hello. yes, wow is easy but its fun too.
I was walking on the side walk at school and I saw this plant and I thought to myself HARVEST !!!!
It looked like peacebloom. Im up to level 22 in collecting herbs now.
OMG, these impulsive thoughts are popping into my head while im walking around in RL...
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I was rushing to work on my scooter early in the morning, looked down at my dashboard and noticed I was almost out of gas!
So I thought to myself: "Damn, I'm almost out of mana."
DOOOH, I was laughing out loud while I was riding to work xD some people looked at me funny. Believe me guys, dont raid till late in the morning when you've got work in the morning ;p
Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)
Posting in an epic thread... (Sorry, had to do it!!)
I work with a few people that play, most of them are alliance, while I play horde... Sometimes we'll get stupid, my buddy that plays a mage drilled me in the back with a snow ball, yells out (in the middle of work) X hits Y with a 1500 crit frostbolt... So I spent the rest of the day backstabbing him with a spork... Fun stuff...