Ummmmm...well that's Paul Barnett and Jeff Hickman on the videos. So unless they've been kidnapped by Blizzard employees who are holding them at gunpoint off-camera and forcing them to make things up on the spot, then yes...I'd say it's legit.
Originally posted by callmetoby Ummmmm...well that's Paul Barnett and Jeff Hickman on the videos. So unless they've been kidnapped by Blizzard employees who are holding them at gunpoint off-camera and forcing them to make things up on the spot, then yes...I'd say it's legit.
Hey looks like Mr. Grammer needs to improve as well. You forgot the spaces between the "..." it's actually ". . ." and you forgot a comma betwen "gunpoint and off-camera" because you're using multiple adjectives. Also, you you have too many "m's in your "Ummmmm". Another point (+1) for self-inflated TOBY for pointing out people's grammer mistakes in a gaming forum. You're awesome man.
Originally posted by BumLife Hey looks like Mr. Grammer needs to improve as well. You forgot the spaces between the "..." it's actually ". . ." and you forgot a comma betwen "gunpoint and off-camera" because you're using multiple adjectives. Also, you you have too many "m's in your "Ummmmm". Another point (+1) for self-inflated TOBY for pointing out people's grammer mistakes in a gaming forum. You're awesome man.
Yay, looks like I've made a friend.
Actually, in response to your issues with my punctuation, I am not using gunpoint and off-camera as separate adjectives. If I were, I would be saying they were holding them at gunpoint while simultaneously holding them off camera...which makes no sense in this case. Whereas in its current context "off-camera" actually refers to the location of the Blizzard employees who would, in fact, be holding said guns.
We could do this all day, but I'd prefer not to. You really shouldn't get riled up so easily. It's not healthy.
Actually, in response to your issues with my punctuation, I am not using gunpoint and off-camera as separate adjectives. If I were, I would be saying they were holding them at gunpoint while simultaneously holding them off camera...which makes no sense in this case. Whereas in its current context "off-camera" actually refers to the location of the Blizzard employees who would, in fact, be holding said guns.
We could do this all day, but I'd prefer not to. You really shouldn't get riled up so easily. It's not healthy.
You complete me TOBY. I love how you put so much effort into replying to my sarcastic comments. BTW you have no friends.
Ummmmm...well that's Paul Barnett and Jeff Hickman on the videos. So unless they've been kidnapped by Blizzard employees who are holding them at gunpoint off-camera and forcing them to make things up on the spot, then yes...I'd say it's legit.
Proud Member of Mongbat
Actually, in response to your issues with my punctuation, I am not using gunpoint and off-camera as separate adjectives. If I were, I would be saying they were holding them at gunpoint while simultaneously holding them off camera...which makes no sense in this case. Whereas in its current context "off-camera" actually refers to the location of the Blizzard employees who would, in fact, be holding said guns.
We could do this all day, but I'd prefer not to. You really shouldn't get riled up so easily. It's not healthy.
Proud Member of Mongbat
Actually, in response to your issues with my punctuation, I am not using gunpoint and off-camera as separate adjectives. If I were, I would be saying they were holding them at gunpoint while simultaneously holding them off camera...which makes no sense in this case. Whereas in its current context "off-camera" actually refers to the location of the Blizzard employees who would, in fact, be holding said guns.
We could do this all day, but I'd prefer not to. You really shouldn't get riled up so easily. It's not healthy.
You complete me TOBY. I love how you put so much effort into replying to my sarcastic comments. BTW you have no friends.
Proud Member of Mongbat
Guild Wars 2 is my religion