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Everyone says it's all about skill points. Those who've been playing longer will ALWAYS have an advantage. New players can never catch up, yadda yadda yadda...
Here's the proof!
Now, would someone like to do everyone else a favor and detail the time required to learn the nescessary skills to fly the battleship in that video? Don't forget to include the skill points required for the other ships.
LMAO! Now THAT is how you use smartbombs
Edit: The time to get that BS and the skills to use the
smartbombs and cap booster would take around 1 - 1 1/2
months. The ships that got blown up? 4 - 8 months longer
for the tech 2 ships. (This is just a rough guesstimate since im at
work and dont have the time to exact calculations)
Here is what it will take for my Gallente Alt who started out as a mining char to fly the Caldari Battleship the Raven:
Current Skill Points: 156,488
1: Spaceship Command III (11 hours, 6 minutes, 29 seconds)
2: Caldari Frigate I (50 minutes, 36 seconds)
3: Caldari Frigate II (3 hours, 55 minutes, 43 seconds)
4: Caldari Frigate III (22 hours, 13 minutes, 5 seconds)
5: Caldari Frigate IV (5 days, 5 hours, 41 minutes, 29 seconds)
6: Caldari Cruiser I (2 hours, 6 minutes, 31 seconds)
7: Caldari Cruiser II (9 hours, 49 minutes, 16 seconds)
8: Caldari Cruiser III (2 days, 7 hours, 32 minutes, 47 seconds)
9: Caldari Cruiser IV (13 days, 2 hours, 13 minutes, 44 seconds)
10: Spaceship Command IV (2 days, 14 hours, 50 minutes, 44 seconds)
11: Caldari Battleship I (3 hours, 22 minutes, 25 seconds)
12: Caldari Battleship II (15 hours, 42 minutes, 42 seconds)
12 skills; Total time: 26 days, 3 hours, 25 minutes, 38 seconds
Total Skill points from 0 required to get a Caldari Raven: 371,939
(My alt has very high Int and Memory and very LOW Percep and Willpower)
A Work in Progress.
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Haha, failure alert ! failure alert !
Almost every decent ship needs more skillpoints to fly then the battleship. Only cruisers, battlecruisers and frigates need less.
The funny part is however, that to fly a battleship well, you need more skillpoints then you need for anything else bar capital ships.
Anyway, people look blindly at skillpoinits and expect to be the underlying party in pvp just because their character has less skills then another one. The trick of Eve however, is that skillpoints are relevant only when it comes to having access to tools. It's hwo you use those tools and hwo you organise yourself and your co-pplayers that determines success, not wether or not you can use the tools with 5% more efficiency or not.
A group of Eve players with determination and organisation always wins from a group that does not display those characteristics. 5% more determination will win you more fights then 5% more large energy turret damage will.
Heh nice video just gows to show that smartbombs are not totally useless. As for the time it would take to fly that raven with that setup, id say the previous posters are pretty much spot on.
As for the victims ships it would take at least 3-4 months to get the minimum needed to fly them.
but you are so off the mark... your comparing a battleship
to mining ships (the ships destryed were mining ships).. the miners are defenceless.. he would have still successfully
killed a few with a smaller ship, albeit not as many as he did flying a
The weapons he was using are smart bombs.. and he was using
a lot of them.. they deal damage to anything and everything within a relatively
small range.. anything over that range will be untouched.
Opportunities like in that video are rare Im glad you
As mentioned earlier it take 3/4 months specialized training to flypointed it out even though your reasons were a little flawed.
those mining ships and any one could be popped by a month (prolly less) old
characture, they can't shoot back! It's only fair that a Battleship (the name should be the give away there) should be able to knock up so many kills.
mindspat skills are only one part in pvp and other things in eve its your own brain
who makes up if you can play eve online or not
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TBH a 1 month old character could have done that
To fly any one of those barges requires 3-4 months of training
And that's if you don't do any combat skills along the way.
So I'd say you proved your own point wrong... it's not about the skill points... It's about how you use the tools you have available due to the skill points you have invested.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
lol the topic and first part of the post are sarcastic
A Work in Progress.
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lol the topic and first part of the post are sarcastic
Ahh ok well sarcasm does not carry well in text. Sorry.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
With new characters being able to learn tech II modules on their first day of inception it's going to put them into better ships at start thus narrowing the "playing field" between new and older players. A new charcter on the Test Server is being created with about 800k skill points with several lvl 5's and some learning skills.
The video shows how a player with fewer skill points can easily defeat others who have more skill points; such as the arguement goes.
Many potentials, and/or trolls, allegde there's no chance to play EVE since older players have more skill points thus meaning the new player/character will be grossley inferior. The video proves that skill point dependancy wrong.
I did not make the video. But I do have as much fun watching a SmartBomb fitted BS waste minners just as much as the next person.
I guess only EVE fans could apriciate that wonderful descriptive graphic
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Skill points are not what leads you to victory, use of tools, and working together to outsmart a foe is. Eve is all about finding ways to make use of what you have to acheive something that looks like it can't be done.
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Dark-Wind Its War on Wheels!
Well that goes to show just how much you know about MMORPGs.. xD Almost any game is about how you play.. more of the new ones anyways. I was in .0 space.. lowest security space playing with the big boys in only 3 weeks.. i was killing Angel Pirates(npcs) with a cruiser, Its all about how you play and how fast you learn and get into the game.
Thats why i constantly say.. you need a High IQ to play Eve ^^ If you play WoW you might not like Eve.
Dark Assassin15
And yet that battleship pilot flying a ship and using modules that require aout a months learning. Easilly killes 3/4 players in high end barges which need at LEAST 3 months of dedicated learning.
Its the equivelent of a level 10 player ganking 3 level 30 players.