I remember when I got Scruffy, he was only 6 weeks old and as cute as a button. He would always meet me at the door when I returned home from work, he would lay beside me when I watched TV...he was a good dog. Although in the past week or so he had become very aggresive for some strange reason. When I got out of my car this morning he attacked me, I pulled my pistol and put him down.
The bad news is that he didn't make it.
The good news is that he dropped a uber peice of armor I've been wanting.
I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
IF you really cared for him yould beat yourself for making such a stupid remark like that..... If you're really sad about something you don't make fun of it.
Played- Runescape, Conquer
Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld
It's your fault the dog attacked you.
My dog on the otherhand is the most lovely dog in the world and would never ever hurt a fly seems st bernards atleast mine are the best natured dogs.
Don't click here...no2
*looks at dog*
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
no matter how old the dog is they rarely attack their owner. maybe the next thing you should do is to shoot yourself in the head and see how it feels (instead of using a hand-gun maybe use something with a bit more power... like a shotgun).
I can't wait till PETA fanatics see this thread (maybe they've already commented...).
And then they'll tell you to kill yourself instead of the animal (dont know much detail about your situation though). In either case, in my opinion, humans > dogs any day.
I have two loving dogs, one that has the strange problem of chasing semi's down the road. Weird things happen. Some animals are crazy/agressive. Facts of life.
*looks at dog*
That was there the whole time, I just highlighted it because you guys missed the joke...and no I didn't really shoot my dog. lol
See Scruffy's alright.
I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
Kurt Cobain already did this experiment. He's a little behind on sending the feedback, though.
Kurt Cobain already did this experiment. He's a little behind on sending the feedback, though.
Although it did wonders for Courtney Love's carreer.
I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
*looks at dog*
That was there the whole time, I just highlighted it because you guys missed the joke...and no I didn't really shoot my dog. lol
See Scruffy's alright.
I saw the joke at the end of the post but It sounded like you were trying to look at the bright side by joking about it.
Least the dog is OK, scruffy is very cute
That picture mesmerises me. And look at how people overreacted! I'm pretty sure someone wouldn't post a joke at the end of a tragedy unless it was itself a joke. You people need to lighten up and stop taking things like this too seriously...
I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.
I call Photoshopped!! Nice work, though
I call Photoshopped!! Nice work, though
Tape damnit! Tape!
Okay theres an idea
I call Photoshopped!! Nice work, though
Probably not his dog either...
Edit: Surprise Surprise
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I call Photoshopped!! Nice work, though
Probably not his dog either...
Edit: Surprise Surprise
Oh,man....pwned by google MMO_MAN, say it ain't so
LOL... thats silly.... My goodness, if my little poodle ever got aggressive I would just yell "FLUFFY GET DOWN" ! and point at the floor and he would sit.