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I have had an account with Blizzard for 2 years now. I went to visit my Mom in NY and didnt bring the disk with me to install the game on the computer up there. Well, I tried something and it worked. I dont believe this is wrong by any means and would like some opinions on this.
I went to Blizzards website and noticed that there is a free trial offered. I tried to download the free trial but I had to make an account. So I proceeded to make an acount using my regular login name but it wouldnt let me. so I created a different login name, but used all my valid addresses. They then let me download the game. I couldnt login using the account I created because I didnt give them a credit card for the new name. So I tried something. I logged in using my valid name that I have used for two years. Low and behold, I was playing my main character.
Before I left my Moms house, I deleted the game entirely from her computer. I got home and logged in as usual on my comuter with no problems. Bottom line is, I got to play the game out of town without the disk install and I believe I did nothing wrong since I am a paying customer with a valid account.
Any comments on this?
Im thinking your safe. I mean you are a paying customer and should be able to play the game no matter were you are. they shouldnt be able to dictate what Comp you use to play your game. bottem line. however they have been banning accounts for such incidences not saying your in the wrong by no means. but i think there just jumping the gun alittle/alot.
But how was Mom Good i hope
different town than you usually do, you should be safe. Banning will
happen if you, for example, start logging in from another country.