WARHAMMER is great and good thing they dont make a W40K version. It would play too fast and their would be too much shooting.
And hopefully they will introduce new races in expansion. And how do you know they don't have khorne or nurgle the WAR website only show 2 out of 4 so far. Tzeentch and a Chaos Undivided Chosen warrior.
Best is CHAOS...
"Dont unthinkingly follow authorities, whether intellectual, political or religious. And dont unthinkingly follow traditions, or social conventions. Think for yourself. Look at the facts, and try to base you're views and your behavior on how things actually are."
I honestly am so sick of High elfs and elfs in fantasy games. First off they look totally gay. They also remind me of rich ass holes. Does anyone else hate the Light skinned, Gay, know it all, rich assholes that we would call elfs in the these type of games?
Originally posted by kdfosifki WARHAMMER is great and good thing they dont make a W40K version. It would play too fast and their would be too much shooting. And hopefully they will introduce new races in expansion. And how do you know they don't have khorne or nurgle the WAR website only show 2 out of 4 so far. Tzeentch and a Chaos Undivided Chosen warrior. Best is CHAOS...
I hate to be the bringer of bad news but they have decided to only have Tzeentch as the one and only chaos god. The chosen warrior is not undivided but Tzeentch as well. Hence the reason he is blue and has a bird heads on his knee plates.
I dont know anyone in the fanbase that is happy about this. Mythic just sticks with the Because we can attitude of why they chose one god. I honestly dont think it is that much more work to add the others but oh well.
You can't beat the undead, especially Tomb Kings!!!
But if skaven ever get put into the game that will be great too. I think if they do they will have a main enemy like the other races. I believe it would be the lizardmen.
Anyway, when Warhammer Online comes out I'm going to be a dwarf (Engineer)
The greenskins don't stand a chance against the dwarves!
Originally posted by tbox I honestly am so sick of High elfs and elfs in fantasy games. First off they look totally gay. They also remind me of rich ass holes. Does anyone else hate the Light skinned, Gay, know it all, rich assholes that we would call elfs in the these type of games?
I too despise the stereotype of the typical elf. Wise and beautiful yet sleek and deadly. What the crap?!?
What I do like about Warhammer however is they don't play this stereotype too much.
The High Elves are very advanced in the ways of magic and warfare and have a very professional government and army/navy. They are extremmely arrogant and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty when the time comes. They have excellent archers and ranged attacks but they also have formidalble cavalry and the best defense regiments in the game (SPEARMEN, SWORDMASTERS, and WHITE LIONS woot!). These High Elves remind me of a very Imperialistic Japan circa early 20th century.
The Dark Elves are extremmely kickass. I played a 2000pt army with them and loved every minute of it. From Cold One Chariots to Executioners to War Hydras, this race of Dark Elves are anything but gay and rich assholely (<--that a word ). Not to mention they have some very sweet looking models and awesome armor concepts. Just wait till Mythic releases some pics of heavy armored Dark Elves such as the Black Guard, Executioners, or Spearman/Crossbowman. Oh man I think when that happens 1/2 the Chaos population will switch to being Dark Elf.
Now Wood Elves (yes, Wood Elves is what they are called...) are the best ranged attackers in the Warhammer Universe. In the table top you could field an army where every single model/unit could throw/shoot something. These are your stereotypical tree-hugging elves with the pale skin and "Oh look at me and my pretty bow..." crap. Yet since Games-Workshop revamped this race I gotta give these W.Elves credit, they can dish it out. They also re-vamped several treekin based units (maybe we'll see these as monsters in WAR?!? ) like those seen as the Ents in LOTR.
With all this said, add a touch of gore and blood and a hefty tea spoon of gothic artistry and Warhammer produces some of the finest elves I've ever seen.
Dwarfs of any kind but slayer if i was pushed
except no substitute
WARHAMMER is great and good thing they dont make a W40K version. It would play too fast and their would be too much shooting.
And hopefully they will introduce new races in expansion. And how do you know they don't have khorne or nurgle the WAR website only show 2 out of 4 so far. Tzeentch and a Chaos Undivided Chosen warrior.
Best is CHAOS...
"Dont unthinkingly follow authorities, whether intellectual, political or religious. And dont unthinkingly follow traditions, or social conventions. Think for yourself. Look at the facts, and try to base you're views and your behavior on how things actually are."
I dont know anyone in the fanbase that is happy about this. Mythic just sticks with the Because we can attitude of why they chose one god. I honestly dont think it is that much more work to add the others but oh well.
You can't beat the undead, especially Tomb Kings!!!
But if skaven ever get put into the game that will be great too. I think if they do they will have a main enemy like the other races. I believe it would be the lizardmen.
Anyway, when Warhammer Online comes out I'm going to be a dwarf (Engineer)
The greenskins don't stand a chance against the dwarves!
I too despise the stereotype of the typical elf. Wise and beautiful yet sleek and deadly. What the crap?!?
What I do like about Warhammer however is they don't play this stereotype too much.
The High Elves are very advanced in the ways of magic and warfare and have a very professional government and army/navy. They are extremmely arrogant and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty when the time comes. They have excellent archers and ranged attacks but they also have formidalble cavalry and the best defense regiments in the game (SPEARMEN, SWORDMASTERS, and WHITE LIONS woot!). These High Elves remind me of a very Imperialistic Japan circa early 20th century.
The Dark Elves are extremmely kickass. I played a 2000pt army with them and loved every minute of it. From Cold One Chariots to Executioners to War Hydras, this race of Dark Elves are anything but gay and rich assholely (<--that a word ). Not to mention they have some very sweet looking models and awesome armor concepts. Just wait till Mythic releases some pics of heavy armored Dark Elves such as the Black Guard, Executioners, or Spearman/Crossbowman. Oh man I think when that happens 1/2 the Chaos population will switch to being Dark Elf.
Now Wood Elves (yes, Wood Elves is what they are called...) are the best ranged attackers in the Warhammer Universe. In the table top you could field an army where every single model/unit could throw/shoot something. These are your stereotypical tree-hugging elves with the pale skin and "Oh look at me and my pretty bow..." crap. Yet since Games-Workshop revamped this race I gotta give these W.Elves credit, they can dish it out. They also re-vamped several treekin based units (maybe we'll see these as monsters in WAR?!? ) like those seen as the Ents in LOTR.
With all this said, add a touch of gore and blood and a hefty tea spoon of gothic artistry and Warhammer produces some of the finest elves I've ever seen.