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I want to buy ISK! Gold Farmers please help...

mindspatmindspat Member Posts: 1,367

Sure I do.  But the *LAST* thing I would do is buy it from scum bag scammers who thrive to steal cread card info 'cs they're locked in a basement, in China, getting paid 0.02 cents an hour to grind for game currency!

These people who "grind gold" are frequently locked in the building they are playing from.  It is not to prevent the autorities from catching them, unfettered internet access is illegal in China, it is to prevent them from escaping!   Often enough they are held for 20 hours or more without being permited to leave.

I hope everyone knows these people who sell "gold" for online games are the common avenue for credit card fraud.  I've known of a few who have been victimized after venturing to a site or two in pursuit of "gold".  IT happens.

You would do better by randomly posting your credit card information on various forums asking for someone to charge your card after they give you "gold". 

China does not pursue these criminals.  They do not advocate consumer protection related to fraud.

If you are buying "gold" from these "chinese gold farmers" you are permiting your self to be vitimized through indentity theft.

Do not do it.  You have been warned.

p.s. I play for a challenge and have never engaged in a transaction that's amounted to real monies for virtual items. Nor will I ever.


  • TaramTaram Member CommonPosts: 1,700
    I don't get how they make money selling ISK to be honest.  For $15 I can get between 150 and 200 MILLION ISK just by *legally* selling a game time code for ISK in game (supported and enforced by CCP) and there's even a completely secure method of doing so now.  Why anyone would buy ISK for cash ILLEGALLY when they can pretty much do the same thing completely legally, without risking being banned in a completely secure mannter that protects their identity and credit information is beyond me.

    Owell who knows.  I just hope the staff cleans up the spammer's posts and bans him.  Cuz I'm tired of reading his prattle.

    "A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell

  • SonOfAGhostSonOfAGhost Member Posts: 383
    It's interesting the number of people that complain on the official forums about the isk for time-codes thing.  They're looking at it as just another RL cash for isk rather than looking at the impact on the game, CCP and the isk farmers.

    Impact on the game, Isk purchased from farmers is bad for the game for 2 reasons:

    1. Artificial inflation for high-end items since the isk used for the purchase wasn't earned by a 'real' player and would otherwise not exist in the game.  So 'legit' players that don't power-grind isk can't afford them, the farmers and their customers have very much harmed a normal players game.  GTC purchased isk on the other hand already exists in the game and was earned by a 'real' player.  No inflation because the same items are being purchased for the same amount, just not by the same player as they otherwise would have.  Same impact on the game as transferring isk to a PvP main from a prodution/trader alt.

    2. Suppression of low-end mineral prices making mining less viable for 'real' players.  Most minerals are trading via private deals off the market but the pricing for those is usually based on the market.  A huge amount of the minerals on that market are produced by farmers in high-sec.   Farmers undercut each other resulting in lower prices that just aren't worth bothering with if you're not at it 23/7 in a Covetor or bigger.  Mining is boring as it is without reducing the payoff.

    Impact on CCP, they get cash from card sales that would otherwise to to isk sellers, good for CCP, bad for isk sellers, no impact on players since the $ to isk conversion would take place anyway, just different parties involved.

    Impact on the isk sellers.  Drives down their profits and eventually force them out of Eve.  Seriously, think about it.  The prices quoted in the evemail SPAM I get from the farmers have dropped by 70% since the spring.  GTCs are still a cheaper way of buying isk and keep getting better because there are always more people with isk looking to buy them then there are sellers.  There's people making isk just reselling GTCs because of this. image The higher the isk price of a GTC, the lower the $ value of isk that the farmers can ask for.  Yes there labour is cheap, but their hardware, net connection and game subscription aren't free either, and the latter isn't cheap by Chinese standards either.  So they're doing less business volume and making less profit per transaction and it keeps going down.  This latest forum spammer is starting to sell off his characters, a good sign that his business isn't doing so well.
  • TaramTaram Member CommonPosts: 1,700
    Yep exactly
    Mind you I have never sold a GTC myself just that if I really needed ISK that badly there's a legal way to do so that doesn't involve banning and typically has a better exchange rate :)

    Actually I've considered BUYING a GTC with ISK recently but since I'm saving for a cap ship I haven't yet started to do that.  Once I have a carrier I might start doing it though :)  Playing for "free" will be nice.

