well... being in a guild allows you to make lots of friends obviously. you get to raid with your guild assuming there is room for everyone. sometimes, your guild tag acts as a ... identifier of the type of player/person you are. depending on the guild of course. in time of need being in a guild may also get you the help you need for things you aren't big or powerful enough to do alone. killing a boss mob for instance.
in everquest, the guild HOUSE or HALL was used for a meeting place. it housed a guild bank, which has obvious appeal and uses. it also had crafting machinery, allowing people to craft in the peace and quiet of their guild hall.
or are you asking about the actual guild HOUSE? a building in the game?
Qendiil - 70th Paladin of Tunare - 7th Hammer
well... being in a guild allows you to make lots of friends obviously. you get to raid with your guild assuming there is room for everyone. sometimes, your guild tag acts as a ... identifier of the type of player/person you are. depending on the guild of course. in time of need being in a guild may also get you the help you need for things you aren't big or powerful enough to do alone. killing a boss mob for instance.
in everquest, the guild HOUSE or HALL was used for a meeting place. it housed a guild bank, which has obvious appeal and uses. it also had crafting machinery, allowing people to craft in the peace and quiet of their guild hall.
hope this helps
Qendiil - 70th Paladin of Tunare - 7th Hammer