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I wanted to take a second to post about an issue I have been having. Has anyone else experienced this?
On Both my WoW Account as well as my EQ 2 Account, when I am playing my character will starting spinning in circles... or running in circles.... This is VERY frusterating. Imagine waiting to take a camp out and here comes LeRoy Jenkins on the auto run... not cool.
This does this for me in both games often enough to be very annoying (at least 1 or 2 times an hour). This has occurred on 2 different notebooks. (I play with a mouse and keyboard hooked up). The only thing I could figure that I had in common with both setups was that I was using the same mouse, so I used a different one and it is still doing it.
I googled everything I can think of... anyone else having any problems or have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!!
i know that e.g. Saitek keyboards in general can cause problems with certain programs (have you checked the sony/eq2 tech forums, or blizzard tech forum = did you perhaps try with a petition? sometimes that can help, believe it or not).
e.g. I have a saitek gamers keyboard. with it installed (the driver that is),
eq2 does not correctly play the intro movie (but game plays okay)
planetside doesn't load at all
mage knight apocalypse show spinning camera (was supposedly fixed after a patch, but didn't work for me).
[never had a problem with wow though.]
the solution usually was to temporarily remove certain drivers (which i find very annoying....).
so in your case: if it is the mouse, is it a special one? did you test without external mouse? if you did and problem persisted, did you deactivate any "additional drivers" in the computers hardware setup? if there is only 1 mousedriver, then o/c this is not a useful thing to test.
other than the usual "are all your drivers and system patched and up to date", i don't know what else you could try.
good luck.
remember the old joystick days?
There is a point in instalation where one must calibrate the joystick or it would do this same thing.
the problem i am showing is it can be hardware or software driven problem. If your character is running that means it is the keyboard seeing as how the mouse wont make you run. ( some games have a setup to where clicking the mouse wheel turns on autorun) Running in circles would take two things for the mouse as well holding a view button down while constantly moving the mouse to turn.
it seems this is a keyboard issue becuase to run in a circle takes the up arrow or " w " key and turning taking the side arrow or " a or d " keys. I would suggest using your laptop keyboard only to see if the problem persist, or trying a new keyboard ....... anything other then the one your using. Also if its wireless keyboard these are prone to problems of this nature as well.
if none of the above works, uninstall your keyboard drivers and reinstal them ......... trying getting a newer version off the manufactures website.
playing eq2 and two worlds
I refuse to use trackball mice, they suck performance wise. The only times I've had something similar to your situation happen, i unplug my gamepad and relog. Fixes it every time. So if you have a gamepad hooked up, try that.
does this happen when you lag spike?
if so ive known many people to lag spike and still move the mouse, after the spike the computer does what the mouse told it during that brief time. Next time this happens let the mouse go totally and see if it still happens.
A mouse with a ball or optical really make no difference in this area. I have used optical mice since about 2002 and no problems like this but i have seen others have this problem with both baal and optical and i notice the same lag spike problem again and again.
Well... going to try and cover all bases and answer all questions here.
1) Tried using multiple mice.
2) Tried using multiple laptops.
3) Tried using multiple keyboards.. zboard, plain microsoft keyboard, laptop keyboard.
4) On the 2 laptops I have had this happen on.... One was a Compaq that ran both Windows XP Pro. I am now using an HP running Windows Media Center, and currently running Vista (yes i have most current updates). It has happened in all scenarios.
5) The strange thing is that it IS only occasionally... I worked in computer software QA for a long time.... the term 'occasionally' is not one I am proud to use. But, its true.
6) Even more bizarre than it only happening sometimes is the fact that it happens when I play WoW as well as EQ2.
I have searched all knowledge bases that I can think of and googled everything... I was hoping I would possibly run into someone that knows what the heck is going on.
And my problem seems to be different than the other poster's issue as my cursor doesnt 'take off' anywhere. I just start spinning... whether I am fighting, running, or just standing. Very strange. I will call tech support for the game as a last hope, however, I am sure I will be laughed right off the phone. Because, if you cant reproduce it, it isnt a problem. It is probably something I am doing anyhow... just not sure what.
Hope this answers all the q's asked!!! Thanks for chiming in guys!
I am goin crazzzzzzzzzy with this!
one of the replies here mentiones lag -
that could be a potential problem. especially if you use a laptop with old hardware (esp. graphic chip) and have a slow connection (phone line???). since you are running vista though, i assume you have quite new laptops.
i know from my laptop, that with extreme lag spikes, the input hardware hangs so to speak for a split second and i get sort of that phenomena you describe, but it passes.
wow can have extreme lag if you play on busy server@busy hours.
eq2 is hardware hungry.
the mouse being optical or not should'nt affect this. wireless or cabled? wireless is a killer! what can happen is, that the bluetooth devices turn off after a few seconds of inactivity to save battery. it then takes a splitsecond to react to turn back on - i used once a logitech system bluetooth. man that sucked - i removed it to the secondary pc and got a cabled gamer mouse.
so the only other thing i can think of:
* don't use wireless input devices
* try turning down graphic settings ingame and see if problems persists. if it does, then i really dunno.
* if you are using phone-modem.... get dsl.
* if you use dsl, make sure your modem/firewall has the correct ports setup. if they are not open, it can cause lag. if you share the internet connection (e.g. with your spouse/kids who download while you play) you can get horrible lag spikes. (not necessarily, but i am trying to find a cause for your troubles).
* don't use more than 1 antivirus/firewall at once. make sure it doesn't scan while you play. make sure you don't have any viruses....
Have business cable, highest speed in the city.
Hardware should be fine I have a pretty mean processor, over a gig of ram, and 128 dedicated video... but I did try turning them down. No help.
Do not use wireless mice... no good for gaming. (or keyboard)
Fiance is a Software Developer... and we are big gamers... No firewall, router doesnt interfere. No AV.
*sigh* I just dont know anymore... I think I am doing something crazzzzzzzzy.
what about a clean windows install? if you use your pc professionally, you might have some stuff that interferes?
hope it works out for you.
This happens to me sometimes in EQ2. I don't play a lot of other games that much so I can't say that I have ever exerpienced it elsewhere.
I have a Logitech G15 keyboard and Logitech G5 mouse. I looked on the EQ2 forums and it was happening to a few people as well. Someone from SOE posted and asked if we were using USB keyboards and it seems to be a conflict with DX9 instructions or something to that effect.
It hasn't happened to me in awhile in EQ2. I keep everything I can possibly up to date, audio drivers, ATI drivers, and the monthly redist of dx9 from Microsoft. Is that the fix for it? I have no idea, it could have also been a stealth fix on SOEs client.
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Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
I use a Logitec optiacl mouse when i play, and i do not use a mouse pad. I have this problem all the time when i just use the mouse on the surface of my desktop. Im so use to it happening, I hardly notice it now when it dose happen.
My wife on the other hand, went nutz when this would happen to her. We bought he an optical mouse pad and she has had no problems simply to stubborn to use a mouse pad, but im sure an optical pad will fix your problem.
thanks for the tip!
i just resubscribed and was annoyed that now i can only start the game like every second or 5 time!!!! no, not annoyed, frustrated as heck!
but now it seems to work fine in windowed mode!