to supplement me, however, I'll focus on transporting and trading. I'll will hire my services out as a transport at first, and work on trading as my own thing and mining as well. I chose minmatar siebsester because it si very balanced.
But based on what I'm doing, what do you think i should do. I do not like going cookie cutter and I plan to be the pussy combat guy who's rich as hell wearing the silk robes surrounded by body guards lol.
Any thoughts. Game is great, i will get hooked on it for sure.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
hi there
hm screw her skills up ? that would never happend if you mailed me
and told me what you wanted to do in eve.
I do most part custum made char creation manuals for people
custom made for there needs
Im not very good at talking/communicate true forums about
stuff so pihlssite@hotmail.com is good idea thats my msn.
Guides & Trials for EvE Online:
Cryomatix, it may take a little while to get started in EVE - which is no bad thing, since there's quite a bit to learn. I'm with the others who say that combat-PvPers are just too chicken for Market-PvP.
I can't claim to be experienced and have only been playing a little over a month, but I've been dabbling almost exclusively in trading (small volume/easy transport stuff, a handful of systems only, just to get my feet wet) and I'm making a respectable living - more, I think, than my husband does and he runs missions all the time. Me, I sit back with my Quafe and direct my minions.
Anyway, there's plenty of stuff you can do just to get to know the game before the expansion (no, I'm not sure when it is either), and asset transfers aren't difficult once you have a clearer picture of what you want to do. In any case starting with the wrong skills is not the end of the world: it just sets you back a little in terms of learning the skills you need then and there. But imo no skill is useless - you never know, one day you may want to go layt the smackdown on people.
Good luck!
I'm mining now to get some cash you know. I haven't put any skills in mining yet so it's just for cash and if this character is just so i can get wait until the xpac comes out then getting as much cash as possible will be very helpful.
I mined enough last night to buy a 95k ship and also buy analytical mind/learning skills. And I'l mine and level up skills looking at the market and then i'll try a transport job of my own doing, see if someone is buying high and another one selling low.
I saw in the market i had a cahce to make a .17 isk per unit profit. It wasn't worth it, but it's just a start. I only have 100k isk.
One thing i know is if you odn't hav emuch cash it's slow to build it up, it took me forever in lineage 2 to build enough cash, i lost out on so many deals it was crazy.
But overall it seems fun, im just getting my feet wet. Also, before I get hired out, I do background checks on alliances and people so I don't get ganked. I want a good reputation so i'll never screw anyone. I guess i'll wait until either the 28th where i can make a new char with 800k skill points and/or i can buy the full game and the monthly service.
Also, do you think it would be non-legit if i trade lineage 2 currency for EVE currency through a friend that plays both? I think it is cheap. And much to my chagrine my friend who'll play with me told me he ebayed 250m isk . . . blah. Now i can't ask him for help.
This game should be fun, i'll be out in full force whenever xpac comes out, till then i'm on a rented mule. LOL.
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IMO the best atribute balance is
gallente -> intaki -> artists -> University of Caille -> Market Fundamentals -> Underhand Trade Practices//Broker Relations
whit custom +3 perception +2 willpower and u get :
intelligence 8
willpower 8
charisma 8
memory 7
perception 8
u can also use +3 perception +1 memory +1 willpower and u get
intelligence 8
willpower 7
charisma 8
memory 8
perception 8
BestSigEver :P