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Ok, I have only been playing for like 2 or 3 months.
But every time I get towards the higher level of the BG cutoffs, I spend some time there.
And 99.9% of the time, Alliance gets their asses COMPLETELY kicked.
This is what I have seen from my inexperienced eyes:
Horde are organized, and alliance are not.
You have people who seem to be AFK, you have priests who are not casting a single heal, you have people not waiting for others to come and charge to their deaths...even though they would only have to wait 30 secs for others to arrive.
Horde always seem to form a wall, as you should. They group up and Pwn. Aliiance are all unorganized disjointed and get picked off easily.
Granted I have not been in the 51-60 BGs, but every BG before that has been slaughter. I have probably done BGs about 50 times and won once. Even if the ratio was about 33% wins, I would probably spend more time there, but as it stands, it does me no good to go to BGs as I have been leveling up.
Does anyone here know why? I would think since these are fairly random group-ups that the win/loose ration would be somewhere near 50/50. I dont get it.
Horde more likely to be end of their level and also have more suited pvp talents.
And skillwise horde is generally better, people say this isn't true and complain about teamwork but don't understand if it takes less horde to kill alliance because of better skills, it generally has an effect where alliance have to have more numbers to cope, this generally weakens other bases in AB.
The horde get their ass kicked in AV most of the time.
The first BG's are to small and horde classes/skills are more suited for this like the shaman class for example is ideal to defend a flag. Also I found in general the horde skills/spells more suited for PvP and Alliance more suited for PvE.
And it gets better as more players are in the BG. the worse is the first bg because its only 10/vs10
it gets a bit better for alliance in 15vs15 but much better for alliance in the last bg 40vs40. It just proves the superiority of the horde classes/skills/spells.
Also, in a small bg you can have groups joining a battle and usine a speech device such as TeamSpeak for example.
but in the last bg, AV, you cannot join as a group and THAT makes also a difference. I know cause I use TS with my friends and it makes such a difference in BG's.
A friend who is a horde player told me also that usaly the horde plays to win the battle and not for personal kills like the Alliance,I dont know if its true but it looks like it in AB for sure.
Glad to hear it gets better at level 60. This is my first toon am at level 49.
Well, looks like I gotta get my butt out there and get to 60.
Honoured in AV rep, and NEVER ever lost against horde in AV. Its all about pre made teams. hordies can form small pre mades for wsg and 15 for ab... but not for AV.
Alliance players make better raiders I feel, and know how to function in a cohesive 40 man raid... even when pugs in AV. So why we always win in AV. Im going to test this theory shortly, as i'm levelling up my hordie now :-)
Well thats my humble view anyways
It was the damn cross relm battlegrounds that screwed the horde.
Trust me its all the same.. And in some instances its the fact that the horde or Alliance (ON THAT SERVER) actually are more organized.. Either you can join another server or wait untill the tides change and more organized Alliance groups on your server come up.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Because they're young.
I played Warsong Gulch a lot simply because it was the easiest place to win. And yes, Alliance doesn't form great strategies from what I saw, nor do they understand them. It always comes down to communication and solid leadership. If anything should be done, it should be that you get a strong raid leader. Second you should make sure people are following orders, not going lone wolf or getting personal with their toons. And lastly, you should not be stupid. I once told a Druid to engage a small attack group and run off. Sure enough, the Alliance followed him back to their base. This happened everytime, and I'm not joking with you either. The entire match was done this way too.
You'd think this wouldn't happen in 60 BG, but it did.
The most losses I ever got often came from guilds. The organization is there already, and they know how their game plays. In fact, I don't ever recall winning when fighting in pugg-versus-guild BG.
These tend to be the players who will own you in other BG's because
they've spent time collecting gear.
there are 2 knids of people in this world:those who understand sarcasm and those who dont
In PuG PvP, the Horde will kick the Alliance's ass consistently (save for the level 60 AV). Why? Because the majority of kids under 12 and/or mentally impaired adults who buy the game see the Night Elf and go 'Zomg Purple Legolas!!11!! I fite orks and be hero!', join the BG's and run around like chickens with their heads cut off.
If you don't believe me, take a head count of how many 'melee Hunters' you see running around in AB in the Alliance and the Horde and average them out.
Alliance just has a lower PvP IQ than Horde, and this is coming from an Alliance character. (Who would be Horde if the Horde had Gnomes.)
i think you guys need to take a chill pill i mean it's just a game (for some) but if you don't like going to the battle grounds don't go.
Alterac Valley is a huge battle ground that is made for level 51+ so once you lowbie peeps hit 51 you can go to AV.
most of the time in low level BG's we alliance peeps lose because we're either not ogranized as the horde or we don't have the complete skills, it doesn't matter, just try to hit level 51 then you can visit the better BG.
Kazi killed Kazi2
Kazi3 betrayed Kazi5
Kazi4 committed suicide
a whole world of Kazi's
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Actually, Alliance whoops Horde's ass. I've been in over 500 wsgs till now, and I've won at least 60% of the games.
ABs only swipe up 50% average though along with AVs coming up to 85% of the games I've played.
Horde is organized because the Horde are afraid of fighting alone. They tend to group together before ganking. Alliance people just think that they're so good that they could start killing off horde in 1v5 situations. However, if you have a 10v10 group of alliance vs horde, i'll bet that the alliance will win it hands down.
now its to do with battlegroups, on one of my chars alliance allways wins, on the other they stand no chance, its the way the cookie crumbles
PUG vs PUG, Horde has an advantage. When you have premades, it depends on how good they are.
In AV, on my battlegroup, the Alliance win 95% of the time.
Before this last patch, AV wasn't so one sided. Now, most Horde are content with a fast loss.
I've got to chime in on this subject. I've leveled up 2 Horde character to 60 (Warlock and Priest) and one alliance characer (mage) with a host of in between levels of both factions. I've done BG's from 10-19 to 60. On multiple servers including a PvP server.
What's been brought up before seems to be pretty much the truth. When I am PvP'ing with alliance in the lower BG's they're (for the most part) not really interested in winning. They ARE interested in HK's so you see a lot of midfield farming going on in WSG for example. I've said to them time after time that killing Horde does'nt win the battle. Capturing the flag does.
In AB it's also the same although in AB there are some more things to take into account. For one..defense. You need to defend nodes that you've taken to prevent them from being ninja'd. Another thing is the zerg. Alliance seem to think that the zerg wins BG;s. It's not true. What the Horde does to counter zergs is to let the alliance have the node and slip in behind them somewhere else. In AB you also need constant communication....example "3 incoming to the Lumber Mill". Most alliance PUG's don't seem to learn this. You also need to react quickly in this battleground. The alliance seem to be fascinated by keeping the stables. More times than not I've seen the Horde take the stables and the alliance will mindlessly zerg from their cemetary to take it back.. This sometimes happens to the Horde as well from the Farm. If a node is pressed that heavily let it go....Leave the cemetary and rez somewhere else. Then take 2 nodes while they're not looking.
Anyways...leadership is the key for the alliance to win the BG's at least 50% of the time. You need a strong leader and some people willing to take directions. Morale can be another issue. It seems to me that the alliance fight more.
Just some things I was thinking about.
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