    "A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell

  • LeJohnLeJohn Member Posts: 313


    There are actually videos on youtube of the game sweat shops, but you want to know the funniest thing.  The Chinese game shops are putting the Korean game shops out of business, it’s is funny to watch the video where the Korean sweat shop guy is complaining that he has to shut down because he can no longer compete with the Chinese sweat shops. (Ok ironic funny not HaHa funny)


    Here is a great cartoon site’s take on this problem and yes it is a problem. I did not realize how much a problem it was till a few weeks ago.  I was moving a load of Freight from my base in lari to my pos Irjune 28 jumps so of course was windowed and playing WOW on Blackfathomdeep  WOW RPG server. I was trying to get Capt. Sander’s treasure map to drop so chased a coast runner over a hill where I saw hundreds of tide crawlers dead and a female mage dispatching one after another, sit and recover then kill another.   I had dispatched the runner so I hailed her as is the custom on RPG servers “Hail fair lady how fare thee?”  (note: in EVE I use a modern hail) , no answer. “Good lady, it seems you have been quite busy”  no answer she just kept running up and down the beach killing tide crawlers.


    A passing dwarf said [don’t bother she’s a bot].  :[A what? Why would you use a bot on an RPG server?] I asked the dwarf.  [she’s a lvl bot] “Take care good sir” the drawf said as he ran off. “Well met and fare thee well good sir” I answered back


    Then curious and because I still had 11 jumps to go I went on line and did a google for level bots, what I found shocked and amazed me.


    I was shocked that people actually paid to have a bot play for them and lvl their avatars. Really, can anyone explain to me; what is the point of playing a game, if you are not going to actually play it?  This goes back to people that buy gold or ISK, it is not that hard to tweek you’re Avatars by simply running multiple Avatars. For example in EVE you can easily set up 2 accounts, which to be honest I pay more for my Mtn Dew habit a month than the 5 game accounts I have in different games.  Anyway you can easily support your avatars and provide them with everything they need without buying isk and without working that hard. By a few of the right BPOs and sell the right stuff and anything you need can easily be provided by a little work on your part.


    What amazed me was not so much that players were so lazy that they would actually buy gold/isk but that game companies actually support it.  Ok I understand why CCP does; it allows players to continue to pay for their accounts. But if you do a search on EVEO you well see lots of post where players pay for multiple accounts by selling isk, and are proud of it. Ok, paying for your personal account by working I have no problem with, but if you have multiple accounts for the sole reason of farming isk to sell to pay for your multiple accounts… That just seems wrong to me.  


    Just as wrong as using an lvl bot on an RPG (not normal, not PVP) server. Seriously, what is the point or actually, they are missing the point of that type of server IMHO.

  • keraamkeraam Member Posts: 11

    There is plenty more to a game than leveling your character. While you might find leveling fun, there are probally 5 others who don't. Why play then? Well for many other reasons such as high end raiding, tradeskilling, just being around friends. There are less people who actually enjoy the process over the results.

    Now when it comes to selling isk and why do people buy it? Probally for the same reasons. They made 25$ an hour at their job. They can either A) spend that money for x amount of gold which would take a days worth of farming to get or to B) lose say 1600$ because they farmed all day instead of working an 8 hour work day... Sure it is a tad extreme but the benefits outweigh the negatives as I am sure these people don't enjoy spending all that time stairing at a screen repeating their actions for 8 hours...

    I am guessing since you don't understand why people buy gold or level their own characters that you feel that Eve's leveling system is too lax and you want to actually work at making those skills effectivly increasing the time it takes to learn them 3 fold? No more setting them to go overnight while you sleep and during those hours you're are school/work.

    It's not exactly unfair for one person to gain x gold by paying x $$ when another person has to farm it themselves... It's all about what one person is willing to do for that gold...

    Now we all dislike chinese gold farmers... Not exactly for what they contribute but because of what they take away in terms of our ability to farm that area as well.

    All in all, people play the games for different reasons... 

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