Senior as in long-time...not old age...
Is there going to be randomly generated loot in this game. I really hate when every single person runs around looking the exact same. (IE- AC loot vs WOW loot)
Is this a crafter based economy, plz god no. Look at SWG, not only did everyone look the exact same, you got to run around between a million player run vendors in the middle of nowhere to find that the item you need wasnt in any of those shops. I have no problem with crafted items being good, but definately not the best... that just lames out the economy and makes for a very cookie cutter world.
Zones...plz tell me no. I started with muds, then went to ac...then back to uo...then on etc etc etc. I really have to say that playing a game with no zones (AC) has ruined most other games to date. I really liked being able to pick a direction and run. There were actually things to explore, special loot and monsters to be had that could only be found by roaming. And they used all of the landscapes with the portal/dungeon system.
Character good is it? Are there skill trees or skill sets, or what? Again, this goes back to being cookie cutter, if there arent skill trees is it viable to make a character that isnt the set normal (ie a warrior will always be the best using 2h axe with x skill and x stat, cuz thats really cookie cutter too).
I know we are a long time from release, just wondering if anyone had some info on this stuff.
Randomly generated loot, no. However, there is huge variety in the works, enough that even if you don't use customized gear few will look exactly the same.
Crafted items are indeed the best. However, a situation similar to SWG's won't happen, for two reasons. One, crafted equipment is customizable, both in terms of appearance and function, once again it will be difficult to find any clones. And two, assuming Funcom reuses their well established GMS system, running from place to place will be unnecessary, you will know exactly where any player shop items are, their price and how to get there. Plus, this is not SOE, they won't chase off 98% of the fanbase with combat "upgrades"
Yes, there are zones, but that does not remotely mean that there won't be plenty of content. In fact, I found the situation to often be quite the opposite, with seamless world little more than endless landscapes of pretty much nothing at all, dotted with a few interesting areas.
Character development is very indepth, with more than 1,400 feats to choose from spread out among the classes, and they are still making more, there is also a skill and attributes tree to go along with the feat selection. It will also be feasible to venture outside of your class's percieved "specialty"
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Randomly generated loot? You mean that game would generate new armor looks randomly?
Nothing like that coming.
Most likely game is going to be like zillion other MMORPGs out there. You kill, you loot, loot is generated from the monsters loot table.
In SWG everyone did looked the exact same - BECAUSE THERE WASN'T ANY OTHER GOOD ARMOR SCHEMATICS CHOICES AVAILABLE!!! Only advanced composite armor was worth of crafting and wearing - other armors were worthless.
You are seriously messing up player created content with VARIATION of the items. Look games like CoH/V and Second Life. All those clothes/costumes are player created. If developers are giving proper tools for players, they will create variation.
There is not going to be such variation in the AoC. All items are developer created and designed. Crafters can add bit value to items that players are looted.
Yes ... isn't that awful that you need to actually find good vendor and use some time to shopping instead of instant satisfaction? How you feel when you need to run around 4 different shopping places that are carefully decorated by players - when you are trying to find that new advance armor piece? Does that make you nervous? Do you feel itching in your back? Don't worry, this game is going to be mostly character/player skill based. Items have minor effects.
Yep... there is going to be zones.
There is going to be skill/feats system that is similar with skill trees. There is going to be classes. There is going to be levels. There is going to be kill that sucker 100000 times to get next level xp grind. And no... you can't create your "custom class" that is great sword user, have x-ray magic eyes and can heal all your party members instantly. It would be against MMORPG developer's holy bibble. Free character customization, without levels and classes just doesn't fit to MMORPG developers head.
Get it?
You are going to be cookier cutter. Either damage dealer, tanker or healer.
"I know I said this was my last post, but you my friend are a idiotic moron." -Shadow4482
Guild Wars has essentially crafters based looks, but there is a wide variety of looks in the game. What with dyes and the various armor styles.
