No. Accounts will probably go out the 25th of march, everyone just calm down. Its not cocaine. You can go sniff around for faqs and stuff on the game for a few days
You will not achieve anything if you do not strive for it.
You will not achieve anything if you do not strive for it.
do you know for sure tho? cause i don't see any reason why to wait, since all the other IDs won from other website contests are already out and they are all playing.
No. Accounts will probably go out the 25th of march, everyone just calm down. Its not cocaine. You can go sniff around for faqs and stuff on the game for a few days
You will not achieve anything if you do not strive for it.
You will not achieve anything if you do not strive for it.
Pardon me, but what is the significance of the 25th of March?
No man No man...aww I need a fix
*taps arm*
I need a fix
*sniffs around forums*
You will not achieve anything if you do not strive for it.
You will not achieve anything if you do not strive for it.
do you know for sure tho? cause i don't see any reason why to wait, since all the other IDs won from other website contests are already out and they are all playing.
Actually it does make sense.
The contest is HOSTED by
the game is RUN BY the site.
the 25th is when RYL is taking in a 2nd batch of people for teh beta
All the other contest winners are playing right now (other site contests) we are just waiting on admin to get them to us.
i cant wait until I get my accnt/pass, im very excited about this beta.
ok we just wiat but can an admin anserw the question??