already 2000? that's fast. hrm... well if that's true, then as for the winners, do we get our stuff to get the beta and our keys in e-mail or what? just curious.
as for those who didn't, sry guys, better luck with the next comp.
I didn't see my name on the list, though I was scanning it fast. But apparently I was on it ... anyone know what # I was or how they are sending out the mails?
Damn i was #30 .. I guess they are sending it out by number placing.
If its true that when you drop a cat it lands on its feet or if you drop toast it lands butter-side down... what happens if you strap toast to a cats back and drop it?
aw... i'll trade you my ryl account for the wow one? lol, i want in wow soooo bad, yeah, no crying man, wow is def. a good beta to get into. although i'm really excited about this ryl, i want my e-mail to get into the beta now
already 2000? that's fast. hrm... well if that's true, then as for the winners, do we get our stuff to get the beta and our keys in e-mail or what? just curious.
as for those who didn't, sry guys, better luck with the next comp.
Damn i was #30 .. I guess they are sending it out by number placing.
Viet boy, quit cryin, you got in WoW beta.
If its true that when you drop a cat it lands on its feet or if you drop toast it lands butter-side down... what happens if you strap toast to a cats back and drop it?
Yay i got it
I want to cast magic missle. go there for Naruto episodes!!
As some things can be right and useless, can't some things be wrong and priceless? -Viktor Suikoden I