I do not think that it is reasonable to assume a crafter based economy = everyone looking the same. WoW is not crafter based and everyone looks the same GW is "crafter" based and everyone looks different.
Clearly crafting or craft-like systems are not the cause.
I r teh meatshield
Death before Dishonor.
I r teh meatshield
Death before Dishonor.
There is going to be skill/feats system that is similar with skill trees. There is going to be classes. There is going to be levels. There is going to be kill that sucker 100000 times to get next level xp grind. And no... you can't create your "custom class" that is great sword user, have x-ray magic eyes and can heal all your party members instantly. It would be against MMORPG developer's holy bibble. Free character customization, without levels and classes just doesn't fit to MMORPG developers head.
Get it?
You are going to be cookier cutter. Either damage dealer, tanker or healer.
are you made at me or something??? And if all of these things are the case...well then this game really isnt any type of step forward in advancement at all. It might still be a good game...but that drops the excitement level down a ton for me. I didnt say i want to be a super ultra badass character. I just dont want to necessarily know that being 31/20/0 with x armor of bad-assness with mighty axe of pain is going to be THE best...or anything like that.
There is going to be skill/feats system that is similar with skill trees. There is going to be classes. There is going to be levels. There is going to be kill that sucker 100000 times to get next level xp grind. And no... you can't create your "custom class" that is great sword user, have x-ray magic eyes and can heal all your party members instantly. It would be against MMORPG developer's holy bibble. Free character customization, without levels and classes just doesn't fit to MMORPG developers head.
Get it?
You are going to be cookier cutter. Either damage dealer, tanker or healer.
are you made at me or something??? And if all of these things are the case...well then this game really isnt any type of step forward in advancement at all. It might still be a good game...but that drops the excitement level down a ton for me. I didnt say i want to be a super ultra badass character. I just dont want to necessarily know that being 31/20/0 with x armor of bad-assness with mighty axe of pain is going to be THE best...or anything like that.
Its definately not entirely true, which resetgun would know if he's ever played FC's other game. Cookie cutter classes were rare in Anarchy Online, mostly used by players that chose to specialize in a tank, DD, or healer.
Besides, not a single one of these classes in AoC are going to be simply sitting back and just healing, so the healer set is entirely out the window.
As to grinding XP, developers have said its not that hard to level up, and that there were several ways to do so.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
I never said anything about grinding in my fact I prefer grinding. Id much rather just grind...than have to grind with a bunch of annoying rules in place (you have to kill this...then loot this...then go see this guy...then do this). Its all the same mindless playtime to me so I'd rather just be able to watch TV while i do it.
And yes i think grinding is the best way of leveling...those who put in more time should be more rewarded...end of story.
Hate to disappoint, but AoC isn't being made by Koreans. Those are the ones making the game you're looking for.
Hate to disappoint, but AoC isn't being made by Koreans. Those are the ones making the game you're looking for.
lol he does have a point
I r teh meatshield
Death before Dishonor.
I actually played Anarchy Online from release week to Shadowlands expansion release. I also really tried to like from Shadowlands, but it did have too much fantasy and too much raiding for my taste So, I did played AO about 2 years? Did I qualify?
Funcom has said that all classes are going to be able to do solo in some degree and for example healers are not going to be traditional healing bots. But I can't recreate my favorite character from Oblivion, because she is sexy battlemage (likes to burn things), who will win single handed you in honest sword fight, likes to sneak around and can heal herself pretty well. Of course, she is bit limited in some areas of life, like chit-chatting (too short temper), wearing heavy armor (she likes to show some skin) and alchemy. In AoC, I still need to make forced choice and I can't mix my character skills freely. I am cookie cutter.
I must bit defend AoC: it should have interesting combat system that is player skill/reactions and character skill based. AoC is not going to be new revelation of Messiah. It is going to be next logical step in the evolution. I just sometimes hope that Funcom would make bigger leaps.
"I know I said this was my last post, but you my friend are a idiotic moron." -Shadow4482